Middle Class Struggles
Sometimes a character comes from modest, but comfortable conditions prior to entering a life of adventure. This broad category could include anything from a skilled technician, minor political official, professional soldier, or any other lifestyle that typically involves hard work—but with the pay to make it worthwhile.
In It for the Money
Bounty hunters are, at their core, exceedingly mercenary. While many bounty hunters may claim to adhere to some higher order or serve a greater good, at the end of the day, they all serve one master — money.
Quiet Professionalism: There is an old saying in the bounty hunting trade that good work makes little noise, and the character is the embodiment of that. Like a master artisan, the character pursues bounties with far greater care and attention to detail than most. The PC sees little need for flashy accouterments or ostentatious shows of prowess.
Criminal (5)
The character has been accused of committing a crime during the collection of a legal bounty. This could be anything from stealing a speeder in order to chase a fleeing fugitive, or interference with bonded law enforcement to killing innocents during a shootout. Whatever the case, the constant threat of discovery and incarceration hovers over the character. Whether the accusations are true is irrelevant; the character has been accused and there is an outstanding warrant that makes the PC an appealing target to other bounty hunters.
Fame (10)
The character's reputation casts a long shadow Perhaps the PC took a famous and difficult bounty, or owns a recognizable and deadly ship, or has beaten another well-known hunter to the punch in the past. Whatever the case, it is hard for the character to move unnoticed throughout the galaxy. This makes covert operations more difficult, but also means that informants are more likely to spill what they know when the PC arrives.
Special Abilities: Humans start the game with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation.