Weapons & Armor
Glunok Fyr Assault Carbine Enc 4 HP 0 (1)
*May run out of ammo with 2 threat
Custom Grip: Remove 1 setback dice from all combat checks weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Others add 2 setback dice to use it.
Xet Industries Model C "Fiver" Self-Defense Pistol Enc 2 HP 1
Blast Vest Enc 0 (3) HP 1
*gain +2 soak against slugthrowers and other physical projectile weapons.
Personal Gear
Extra Reload Enc 1
Utility Belt Enc +1
Comlink Enc 0
Glow Rod Enc 1
Sabacc Deck Enc 0
Imperial Army Field Rations Enc 0
*Provides 1 week's worth of nutrition
Imperial Army Canteen Enc 1
*Holds 1.5 litres of liquid and can purify water using an integrated filtration system.
Imperial Army Military Backpack Enc +6 (Cumbersome 2)
Military Field Manual Enc 1
*Adds a boost die to any military-related check once per session
Breath Mask/Respirator Enc 1
Gandorthral Atmospherics Scout 5 Field Goggles Enc -
(These goggles are a simple set of gear that simply protects a soldier's eyes from debris, built to be durable and comfortable.)
Military Trauma-pack Enc 1
*May use a medical check to remove critical injuries without penalty from others
Rim Excursions Inc Military Belt Pouch Enc -
*Hold 2 items with encumbrance 0. May be drawn as an incidental. (Holding Stimpack(s))
1 Stimpack Enc -