Doorintta was born on Dresellia, raised in a tribal family until the age of 4. Riding beasts and navigating by the stars was a part of his life even then. He would spend nights out laying on the grass staring up at the start sky wondering what lay beyond the bounds of his earth. Did the birds know, could they reach the stars?
It was a surprise then when 6 days after his 4th birthday a great ship from the sky arrived. Descending in a great cloud of dust. A slender being with long blue tails on her head disembarked. She claimed to be a person from the stars, able to travel the vast unknown distances in the blink of an eye. She also claimed to be some kind of sorcerer... A Jedi. In time Rin would learn the significance of this, but for now he was just in awe of her stories.
Letila was her name, and she said The Force had guided her to the tribe, that one among them had a destiny beyond their world. She told the tribe of all the Billions of stars in the galaxy, and all the Trillions of beings inhabiting those worlds. She explained that of all of them only a tiny number - 10,000 or so - where gifted enough to become Jedi. It was a great honour to a planet just to have one child be capable.
Rin left his world that day, sad to leave family, but excited to visit those stars that he had dreamed about for all of his short memory. He traveled to Coruscant where he lived and trained for many years as a Youngling, his inquisitive nature led him to many punishments. He would often sneak off to explore quiet corners of the temple, or the streets of Coruscant itself.
Ultimately his time on Coruscant had to come to an end, and his urge to see trees and grass again was drawing him. He underwent the Initiate Trials in the safety of the Temples halls, graduating to Padawan. He was selected by a Knight for further training, a talented Twi'Lek with a brightly coloured bird companion. Together they where especially good at navigating the galaxy, Tun'Liak was his Masters name. She was often in charge leading expeditions into Unknown or forgotten corners of the Galaxy.
She trained Rin in a very hands on manner, expecting him to learn by watching and doing. She was not a people person in any way and often resented the company of other Jedi, preferring the wild reaches of distant unexplored planets. During this time Tun took Rin home for the first of what would be many visits. His family where amazed to see his growth and the incredible connection he had to the world around him. Their respect for the Jedi traditions grew, and amongst them a small number began to explore the wide Galaxy. She may have not enjoyed the company of others, but Rin became like a son to her, and their friendship grew
On one unexplored moon, now known as Onganta 7, Knight and Padawan encountered a great beast. It was terrorising the local population, killing for sport. The Force spoke to Tun'Liak through a vision, telling her this was the time for Rin to begin his trials, that his faith in the Force was ready to be tested. Together they tracked the beast back to its lair, a great cavern, and for days they watched the things comings and goings, relying on Tun'Liaks skill in hiding with the force to remain undetected. Ultimately they decided on a plan, they would face the Nexu late in the day when it was full of food and tired from a days hunting.
The awaited the beasts return, then pounced. A great battle ensued, Tun leaping around the beast striking with a great speed, while Rin used his connection to the Force to enhance his arrows and pierce the beasts thick hide. After many furious blows had been struck by both sides the Nexu finally landed a devastating attack. biting deep into the Twi'Lek Masters chest. Her lungs collapsed, her heart stopped, and in an instant Rin was alone, more alone than any time before or since. Her final cry imprinted on his mind, her slumped body falling to the ground as the giant beast turned to finish him off.
Rin did all he could think, he ran. he ran and he ran and he ran. Ducking under trees and down gullies trying to find places the great monster could not reach him. Eventually he took a wrong path, a wrong direction, and found himself backed into a corner, cliffs on three sides and a Nexu in front. His final stand had come... the end that no one would know of, he thought of his family, of Tun. but he steeled his nerve.
Picking an arrow from his quiver he quickly rigged a fusion lantern to the side of it, hoping the crushing power of those giant jaws would be enough to puncture the containment vessel and release the plasma stored inside. The beast approached slowly, enjoying the chase and now the final moment of fear in this little beings heart. With a sudden surge it leapt forwards, mouth wide for the killing bite... a perfect target for the arrow. Rin released, allowing the force to guide his aim, piercing the roof of the great beasts mouth. Instinctively it bit closed its jaws, crushing the fusion core in the process, and rupturing its skull. The beast collapsed in a cloud of dust, the epic fight over to an unlikely victor. He returned to the capitol in despair, but resolved the loss over time.
In one moment the force had tested Rin, and later the Masters in the Temple on Coruscant would declare his Trials of Skill, Courage and Flesh complete. He was assigned a new Master, and assigned a post aboard a Jedi Starship during the war with the Sith. He would find himself a valued Navigator onboard, and formed friendships with many of the fellow Jedi onboard. But it was at this stage the disaster occurred and he found himself falling asleep in a Cryo chamber, unsure of when or if he would ever awake...
In the aftermath of that battle his family lost all faith in the Jedi, forgoing travel, and as a result the knowledge of the universe beyond their home world was lost.
Unfortunately for Rin though the 3 millennia in stasis has not been kind to him, as he awakes all of his memory is lost, perhaps to return later as his body recovers. but for now he knows whats in front of him, unsure how he can speak or who he is, recognising those nearby, but unsure how. Discovering the state of Dressellia will be quite a challenge for him too.
To explore. since birth he was always running away to undiscovered locations, looking for new and interesting things.
Session 3 Conflict: 1
Discipline: Tun'Liak taught that survival in the wild relied upon discipline, taking care to always be prepared, always think before acting. This militaristic approach of routine was baked into Rin, habits he has not willingly given up.
Obstinance: Unfortunately those who tend to be disciplined also tend to resist change, they know doing it one way will always work, so why try finding another way. This can lead to conflict with others as they see his methods as a waste of time. This drive to always prepare before acting can also lead to missing the opportunity to act.
A tall intelectual individual, orange skinn, bald wrinkly hair, blue eyes.