He grew up as the only child in the capital of Corellia. His parents were fifth generation indentured servants who pledged themselves generationally to the rich shipbuilding noble/corporate Zorinson family. His family lived on the Zorinson palatial property and were loyal and high ranked workers. At the age of 5 Hannibal’s father came up missing. The explanation always seemed to be shrouded in mystery, and to this day he doesn’t feel he has the full truth.
Following this his mother was struck somewhat mad by the event, spouting wild theories and self blame as the cause for her husband to disappear. The noble family took pity on her and kept her on staff and employed, although at a more remote and lower level status. And due to the years of loyalty to the noble family, they agreed to officially adopt Hannibal as their own child. He was adopted in as the fourth child, with two older siblings, a boy and a girl, and one sister about his age.
While his new parents treated him as their own son emotionally, he was not legally included in the noble family inherited funds and property rights. And growing up he always felt as though he had to prove his value to the family, working twice as hard, studying longer and being more exacting on following their requirements more than any of his siblings. Luckily he was blessed with natural good looks, strength and piloting skills. In fact he looked surprisingly similar to the noble family line, enough that it was common to have others mistake him as a blood relative.
By the age of manhood he appeared externally to a model fo a perfect Corellian son. Out shining his siblings in many areas, including devotion to the family. But he remained humble, knowing he was not a true heir, and only allowed for a shirt time to be part of nobility. He would always put his sibling before him and assume the lower position at any event, either social or business. By 15 he was deeply involved in the family business, and even the testing and design of ships, often risking his life to test out the news prototypes.
Legally the family did set up a trust fund for him, albeit with limited access until age 35 (he is not clear as to why this is). His involvement in the business was always in the practical side, often working without salary or expectation for what ever his adopted father required. Most of his siblings took his inclusion well, at least on the surface, and he actually had a positive and close relationship with the youngest sister, who was his same age.
He was 22yo when was forced to leave his home, family, and the corporation. It started with a failed prototype trial and crash, causing significant damage to equipment, as well as himself. In reviewing the documents he got accidental access to secure files that led him to seeing a video of his adopted grandfather having an argument with his mother. After recovering the audio he found out that the argument was a few weeks before his father disappeared, and that the grandfather seemed to hint that Hannibal was actually the Grandfathers child. He also found evidence that his mother was drugged by the Grandfather to cause her mind to become unstable, that the Grandfather was a high level Imperial officer in the ISB, and that Hannibal's adopted father didn’t know any of this information.
Even though he tried to hide the fact he found out, soon soon corporate security brought him in for questioning in front of his adopted grandfather. After a mocked up charges he was discharged from the corporation, threatened with criminal charges if he should fight the dismissal, and threaded personally by his adopted grandfather about the idea of his one having an affair with his mother.
He was summarily transported to the outer rim and deposited on Tatooine. Now in shock, with his thoughts in a jumble he is fighting to survive for the first time on his own, without corporate and family assistance.
Fall of the Empire:
The Player Character’s true father is a high ranking ISB agent, who killed the father that raised him, destroyed his mother, and finally kicked him out of his family name. Now he is driven to bring the downfall of the Empire because of the evil it does to all it touches.
Space / Air Superiority: Trained on Corellia, a truly born in the pilots seat he flies to show his skills over the enemy.
Tall for a Corellian, he is 6’2, 22yo, handsome, physically strong but even more quick. However he prefers to use his intellect to come out on top.