Weapons & Armor
BlasTech HSB200 Holdout Blaster: Anyone searching your character for a weapon adds a Setback to their Perception Check. The blaster has a Stun Setting, which deals Strain Damage instead of Wounds, if you wish.
Heavy Clothing: Gives a +1 to Soak.
Personal Gear
Medpac: Allows a character to use the Medicine skill without penalty, and also grants a boost to all Medicine skill checks.
Stimpack (5): Allows the character to, with a single maneuver, immediately heal 5 wounds. 5 Stimpacks can be used to heal a character, but each successive stimpack heals 1 less wound than the one used previously.
Synthetic Anesthetic Dose (2): Designed to render the imbiber unconscious, a single dose has an Average difficulty to resist, while 2 or more have a Hard Difficulty to resist. Inflicts 5 strain if the target fails; 1-2 Threat takes away free maneuvers, 3 Threat staggers the imbiber.
Low-Feedback Scanner: This scanner is effectively invisible to Imperial sensor sweeps and can detect radiation sources of silhouette 1 or larger, as well as life forms within medium range, power sources within long range, and comms signals within extreme range.
Handheld Commlink