Zrael Nesuz by SP00KYGUNNER

Executioner, Nightsister
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 15
Current 0
Threshold 16
Current 4
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0 3W
Charm (Pr) 0 3W
Coercion (Will) 1 3W
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0 3W
Deception (Cun) 0 3W
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0 3W
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0 3W
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) 0 3W
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 0 1 Upgrade
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 3 B 3W
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 2
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 2
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0 3W


Ouro Blade (Ichor Blade)
Cortosis, Pierce 2, Sunder, Defensive 1
+3 (7)
Nightsister Energy Bow
Ranged: Heavy
Pierce 4, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 2, Accurate 1 Special
Thermal Detonator
Ranged: Light
Blast 15, Breach 1, Vicious 4, Limited Ammo 1, Special


Weapons & Armor

Ouro Blade - 1

Nightsister Energy Bow - 4
-Custom Grip
--Remove 1 Setback from combat checks
-Set Trigger
--Add automatic 2 Success and 1 Threat to first combat check with this weapon each encounter

Thermal Detonator - 1
-Grenade Cling
-Ordnance Impeller

Explorer's Knife - 2
- Add Boost to Survival checks

SeaScape Diving Suit - 3 (Not worn)
-No underwater movement penalty, 6 hours of food/water and oxygen

Deathtrooper Armor
- Upgrade Stealth once
- Remove 2 Setback from darkness

Personal Gear

Comlink - 0
Macrobinoculars - 1
Stimpack (x6) - 0
Synth Rope - 1
Climbing Gear - 1
Utility Belt - +1
Military Belt Pouch - 0
Backpack - +4
Emergency Medpac - 1
Thermal Cloak - 2 (NC)
Respirator - 1
Load-Bearing Gear - +3

60 credits worth crafting materials (R0)

Assets & Resources

Antishock Blanket - Reduce difficulty to heal crits by 1 - left on ship

Pulse Drill (modified) - R(L), Short, Inaccurate 1

Br 4 Ag 2 Int 1 Cun 1 Will 1 Pre 1
Soak 5 WT 15
Cool 1, Coordination 1
Silhouette 2, Hover, Domesticated, Trained Mount 2
Beak - Brawl, Dam 5, Crit 3, Engaged

Zephyr Vehicle Stats
Air Speed 2 (Agility), Land Speed 1
Handling -1 (Agility - Silhouette - Willpower)
Encumbrance 22 ((Brawn + 5) x Silhouette) + 4

Riding Tack, Saddle Bags (+4 Encum)

Critical Injuries & Conditions

1 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
4 - 0


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Outdoorsmen 1 The character removes a Setback Die per rank of Outdoorsman from checks to move through terrain or manage terrain or environmental effects. Decrease overland travel times by 50% (this does not decrease with multiple ranks of Outdoorsman).
Quickdraw 1 Once per round on the character’s turn, he may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow a weapon that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver.
Summon Item 1 As a maneuver, the character can summon or a dismiss a ritually prepared item.
Ichor Blade 1 The character chooses one Melee or Brawl weapon they possess, which gains the Cortosis and Pierce 2 qualities and reduces its critical rating by 1 to a minimum of 1. If the weapon is ever lost or destroyed, the character can apply Ichor Blade to a new weapon.
Improved Ichor Blade 1
Ichor Transfusion 1 Once per Encounter
Lethal Blows 1
Toughened 1
Precise Aim 1
Deathblow 1 Spend Destiny Point, add Damage = Willpower
Force Connection 1 Add Force die to Survival and Xenology
Marked for Death 1 Maneuver, commit Force die, add 2 automatic Advantage against target.
Force Rating 2 Increase Force Rating by 1 per rank
Essential Kill 1 Add Force Dice to combat checks, spend 1 pip for Advantage, 3 pips for Triumph. Cannot be used to recover Strain.
Ichor Reserve 1 Once per session as a maneuver, suffer 2 Strain to increase FR by 1 for the encounter.
Dedication - Brawn 1
Grit 2

Force Powers

Force Rating
Upgrade Effect
Control Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, Negotiation
Upgrade Effect
Control Resilience
Control Force Leap (Short/Action)
Control Leap + Vertical
Control Coordination
Range Spend pip to increase range to Medium (max Medium)
Control Leap as a maneuver
Upgrade Effect
Strength Spend pip to pick out specific details
Magnitude (x2) Spend pip to increase number of targets affected equal to ranks of magnitude purchased. May activate multiple times.
Control Add Force die to initiative checks
Control Affected targets increase Defense by 2 for first round of combat.
Spend pip to detect all life within short range.
Spend pip to detect current emotional state of one living being within engaged range.
Upgrade Effect
Control Commit Force die. Once per round upgrade difficulty of attack against character.
Strength May upgrade difficulty of combat checks twice
Duration May upgrade difficulty of 2 combat checks


Zrael was born on Dathomir, as part of a coven of made up of Dathomirian Nightsisters who avoided the genocide led by General Grievous. Unwilling to accept the leadership of Human Nightsisters, their coven was forced to remain small and nomadic. Being unable to settle or control territory, her clan had a difficult time thriving like Nightsisters of the past, their birth rate never exceeding their death rate. Due to these circumstances, her clan became exceedingly cruel, heavily relying on the slave labor of captured males and a small number of enslaved Rancors.

Zrael shares her sisters' ideals, believing that nothing is more important than the clan's survival. Zrael, however, disagrees with her sisters on how best to maintain the clan. She believes that the coven's cruelty and reliance on slavery makes them weak, and that the coven will not survive another generation without changing their ways.

The coven was weakening. Desperate for credits to purchase supplies that couldn't be procured on Dathomir they had to send someone off planet to support them. Zrael was the perfect candidate to send off planet. Her growing discontent meant her presence would not be missed, but she was competent enough that the rest of the coven knew they could rely on her for this task.

The clan bribed the local Imperial warlord to transport Zrael off planet, but instead of bringing her to a Core World planet as requested he instead pocketed the credits and dumped her on the nearest Outer Rim space port. Not having many options at this point, Zrael took the first job she could find...


Cause: Restore/Reform the Nightsisters - The Dathomirian Nightsisters are a fragment of what they once were before the genocide at the hands of General Grievous. Zrael hopes to support them until they are strong enough to withstand to dangers of Dathomir and the threat of rival clans. Part of her efforts include ending the coven's reliance on slavery, which she believes weakens the clan further.

Pursuit: Power - Wealth and resources alone will not be enough to save her coven. On Dathomir, only the strong survive, and only the strongest can lead. If Zrael is going to save her clan, she must become strong enough to prove she can lead them off the brink of extinction.


Family - 15

Nothing is more important to a Nightsister than the survival of her coven. Most of the Dathomirian Nightsisters were exterminated during the Clone Wars, and now the last of the Dathomirians are struggling to maintain their numbers. Dathomir is a harsh planet, Zrael's clan will not survive another generation in its current state.

Sent off world to procure credits and resources, Zrael feels the weight of responsibility to restore and strengthen her coven.


Athletic build, 5' 3". Pale white skin with angular black tattoos across her face. Jet-black, shoulder length undercut hair. Electric blue eyes.

24 years old (18 by Dathomir standards)

Other Notes

Night Sister

Battle Scar: Force Connection

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