Surge (RC-1320) by PurpleSpaceCats

Clone Soldier
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 0
Current 0
Threshold 0
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0




Weapons & Armor

DC-17m Interchangeable Rifle (5 Encumbrance, takes 1 turn to switch modes)
Katarn-Class Commando Armor (Superior Customization, Retractable Wrist Blade, Bio-Support Dispenser, 3 encumbrance)

Personal Gear

Combat Scanner (Remove 2 setback dice added to checks due to darkness/ see normally in dark conditions. Enemies add 2 setback dice to checks made to intercept or decrypt data broadcasts. )
Breath Mask (Survive several hours in locations that would normally suffocate you)
Modular Storage Frame (increase Encumbrance threshold by 3)
Helmet Commlink

Assets & Resources

Bio-Support Dispenser (When healing strain at end of an encounter, heal 2 wound as well. First time in an encounter that wounds exceeds half their wound threshold, armor automatically applies a stimpack to character.)

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Physical Training 1 This character add a Bonus Die per rank of Physical Training to his Athletics and Resilience checks.


Backstory was put into Google Docs for ease of formatting and to keep it from becoming too long to read!

TLDR: Surge was among the prodigal batch with his Mandalorian Trainer. His original squad was killed on Kamino in a live-fire exercise accident when he was around 6 years old - both Surge and his trainer, Tracinya, blamed him for what happened, as he couldn't remember the exact details and was the batch's only survivor. Surge was placed with a new squad for the last 4 years of training, who began to resent him (even unintentionally), as Tracinya's treatment of him had gone from proud and willing to overlook even semi-major accidents to extremely resentful and petty, which was lowering the score of their squad as a whole.

Surge was deployed to Geonosis alongside all other Commandos when the Republic ordered it. Doc + TLDR will be updated as the campaign progresses.


Freedom - Although it's a deeply-repressed desire Surge would never speak of except to the most trusted Vod, one he knows who can be a confidant who would never turn him in, the clone wants nothing more than to be free. To be free to be his own man, live his own life. Even just have the option to one day be able to settle, have a partner, maybe have children. To live for more than just the Republic and his brothers; to learn skills he wants to have but that have no place on the battlefield, things that are softer and more domestic like cooking and painting. To only have to lift a blaster when he desires, in defense not of some faraway Republic that has ordered he and his brothers mass-produced and stripped of their humanity, but in a cause he truly, deeply believes in. Even his lifespan shackles him to a life of servitude - of slavery - and there is nothing he loathes more in the world.


Dutybound (?) - As all clones are, Surge is dutybound to protect - to die for - the Republic. There's no question of leaving, no potential to do anything else with his life, even if he can dream.
Family (?) - To Surge, his brothers are everything. He wouldn't hesitate to set everything aside to protect a fellow clone - and once he's officially named Vod and claimed as his brother in spirit as well as genes, he's fiercely, almost obsessively protective. He becomes attached very easily and clings to a nigh-absurd degree, deeply terrified of losing his squad, his closest brothers again.

Combat Victory - Surge's duty is simple. Win. Not even 'don't die' - but win, at any cost, even his life. While commandos and their armor are expensive, he's not so expensive that he's irreplaceable, and if he falls there will be plenty of brothers eager to take his place. Surge goes where he's told and does what he's instructed, and is expected to do his duty to the Republic and win, even if he dies trying.

Bravery - Perhaps less bravery than a complete lack of self-care or value, but having largely the same effect. Surge almost never pauses to consider the consequences his actions might have on his own self, and there's no hesitation in him before he springs into a fight. He's the first to throw himself in the line of fire to protect someone else, and usually at the forefront of any battle he finds himself in where that's an option.

Recklessness - Tying neatly in with his foremost strength, Surge has absolutely no concept of self-preservation. He was created to fight and die, so, while it's not something he's exactly looking forward to (and secretly rather resentful of), it's a consequence he's always willing to accept. While a Commando through and through, so willing to grit his teeth and bare it, he also doesn't particularly enjoy slow-moving, tactic or stealth-heavy ops. It's easy to charge onto a battlefield knowing you'll die. It's harder to discuss and plan out the intricate details of what'll happen when you do.


PHYSICAL: Surge is, undoubtedly, a clone of Jango Fett. There's no room to question - and why would you? He has his dark skin, big brown eyes and unruly hair, though his own is styled in an undercut with wild curls seemingly piled atop his head and hanging down into his eyes when his bucket's off (it's anyone's guess as to how he isn't blinded by his own hairstyle, but he's never seemed to struggle with it). His plan is, once he gets off Kamino and has a bit more freedom of expression, to bleach the tips, but he's not quite there yet (and there's the question of whether or not he'll ever find the time to maintain the dyejob anyway).

Still shiny as far as Commandos go (still so horrifyingly young), Surge has something of an unfortunate baby-face. His attempts at facial hair to mitigate this thus far have only resulted in scratchy, stubbly 5 o'clock shadows, which he hates arguably more than his baby-face, so the clone is generally clean-shaven. The amount of stubble on his face can be a fortunate tell for anyone who bothers to learn it, however, indicative of the last time he got enough downtime to actually manage his appearance.

As a Commando, he's usually wearing bulky Katarn-Class armor and lugging around perhaps absurd degrees of weaponry, leading to him generally having broader shoulders and being ever-so-slightly more muscular than a standard Infantry unit, or maybe even an ARC - you wouldn't know unless you saw him in Blacks, though, which is a particularly rare thing. As with most soldiers, he feels naked and vulnerable without his weapons and armor (even if he can absolutely admit it can be a hassle to haul it all around) and is seldom without one or both.

PERSONA: At first glance, Surge is a bright and talkative young man, seemingly unspoiled by the cruelty of war and the training he's been put through (even if so far he hasn't seen much of war yet). He never seems to know when to shut up, making puns horrible enough to make even the most stern-faced drill sergeant roll their eyes. He's fantastic for morale (both of his squad and seemingly anyone he interacts with) as, while he's capable of taking things as seriously as any other man or woman on the battlefield, his primary coping mechanism is humor which whiplashes violently from black as coal and bleak as burnt earth to almost deceptively innocent.

In truth, Surge is surprisingly private for a clone, and especially one who seems to like the sound of his own voice so much. His energy and humor are both half-facades, coping mechanisms for unimaginable amounts of trauma crammed into only 10 years of life; things he hopes he'll tell himself are true so much that they actually become so. He doesn't like to talk much about his Batch until he gets to know someone deeply, and by then it's hard to not have an idea of what had happened anyway.

Other Notes

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 100 XP
Special Abilities: Knowledge (Warfare) +1 & Resilience +1
Kamino Training: Physical Training talent +1.

Ranged (Heavy)
Ranged (Light)

Knowledge: Warfare
NOTE: Clone Commando class is homebrew. This is not an officially created specialization.

??? - commandos don't get paid so i'm not sure if this matters

0 + 100 (Racial Bonus) = 100
100 + 50 (Custom Starting Bonus) = 150
150 - 0* (Knowledge (Warfare) 1) = 150
150 - 0* (Resilience 1) = 150

* - See Race Bonuses for why these cost 0 XP.

incredibly touch-starved and validation-starved. oh my god someone please hug him. he might cry.

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