Kaleb Drell by JakTorlin

Edge of the Empire

Threshold 20
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 2 1b
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0 +1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 2 1b
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 1
Vigilance (Will) X 2 +1
Brawl (Br) X 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 1
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


GALAAR-15 Blaster Carbine
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 1, Stun Setting, Decrease the difficulty of Ranged (Heavy) checks when engaged by 1.
9 (11)
Sap Gloves
Concussive 1
Stun Setting
Whipcord Thrower
Ensnare 2
"Wrist Mounted" Flamethrower
Ranged: Light
Blast 2, Burn 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 3
5 (7)


Weapons & Armor

GALAAR-15 Blaster Carbine - 1100 Credits, 9 Damage, 2 Crit, Long Range, Encumbrance 4, HP 4, Accurate 1, Stun Setting

Forearm Grip - (250 Credits), 1 HP
Base Modifier: Decrease the
difficulty of Ranged (Heavy) checks
when engaged by 1.
Mod Options: 1x "Innate Point
Blank Talent", 1x "Accurate +1"
Enhanced Xciter
Base Modifier: Critical Rating -1 (to
minimum of 1). The blaster
explodes and inflicts a critical
injury to user upon getting 2
despair results on a combat check.
Mod Options: 3x "Pierce +1"

Sap Gloves - (50 Credits), +2 Damage, 5 Crit, Engaged, 1 Encumbrance, 1 HP, Concussive 1
Spotting these gloves requires a
Daunting (4 difficulty) Perception

Wrist Mounted Flamethrower (1200 Credits (R)), 5 Damage, 2 Crit, Short Range, Encumbrance 3, 2 Crit, Blast 2, Burn 2, Pierce 2, Vicious 3
Lightweight Frame - 650 Credits, HP 1, Rarity 3,
Base Modifier: Reduce encumbrance by 1 to a
minimum of 1; Mod Options: 1x "Encumbrance -1
(min. 1)"

New Armor - Purchased from Zok
Soak 2, Defense 1, Encumbrance 4, HP 6, Auto Advantage on Stealth
Intergrated Holsters - 2 HP Encumbrance +4. May holster up to 4 weapons of Encumbrance 3 or lower in the armor (weapons do not count towards encumbrance threshold while holstered). Innate Quick Draw talent.

Mod Options: 2x "Add 1 setback dice to Perception checks to find weapons in armor."

Whipcord Thrower – 600 Credits, HP 1, Rarity 1
Base Modifier: May be used as climbing gear to assist in climbing a steep vertical surface, reducing difficulty by 1. Supports a weight of up to 200kg. May also be used as a weapon with following profile: Melee, +1, Crit 5, Short, Ensnare 2.

Squad Tactical Systems - 2000 Credits, HP 1, Rarity 5 (Faction Reward)
Base Modifier: Add 1 boost dice to all Perception and Vigilance checks while within medium range of one or more allies using this attachment. Includes integrated comlink. Perception skill +1, Vigilance skill +1.

In Helmet Scanner – 750 Credits, 1 HP, Rarity 4 (Purchased)
This attachment integrates a general purpose scanner into the helmet as a HUD.
Base Modifier: Remove 1 setback die from darkness or lack of visibility. Allow the detection of heat sources up to medium range. Install hands-free comlink in helmet. This is a relatively small piece of equipment used to identify and record a variety of data, such as detecting life-signs, heat signatures, radiation etc. They have a range up to 1.5 kilometres.

Riot Armor - 950 Credits, Soak 2, Encumbrance 3, HP 2.
In Helmet Scanner - 750 Credits, 1
Base Modifier: Remove 1 setback
die from darkness or lack of
visibility. Allow the detection of
heat sources up to medium range.
Mod Options: 1x "Install hands-free
comlink in helmet."
Squad Tactical Systems - 2000 Credits, HP 1, Rarity 5
Base Modifier: Add 1 boost dice to
all Perception and Vigilance checks
while within medium range of one
or more allies using this
attachment. Includes integrated
Mod Options: 1x "Perception skill
+1", 1x "Vigilance skill +1".

Blaster Pistol - 400 Credits, 6 Damage, 3 Crit, Medium, Encumbrance 1, HP 3, Rarity 4, Stun Setting

Personal Gear

Backpack - 50 Credits. Encumbrance +4
Stimpack x0 - 25 Credits (Each).
Nullicane x2 - 25 Credits (Each).
Emergency Medpack - 100 Credits,
Encumbrance 1; They allow to
perform a medical check to heal
wounds without penalty.

Load-Bearing Gear - 100 Credits, Rarity 3, Encumbrance +3

Datapad - 75 Credits, Encumbrance 1.

Utility Belt - 25 Credits. Encumbrance +1
Commlink - 25 Credits (Handheld)

A99 Aquata Breather - 100 Credits;
Allows a character to breathe
underwater for 2 hours.

Extra Reload - 25 Credits,
Encumbrance 1; Allows a character
to reload their weapon using a
maneuver, when it has run out of
ammo due to a critical failure.

Electrobinoculars - 250 Credits,
Encumbrance 1; Allows vision in
low light or extremely bright
conditions. Magnifies targets up to
10 kilometres away. Thus remove
any setback die imposed by
such conditions or distance.

Stun Cuffs - 100 Credits; Breaking
free requires a daunting (4
difficulty) Athletics or Coordination
check. The individual suffers 4
strain for every 2 disadvantages
from the roll.

Bantha Thermos with JJs written on
the side.

Karflo Thinsuit - 1200 Credits, Rarity 6, Encumbrance 0, Soak 1, Character equipped with a thinsuit removes 2 Setback imposed by the environment in which she is currently operating from her checks.

Garrote Chrono - (R) 100 Credits; Encumbrance 0; Counts as a garrote, hidden within a standard chrono. Upgrade difficulty of checks to detect the concealed garotte twice.
A successful attack against a target
causes them to become suffocated.
Breaking free requires an opposed
Brawl vs Brawl check, with an
additional setback die for each
round they have been caught.

Jetpack - 4,500 Credits, Encumbrance 2

Silhouette 1, Speed 2, Handling 0, System Strain 3

Assets & Resources

Duty - 32 (Independent)
Rarity 8 Equipment License

Trophy from a fallen Wookie

Unequipped Gear:
Merr-Sonn "Rider" Ascension Pistol
Custom Blaster Carbine
Thermal Cloak

Whipcord Thrower (Armor Mod, Installed)
Integrated Holsters (Armor Mod, Installed)
Corellian Arms Wrist Mount (Not Installed)
Lightweight Frame (Installed on Flamecaller Pistol)

Corellian Arms Model 2 Wrist Mount - 275 Credits, HP 2, Rarity 5, Mounts Weapon On Wrist

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Crit 25: (Two Purple) Offf-Balance: Add Setback to his next skill check.

Crit 64: (Two Purple) Setback to all actions for the rest of the encounter.


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Toughened 3 Commando/Vanguard Gain +2 Wound Threshold
Grit 1 Commando Gain +1 Strain Threshold
Physical Training 1 Commando Add Boost Dice per rank of Physical Training to all Athletics and Resilience checks.
Point Blank 2 Commando/Vanguard Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to one hit of successful Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) attacks made while at Short or Engaged.
Durable 1 Commando May Reduce any Critical Injury suffered by 10 per rank of Durable to a minimum of 1
Armor Master 1 Commando When wearing armor, Increase total Soak value by 1.
Heroic Fortitude 1 Commando May spend a Destiny Point to ignore the effects of Critical Injuries on Brawn or Agility checks until the end of the encounter.
Dedication 2 Commando/Vanguard Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. (Agility, Agility)
Rapid Reaction 1 Vanguard Suffer a number of Strain up to ranks in Rapid Reactions to add an equal number of successes to initiative checks.
Suppressing Fire 1 Vanguard Character and allies in Short range may spend advantages on failed combat checks once per round to inflict 1 Strain per rank of Suppressing Fire on the target.
Bodyguard 1 Vanguard Once per round, as a maneuver, guard an Engaged ally. Suffer strain up to ranks in Body Guard to upgrade the difficulty of attacks against that ally by that number until the start of the next turn.
Improved Bodyguard 1 Vanguard Once per session, when an ally protected by the Bodyguard maneuver suffers a hit, may take the hit instead.
Conditioned 1 Vanguard Remove on Setback Dice per rank of Conditioned from all Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and Strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned.


Born in 15 BBY on the planet of Mandalore, Kaleb was taken from his homeworld and forced into Stormtrooper training at a young age. His Mandalorian heritage proved to be a blessing as his proficiency with weapons outshone more of the recruits. He was selected to serve in the Imperial Special Forces and participated in many skirmishes all over the galaxy. He even got to fight along some of the old clones, they weren't half bad.

Kaleb didn't care much which "side" he was on. He enjoyed the fight, and the Empire taught how to fight better, but the Empire lost and it was time to move on. Kaleb was on


The Hunt - Kaleb loves the fight and the hunt that comes with claiming a bounty. Every hunt is different... and that's what makes it exciting.


Cost of Living - 5 Points


Faction: Independant - 12 Duty (Rank 4)

Languages: Native - Mando'a, 1st - Basic, 2nd Huttese

Other Notes

Starting XP 105
Brawn 2 -> 3 (30XP), Agility 2 -> 3 (30XP), Willpower (2 -> 3 (30XP), Ranged (Heavy) 2 ->3 (15 XP) =
105 XP
Earned Experience 250
Ranged (Light) 1->2 (10 XP), Brawl 0 -> 1 (5 XP), Athletics 1 -> 2 (10 XP), Medicine 0 -> 1 (5 XP),
Resilience 1 ->2 (10 XP), Survival 0 -> 1 (5 XP), Warfare 1 ->2 (10 XP) = 60 XP
Talents (Commando): Toughened (10 XP), Physical Training (5 XP), Durable (10 XP), Armor Master (15 XP), Heroic Fortitude (20 XP), Dedication (25 XP) = 85 XP
Specialization: Vanguard (Soldier) = 20 XP
Cool 0 -> 1 = 5XP, Cool 1 ->2 = 10 XP, Vigilance 0 -> 1 (5 XP), Vigilance 1 ->5 (10 XP)
Talents (Vanguard): Rapid Reaction (5 XP), Suppressing Fire (10 XP), Point Blank (10 XP)
Talents (Commando: Grit (5XP), Toughened (5 XP), Point Blank (5 XP)

The Magnificent 6 (Mission) 20 exp, 10 duty 10k credits
Bodyguard (Vanguard Talent, 5 XP), Toughened (Vanguard Talent, 10 XP)

Night on the Town - 15 XP, Flame projector, two crates One of pistols one of rifles
Conditioned (Vanguard Talent 15 XP)

Who are they Really - 3,000 credits, 5 XP, 5 Duty

Boondock Saints - 10 XP, GALAAR-15 Blaster Carbine
Improved Body Guard (Vanguard Talent, 20 XP)

Magnificant 6 to 8: +20 XP, +3000 Credits (Dedication, Vanguard, Agility +1 20XP)

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