Like most male Dathomirians, Ravenous was a Nightbrother in his youth. By the outbreak of the Clone Wars, he was one of the strongest fighters in his village. When the planet was raided by the Separatists, he and a few of his brethren were chosen to receive the gift of dark magics and ascend. He led the charge into the droid armies when they attacked his region of the planet, supported by the zombies of the Nightsisters and both his gifted and natural brothers, they took on thousands of droids. After days of grueling frontal combat, weeks of evasion, and months of small skirmishes, it was over. He had lost a limb in the conflict, and with a dying breath his “mate” had healed him with her magics, forging an arm onto his shoulder which granted him greater strength. Her death marked his coronation as the sole survivor of his village. All of his brethren, his family, had been slaughtered. He lived off what he could kill, refusing to search for other villages because he believed no one else could have survived. After months of isolation, he gradually gathered the remains of droids, fashioned primitive wooden mannequins with the skulls of his fallen brothers, and stuffed animal carcasses. He called them by names that had long since been slain. Saw faces where there were none. Slipping quietly into insanity as an unknown hatred built inside him...
Relationship - Clan:
Ravenous seeks to bring honor to his dead comrades and blaze their names into history.