2 Amulets of Power (Hidden Purpose, Empowered by Evil, Cumbersome 2)
1 Amulets of Power (Hidden Purpose, Empowered by Evil)
2 Amulet of Power (Empowered by evil, cumbersome 1)
1 Amuletlet of Power (hidden Purpose, 2 Cumbersome, empowered by evil)
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Jump Up
Once Per Round, may stand up from seated or prone as an Incedental
Ataru Technique
When Making a check using the lightsaber skill, the character may use agility instead of brawn
Deadly Accuracy (Lightsaber)
Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his basic training ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill with non-starship/vehicle weapons. He cannot choose the same combat skill twice.
Gain +1 Strain Threshold
When hit by a melee Attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce the damage taken by 2 + ranks in parry.
Lethal Blows
Add +10 per rank of lethal blows to any critical injury results inflicted on opponents
Remove setback per rank of conditioned from athletics and coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of conditioned.
Sniper Shot
Before making a non-thrown ranged attack, may perform the sniper shot maneuver to increase the weapons range by 1 range band per rank in sniper shot. Upgrade the difficulty of the attack per 1 range band increase
Saber Swarm
Perform the Saber Swarm Maneuver maneuver, suffer one strain to make the next Lightsaber |agility| check this turn gain the linked item quality equal to your force rating.
True Aim
Once Per round, may perform a true aim maneuver to gain benefits of aiming and upgrade combat check per ranks in true aim.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Enhance can be used with the Coordination Skill
Ongoing Effects: Commit Force die. The User increases his Agility Characteristic by 1 (To a maximum of 6)
Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Planetary) Skill
Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Space) Skill
Basic Power
When Making an Athletics Check, the force user may roll an enhance power check as part of the pool. the user may spend a force die to gain success or advantage (their choice)
As a young child, they were reported to be force sensitive, and thus they were taken to the jedi. They have been training for a long time and have developed a fighting style revolved around striking down your opponent before they can hit you. Recently however, their master has died, killed at the hands of the separatists, making them want the separatist to fall not just because it is their duty, but because its personal now.
After their master died, they made a vow to go out in more glory than he did. "If I am to die, I will give the order a reason to remember my name, and give the Separatist one to hate it." Their goal is to make the Separatists hate them as much as they do to them.
30 Duty
Combat Victory
To fell a tower you must destroy its supports. Every victory is one step closer finishing the war.
79 Morality
She will kill to get what she wants. When fighting an enemy, she feels pity for the person who wears the mask of her enemy.
See Picture
Other Notes
105 XP From Species 150 XP from Heroic 10 xp -10 duty
30 From Rank 3 Agility
40 From Rank 4 Agility
30 Quick path to Power
5 From Purchasing Jump Up
10 From Purchasing Ataru Technique
5 From Purchasing Parry
20 From purchasing Saber Swarm
5 From Purchasing Conditions
10 From Purchasing Deadly Accuracy.
10 From Purchasing Enhance
5 From Purchasing Control (Coordination)
5 From Purchasing (Piloting Planetary)
5 From Purchasing (Piloting Space)
10 to Purchase Control (Agility)
30 To Purchase Sharpshooter
5 To Purchase Sniper Shot
10 To purchase True Aim
15 To Purchase Lethal Blows
5 To Purchase Grit
10 To Purchase Lethal Blows
15 To Purchase True aim
15 For Purchasing Rank 3 Lighsber
20 For Purchasing Rank 4 Lightsaber
Credits 9500 From Start
1000 From Jedi Kit (Concealing Robes)
2500 for Broudsaber
700 From fully modding Ilum Crystal
3800 From Extended Hilt
100 From Modding Extended Hilt
500 From Overcharged Power Cell
50 For Backpack
250 For Recon Remote
50 For Climbing Gear
40 for Medpac
2500 From Amulets of power
Downtime Hours: 39
Praecidum Defensiones: part 3: 20xp/15duty/1000credits/9
Operation Blunting the Spear: 30 xp/15 duty/1000 credits/24 hours