Manos (p-40963) by Brownji

Anzellan/ Ardennian
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 10
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 1
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) X 1
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 1
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Fusion Cutter
Breach 1, Burn 3, Sunder, Vicious 3


Weapons & Armor

Fusion Cutter (powered by small Kyber crystal)
(p-02649) / (Scar)
^Encumbrance - 2^

Heavy Clothing (p-00042)
^Encumbrance - 1^

Personal Gear

Comm link (communications device)

Wampa Tooth Necklace -
Adds blue dice when intimidation is a factor.

Verpine Bond Gauntlets - provides stabilization to hand and arm movements. Add 1 boost dice to checks made to handle volatile materials or perform delicate work.
^Encumbrance - 1^

Datapad (p-20111)
^Encumbrance - 1^

Backpack (p-77715)

Utility Belt

4 stimpacks

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Microscoptics 1
Setback attack dice 1
Silhouette-less 1 invisibility
Prehensile Feet? 1 Move on vertical surfaces as if they were horizontal


Father is an Anzellan. Mother is an Ardennian. Manos has always been the smallest being around. He’s used to being overlooked and underestimated. Because of this, he had to grow up pretty fast. Though small in size, his biggest strength is his intellect. Manos grew up having to scavenge to survive. His best find was the tiniest Kyber crystal he’s ever seen (which is saying something considering how small HE is). He’s learned how tinker with all forms of technology to create whatever he imagines. Using the Kyber crystal as a new power source for his trusty Fusion Cutter, it’s been easy breaking into and cutting his way through anything…so FAR…

At 15 years old, Manos fell into the wrong crowd who used him for his size and his mind. The Wastelanders were their name. They had Manos as their grease man as well as their hacker. Manos learned early on that hacking droids and computers were his go-to maneuver. Entering and hacking droids provided him protection, new weapons, and also turns one of the enemies against the rest.
During the last ride with hi last group, Manos (now age 20) was left behind. The Wastelanders decided to save themselves and left Manos to rot in jail or die. It was the last the Wastelanders heard of Manos…for NOW…

Manos was taken to MYTUS VII, one of the best most dreaded prisons in the galaxy. While he was there, he was able to make friends with some of the other prisoners. Because of how small of a threat he seemed, Manos was able to stow away little pieces of technology on his person. While in his cell, he’d continue to tinker to create multiple pieces of technology. The hope was to have everything he needed to escape this prison. He made com devices that were able to sync up to other robotic prisoners. In total, Manos had managed to recruit 20 prisoners to his great escape plan. One surprise he was not expecting was the appearance on a Jedi in the prison. Scar Ken (who had been keeping his Jedi powers a secret) caught wind of Manos’ plan (through the Force) to escape and wanted in. It was not easy for Manos to trust Scar, as he was backstabbed before. Scar ensured because he was a Jedi, he had his life to lose if the guards found out his true identity. Scar continued to communicate telepathically with Manos to ensure every part of the plan was perfect.

Manos, now 25, now had everything to escape. He first escaped his cell by short circuiting the locks. He’d then use his small size and agility to crawl on walls and ceilings alike to start jail breaking all his cyborg and droid compatriots. After every prisoner was freed, they’d make their way to Manos’ room to retrieve some sort of item that could be used as a weapon. Scar was the last to be freed.

The group of 21 would make their way, floor by floor to the hangar where they hoped to hijack a ship. Along the way, they were able to raid the staff barracks and find several of their belongings. They were cut off right before reaching the hangar and engaged in very outgunned compact. They decided to escape to where the escape pods were. When they got there, they realized their numbers had severely been cut. Only 6 of them remained.

With Manos trying to hack his way to get an escape pod working for them, the rest of them group knew it was not likely they would all make it out in one piece. This is where one by one, they entrusted their belongings to Manos. One by one, they offered Manos a gift, a reminder of this glorious day. Where even droids felt alive and free. After each gift was laid at Manos’ feet, they would leave to stall for more time. It was just Manos, Scar, and p-05187 left, who was the biggest and most durable of the droids. He was the only one that had survived until this point. Realizing that something was wrong (as Manos still hadn’t been able to get into the escape pod, Scar made a call.

“Hey, you’re going to need this in the future. Try not to lose it this time. It’s special, I should know.” Scar then reveals he had found Manos’ Fusion Cutter and tosses it to him. “Go, live for all of us. You’ll be a legend no one knows about. They’ll cover his up in all of the galaxy, but everyone here at this prison will know that you escaped MYTUS VII.” With that, scar dropped the makeshift blaster he had into the force and began to open one of the escape pods. “Take him and GO! NOW!” With that command, p-05187 sipped Manos and all of the belongings off the floor and made his way onto the escape pod. Scar then began to close the hatch. While on the ship, p-05187 finally spoke for the first time today. Though they had communicated in that past via comms, its voice was surprisingly soothing and gentle. “Thank you Manos. Today we lived, thanks to you. Today we will put our future in your tomorrow.” As he was speaking, the droid began opening his body to a compartment near his chest. He then moved the items into the cavity first, followed by the begrudgingly distraught tiny creature. “WE WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT!! …” Manos shouted as tears ran down his small face.

As the doors to the droid come to the close Manos is able to look outside the escape pod hatch, which is almost shut as well. He makes eye contact with Scar one last time. “May t—“ Scar is cut off by the simultaneous shutting of the droid doors and the escape pod doors. Manos can now only hear the compressed sounds coming from p-05187 moving about the ship as well as his own crying. He feels movement as the vibrations come through the metal body he is in. The pod is free. Soon after Manos feels the jump to light speed. It’s a feeling of reassurance. So much so, he falls asleep.

Manos feels a heat so intense, it wakes him. He’s tangled in wires while sparkles are flying around him. Something has happened. Something is happening to p-05187. He yells from inside but to no avail. The only thing the the droid keeps saying is incomprehensible, but it keeps saying it. As if on repeat. There is flash rush of foam that foods the chamber Manos is in. It completely cases him and the items with him. The intense heat is brought down tremendously as the foam starts to harden on the outside layers. Then there is a the loudest sound ever heard by Manos followed by black.

Manos wakes hours later to the compressed sound of the message the droid was repeating earlier. He has to use his Fusion Cutter to cut his way out of the foam and then out of p-05187. Once he is out he realizes their escape pod is in pieces all around him…It’s cold out. Really cold. Freezing maybe? He doesn’t know what planet he is on. He turns to see his only and new friend under his feet. “Re - Remember, we put our fu- future in your tomorrow…” …

“Re - Remember, we put our fu- future in you—“ …


Eventually will get revenge on every member of the Wastelanders that betrayed him. Not any new members though.

On the run from the law (though because he’s so small and “cute”, people never think he is a criminal. He’s pretty careful around the law/ empire.


Wants to find his parents and apologize.

Wants to live for the prisoners that helped him escape. Has a new lease on life.


Manos (p-40963)
Anzellan Ardennian hybrid
Anzellan size with the body type and 6 appendages of an Ardennian. Has the facial hair of Anzellankind. Has long grey beard and eyebrow hair. The hair all over his body is dark blue.
Has dark brown eyes.
Has a raspy voice.

Other Notes

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