Weapons & Armor
Mk I Katarn-class Commando Armor Enc 1 (4) HP 1 (3)
*integrated combat scanner and breath mask, Enc +3, and remove 1 setback from Perception and Survival checks by user.
*Fully sealed, on board oxygen supply good for six hours of heavy combat.
*basically counts as the military modular backpack frame
Bio-Support Dispenser HP Req-1: When healing strain at end of an encounter, heal 1 wound as well. First time in an encounter that wounds exceeds half their wound threshold, armor automatically applies a stimpack to character.
Retractable Writs Blades HP Req-1: Deploy a wrist blade as an incidental
Personal Gear
Power Unit Enc 3
*This portable generator can recharge equipment as an action, and droids or larger machinery in 2 hours. It also allows the wearer to ignore running out of ammo with energized weapons once per encounter.
Storage Unit Enc +3