Kloo Tz'aak by KissMyWookiee

Big Game Hunter
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 12
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 9
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 3
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 4
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Czerka Arms KS-23 Hammer
Ranged: Heavy
Blast 6, Knockdown, Innate Talent: Point Blank Rank +1, Innate Talent: Quick Draw, Accuracy +1


Weapons & Armor

Skill: Ranged (Heavy)
Dam: 10
Crit: 4
Range: Short
Encum: 3 (base 4, 1 removed by mod)
HP: 3 (0 available)
Price: 4,200 (1,500+550+400+950+800)
Rarity: 5
Special: Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 1, Innate Talent: Point Blank Rank +1, Innate Talent: Quick Draw, Accuracy +1


Forearm Grip
Base Modifier: Decreases the additional difficulty of making Ranged (Heavy) checks with this weapon while engaged to an additional ◆ (rather than ◆◆).
Modification Option: 1 Innate Talent (Point Blank Rank +1) Mod
HP: 1
Price: 550 (250+300)

Custom-tooled Bantha hide sling
Base Modifier: Decrease Cumbersome rating by 1
Modification Option: 1 Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod
HP: 1
Price: 400 (100+300)

Electronic Sighting System
Price: 500
HP: 1
Rarity: 4
Base Modifier: Aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decrease difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions by one.
Mod Option: Accurate +1
Price: 800 (500+300)

The Model 4 is a large-caliber smoothbore slugthrower that fires a canister of small explosive pellets in a five-round, self-loading magazine. Once fired, it is a decidedly unsubtle weapon, making an unmistakable BANG — hence its "Thunderhead" nickname.

Price: 50
Encum: 1
Rarity: 5

To use an electro-snare, an individual must make a Survival check to set and conceal the snare with a difficulty set by the Game Master based on surrounding environmental factors. Once successfully hidden, any animal or sentient approaching the snare must make an Opposed Perception check against the Survival skill of the character who originally set the snare. If the snare remains undetected, it fires a powerful stun blast at the target once it enters engaged range, automatically hitting and dealing 10 stun damage (the damage is applied to the target's strain threshold but does not ignore soak), plus 2 additional damage per & scored on the initial Survival check.

Skill: Melee
Dam: +1
Crit: 2
Range: Engaged
Encum: 1
HP: 2
Price: 250
Rarity: 3
Special: Pierce 2, Vicious 1

[Added panels from TaggeCo. Protector 1 Combat Armour]
Defense: 1
Soak: 2
Price: 50
Encum: 4
HP: 3
Rarity: 7

Protects user from a specified environmental condition for 8 hours.

Add 1 setback dice to any Agility-based or Perception checks while wearing the suit.

[see: Heavy Clothing]
Defense: 0
Soak: 1
Price: 50
Encum: 1
HP: 0
Rarity: 0

[see: Tracker Utility Vest]
Defense: 0
Soak: 0
Price: 175 (100+75)
Encum: -
HP: 1 (0 available)
Rarity: 2

Tracker utility vest increases the
wearer's encumbrance threshold by 2

Modification: see hat.

Personal Gear

COMLINK (handheld)
Price: 25
Encum: 0
Rarity: 0

Price: 25
Encum: -
Rarity: 0

Utility belts increase the character's encumbrance threshold by 1.

[see: Cyroncorp EnhanceScan General Purpose Scanner]
Price: 500
Encum: 2
Rarity: 3

Provides life-form tracking, motion sensing, metal detection, and the ability to intercept standard frequency comlink transmissions. The motion sensing operates up to half a kilometer, while the remaining systems can detect targets up to a kilometer and a half, and the comlink interceptor can catch signals from much further.

[see: hunting goggles]
Price: 600
Encum: 0
Rarity: 5

Hunting Goggles grant [1 blue] to any Perception skill checks made to locate prey, and thanks to their image magnification and enhancement, they remove up to ■■ imposed due to concealment, darkness, or fog and mist from all Ranged (Light) and Ranged (Heavy) checks.

Modification (attached to tracker utility vest, but moved here for flavor):

Passive Foliage Suit
Base Modifier: Add 1 setback die to attempts to detect concealed individual.
HP: 1
Price: 75

[see: Creshaldyne Mk. IV Modular Backpack]
Price: 120 (75+15+15+15)
Encum: -
Rarity: 1

The Mk. II Modular Backpack increases the user's encumbrance threshold by 3, plus an additional 1 point of encumbrance threshold for each accessory pouch to a maximum of 3. Note: Total encumbrance threshold increase of 6.

Price: 500
Encum: 5
Rarity: 4

Setting up a held kitchen takes about thirty standard minutes. Thanks to the efficient design and the information included in the datapad, using a held kitchen grants ■■ to any Survival or Education skill checks made to store, identify, cook, or sterilize comestibles (and can, at the CM's discretion, allow the processing of foods that normally could not be made edible).

Price: 300
Encum: 3
Rarity: 5

Using the Viscera Field Dressing Kit grants a hunter [1 blue] to any Survival skill checks made to harvest meat, organs, or bones from a prey animal.

Price: 25
Encum: 0
Rarity: 1

Price: Unknown
Encum: 0
Rarity: Unknown

A clear cylinder of orange, pungent powder. A cooking spice, bakuran flameroot is a strange, intoxicating spice that Kloo hadn't smelled before discovering it aboard the Scion. Very hot, but with a smooth feel.

Assets & Resources

[see: EG-6 Power Droid]
Cost: Everything I have left (2030)

Brawn: 1
Agility: 1
Intelligence: 2
Cunning: 1
Willpower: 2
Perception: 1

Soak: 4
Wounds: 10
M Def: 0
R Def: 0

Skills: None
Talents: Can carry 6 encumbrance of equipment
Abilities: Droid
Equipment: Manipulator Arm, Backup Battery (can power field kitchen kit)
Note: Has defective navigational ability - requires near-constant directions to traverse any significant distances to camp.

"Gonk. Gonk. Gonk. Gonk. Gorp? Go-oooorp?"

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Forager 1 135 EotE Core Rulebook Remove up to ■■ from skill checks to find food, water, or shelter. Survival checks to forage take half the time.
Grit 1 143 EotE Core Rulebook Gain + 1 strain treshold.
Stalker 2 145 EotE Core Rulebook Add [1 blue] per rank of Stalker to all Stealth and Coordination checks.
Toughened 1 141 EotE Core Rulebook Gain +2 wound threshold.
Outdoorsman 1 133 EotE Core Rulebook Remove ■ per rank of Outdoorsman from checks to move through terrain or manage environmental effects. Decrease overland travel times by half.
Confidence 1 139 EotE Core Rulebook May decrease difficulty or Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence
Expert Tracker 1 135 EotE Core Rulebook Remove ■ per rank of Expert Tracker from checks to find tracks or track targets. Decrease time to track a target by half.
Quick Strike 1 136 EotE Core Rulebook Add [1 blue] per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter.


Kloo never fit in with his people. He was born to a Pa'lowick family in the "Little Lowick" neighborhood of Nar Shaddaa. Named after the kloo horn — an ubiquitous jizz instrument — his parents had high hopes that Kloo would become a successful singer/songwriter (as all good Pa'lowick parents hope for their children).

Unfortunately for Kloo, he is totally tone deaf. What's worse is that the Lowickese language is strikingly musical, with varying pitches and tonality modifying the emotional content of the spoken message. (Note: Lowickese requires the speaker to purse their lips and blow air; it's considered highly amusing by other species.) This causes Kloo significant communication issues with his family and the wider Pa'lowick ex-pat enclave on Nar Shaddaa, as he continuously misses social cues and miscommunicates his own emotions. Eventually, he finds himself ostracized from his community.

Kloo would have been lost, if not for latching on to his true passion: the culinary arts.

Kloo signed on to the crew of the Romodi Renaissance as the ship's chef. He secretly plans to jump ship once the passenger ship reaches the frontier.



Kloo's grandfather Ro Tz'aak was a galactically renowned Master Chef, known for two things: (1) his award-winning dish of roast doydo puttanesto, the recipe for which has been passed down from generation to generation in his family since, and (2) being socially inept in Pa'lowick society. In fact, that's why the Tz'aak clan had left Lowick for Nar Shaddaa half a century ago. Just like Kloo, Grandpa Ro never quite got along with the other Pa'lowicks.

But Grandpa Ro's success as a chef brought great pride to his family so his social shortcomings were overlooked. Kloo desperately wants the same acceptance from his family and so he has set out to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and become a Master Chef in his own right.

And that heirloom recipe would be the perfect vehicle to achieve success! But there's a catch — the doydo, a species of particularly delectable lizard present on Lowick, has been hunted to extinction. Despite spending countless hours in the kitchen trying to find a substitute meat source that passably replicates his grandfather's recipe, taste testing nearly every potential gastronomically option known to the wider galaxy, and despite dedicating incredible resources on food synthesizers and technological solutions, Kloo has yet to find a suitable replacement.

So now Kloo wanders the galaxy in search of new flora and fauna just waiting to be discovered, each new taste a potential fix for his defunct family recipe. He wants nothing more than to find a suitable substitute and prove himself deserving of his family's love by triumphing in the top galactic chef circuits. Let someone else in his family sing the song of his victory, for he'll be too busy cooking!


OBLIGATION: Obsession - 10

Oftentimes, Kloo takes his culinary pursuits a bit too far — to the point of obsession. He doggedly pursues his drive to hunt/gather, cook and eat nearly every non-sapient living creature he encounters. If he smells something particularly tasty, it might occupy his thoughts to the detriment of his well being or any objective he should be pursuing.

To pursue this practice, Kloo is known to drag both a field kitchen and a portable hunter's dressing kit with him whenever he's on a frontier world. These bulky additions to his kit require significant care.


Kloo is a rotund male Pa'lowick standing at a squat 1.66 meters. His pale yellow skin is mottled with vibrant blotches of indigo and a handful of black inked tattoos. A prominent, tubular prehensile snout juts out between his eye stalks. This proboscis is tipped with a pair of blue human-like lips. Below this is his second mouth, from which often enough dangles a rekka cigarra tightly rolled in rashallo leaves.

When on duty in the ship's mess hall, he wears a chef's hat and pristine white chef coat. Short, striped trousers contribute to his professional appearance.

When planetside, he wears a thick black apron — embroidered with the words "KISS THE COOK" — over his round belly. His apron is cinched tight by a bandolier strapped over his shoulder and containing small vials of various salts, ingredients and food spices. Atop these he wears a leather tracker's utility vest, .

His eyestalks are covered by plasteel goggle-like eyecaps, which are attached to — and peek out through — his brown, wide-brimmed leather hat. The eyecap lenses glow a faint electronic green. Kloo has taken some branches and cuttings of local plantlife and stuffed them in the band of his hat as a rudimentary form of camouflage.

Whether out in the wilderness or on the ship, Kloo isn't commonly seen clad in footwear. The tough soles of his anisodactylic feet (with three toes pointing forward and one back) are accustomed to most conditions, while the toe configuration assists with swimming and balance.

A large backpack carries a vast, bulky collection of hunting gear and culinary equipment — in fact, you can see the handle of a durite frying pan and the power pack of an oversized vibro-bladed chef's knife sticking out. In his hands is his trusty slugthrower scattergun.

“I know we’re in the middle of something important here... but what is that alluring smell?”

"Mmm. Don't you look like a tasty morsel! Now, come to Kloo, you'll go in my stew..."

"I'd kill for a sous who knows his shebs from a hole in the ground. No really, who do I need ta kill?"

Other Notes

Scavengers: Receive the talent "Forager."
Aquatic: Can hold breath for a long time and remove all movement penalties for being underwater. Remove setback for humidity, add setback for dry conditions.
Language: Pa'lowick can speak Basic and Lowickese.

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