Ydric Rel by Tomohiko

Soresu Defender/Protector
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 18
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 4

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 2
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 3
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 2
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 3
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Light Blue Saber
Breach +1, Sunder, Vicious +2, Defensive +1, Generates Advantage
Green Crossguard Saber
Breach +1, Sunder, Vicious +2, Defensive 1


Weapons & Armor

Concealing Robes:
-Armor Insert: Soak 2 - Defense 2- (Hard) Perception to notice
Attachments: Soak Mod 1, Defense Mod 1, Difficulty Mod 1

Light Blue Saber (Main Hand): Encum. 1, HP 2/5
- Attachments:
- Ilum Crystal: 2x Vicious +1, 4x Damage +1, 1x Critical Rating -1
-Curved Hilt: 1 HP Add 1 automatic advantage to lightsaber combat checks when engaged with a single opponent. 1x Defensive +1
- Paired Weapon: Reduce Advantage to activate off-hand attack by 1

Green Crossguard Saber (Off Hand): Encum. 1, HP 1/4 Defensive 1
-When attacked, may spend 3 disadvantages from opponent check to cause them to become disarmed
- Attachments:
- Ilum Crystal: 2x Vicious +1, 4x Damage +1, 1x Critical Rating -1
- Paired Weapon: Reduce Advantage to activate off-hand attack by 1

Personal Gear

Jedi Utility Belt:
- It contains 3 days of food, an emergency MedPAC, Jedi multi-tool, glow rod, comlink, and aquata breather.
Increases encumbrance threshold by 1.

Emergency Medpac:
- They allow to perform a medical check to heal wounds without penalty.

Jedi Multi-Tool:
-In addition to counting as a tool kit for the purposes of being able to perform most Mechanics checks a Jedi multi-tool adds
automatic Advantage to checks to build. modify, or repair lightsabers.

Glow Rod:
-Projects a beam of light and can illuminate objects at a respectable distance.


Aquata Breather:
- Provides the user with up to two hours of breathable air

CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack: 2 Encum.
- May make Medicine checks to heal others without penalty.
- Add 1 boost dice to all Medicine checks. Decrease difficulty of checks to heal a critical injury by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Toughened 3 Gain +2 wound threshold per rank
Parry 2 When hit by a melee attack suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+(2) ranks in Parry
Reflect 1 When hit by a ranged attack suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2+(1) ranks in Reflect
Soresu Technique 1 When making checks using the Lightsaber skill may use Intellect instead of Brawn
Force Protection 1 Perform the Force Protection maneuver, suffer 1 strain to commit Force Rating up to ranks in Force Protection. Increase Soak by number of Force Rating committed until the beginning of your next turn. Suffer 1 strain every round Force Rating remains committed
Dark Vision 1 Remove 2 Setback dice from checks due to darkness
Body Guard 1 Once per round, perform the Body Guard to guard an engaged character. Suffer strain no greater than ranks in Body Guard to upgrade combat checks against that character until the start of next round
Physician 1 When using medicine to heal, remove one strain equal to ranks in physician
Stimpack Specialization 1 Heal 1 additional wound per rank in Stimpack Specialization

Force Powers

Force Rating
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude 2, Range 1 Spend FP to heal a number of wounds equal to intellect from an engaged living creature (including the user)


Rel's parents were diamond and mineral traders for Arkania. When she was five years old her parents took her on a trading mission bringing minerals to Nar Shaddaa. Upon arrival, they asked someone at the landing dock for directions to meet the client. The individual saw them, and the child they brought with them and warned them "This isn't the place for the likes of you, I recommend you take your stuff and get outta here. That is if you value your lives." However, being arrogant like most Arkanians were they insisted on the information and proceeded to their destination.

As they moved through the dense streets they began to notice a lot of eyes on them, and their little girl. When they arrived at the shop Rel's mother knelt down before they entered and told her to go hide in the nearby alley until they came out, which she did. After a short amount of time, she heard a scream followed by what sounded like a struggle. It didn't last long and as she knelt down hiding in a broken crate the next thing she heard was two thuds nearby.

Too scared to move she waited for what felt like forever but could have been just a minute before peeking out of the crate. What she saw was the lifeless corpses of her parents, left in the alley to rot. She crawled out of the crate to her parents, crying begging them to wake up to no avail. As she sat there clinging to her parent's dead bodies crying she her footsteps approaching. She quickly as she could crawl back into the crate, hoping whoever it was hadn't seen her yet. As a soft voice said from right outside the crate "It's alright little one, I won't hurt you." Something about this person's voice made Rel feel safe like she could trust this person.

She slowly crawled out from the crate she saw a figure hidden under a robe. Sniffling Rel said, "Who are you?" "I am a Jedi" replied the hooded figure. "What is a Jedi?" Rel asked. "A Jedi is someone who protects others and peace in the galaxy. Are these your parents here?" they replied. All she could do was nod her head. Sensing a strong connection to the force within the young girl the Jedi said, "Come with me, I'll bring you somewhere safe."

Rel was brought to the Jedi Temple to became a Youngling within the Jedi order and began her training to be a Jedi. After years of training, she was chosen by a master. Before she was to leave the temple she approached the Jedi who has rescued her that day and spoke to them about what happened that day, hoping to ease the turmoil in her heart over the incident. "What happened that day, why did those people murder my parents?" Rel asked calmly. "Well youngling, to answer that question I must first make you aware of your people, the Arkanians. Your race is incredibly intelligent, just as you are, but this has led them to become arrogant, thinking themselves better than other races. This caused them to underestimate the danger of Nar Shaddaa. Those people who killed them, most likely simply wanted to get out of paying for the minerals your parents were selling them. I'm not saying it was their own fault they died, but their arrogant nature did play a part." they explained. "Thank you, I understand better now." Rel said as she bowed and walked away.

Rel took two things from that conversation. Firstly, she never wanted to let arrogance blind her judgment. Secondly, she never wanted to see people die unable to protect them again.



Rel knows first hand how horrific it can be to watch the death of those close to you and how important it is to keep faith and hope that things will be better. As such Rel works to keep her fellows motivated, to be a shining beacon of hope wherever she goes.


Support: 30

Rel believes what is most important is that everyone comes back from each mission alive, that even if you fail if you live you can fight another day. She believes it is her role to ensure that happens. She sets out to look after and care for the various members of the Republic she works with to bring them home safe.


Ydric Rel is a 5' 7" Arkanian women with fair skin to match her silver hair and pure white eyes. With a kind smile and soft voice, Rel has a knack for putting people at ease.

Morality: 86

- Mercy: Rel never wants another to experience the pain she went through as a child. She knows that while the Separatists and their allies are their enemies, some of them may be fathers, daughters, brothers, etc. As such Rel seeks to make every effort to ensure good people can go home to their families.

- Arrogance: As naturally gifted as the Arkanian race is Rel is quick to pick things up and struggles to remain humble when assessing her progress and abilities. She strives to ensure she doesn't fall into the trappings of over-confidence.

Other Notes

Damsel Correspondent: 20xp/15 Duty/24 Hours/1000cr/+6 Morality
War Correspondent: 20xp/15 Duty/24 hours/1000cr/+6 Morality
Padawan Training Part 1: 25xp, 15 duty, 24 hours, 1000cr, +4 morality

DT: 72 Hours



- 10 Duty for 10xp
- Racial Bonuses: Medicine 1, Dark Vision
- Selected Career Skills: Discipline, Resilience, Vigilance
- Selected Spec. Skills: Lightsaber, Discipline
- Intelligence 4: 40xp
- Willpower 3: 30xp
- Willpower 4: 40xp
-Total: 110xp


- Protector Spec: 20xp
- Force Ability Heal: 15xp
- Heal (Range): 15xp
- Parry 1 (Soresu): 5xp
- Parry 2 (Soresu): 5xp
- Soresu Technique (Soresu): 10xp
- Reflect (Soresu): 10xp
- Toughened 1 (Protector): 5xp
- Toughened 2 (Protector): 5xp
- Toughened 3 (Soresu): 5xp
- Force Protection 1 (Protector): 10xp
- Force Protection 2 (Protector): 20xp
- BodyGuard 1(Protector): 5xp
- Physician (Protector): 10xp
- Stimpack Specialization (Protector): 15xp
- Lightsaber 2: 10xp
- Lightsaber 3: 15xp
- Vigilance 2: 10xp
- Medicine 2: 10xp
- Medicine 3: 15xp
-Total: 150xp

- Jedi Kit (Two Lightsabers): 5,000cr

- Concealing Robes: FaD Core pg. 179
-- Armor Insert Attachment: 450cr AoR pg 200
---Mod Soak 1: 100cr
---Mod Defense 1: 100cr
---Mod Increase difficulty to notice: 100cr

- Main Hand Saber: FaD Core pg. 177
--Curved Hilt: 1,000cr FaD Core pg. 193
--- Mod Defensive 1: 100cr
-- Ilum Crystal: FaD Core pg. 193
--- Mod Damage +4: 400cr
--- Mod Vicious +2: 200cr
--- Mod Crit -1: 100cr
-- Paired Weapon Attachment: 300cr FC pg. 51

- Off Hand Crossguard Saber: FaD Core pg. 177
--Ilum Crystal: FaD Core pg. 193
--- Mod Damage +4: 400cr
--- Mod Vicious +2: 200cr
--- Mod Crit -1: 100cr
--Paired Weapon Attachment: FC pg. 51

- Jedi Utility Belt: KtP pg. 52
-- 3 days of food
-- Emergency MedPAC
-- Jedi multi-tool
-- Glow rod
-- Comlink
-- Aquata breather

-CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack: 450cr
-Total: 8,700cr

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