7th - Gregor Lancaster by BadgersDontCare

Mechanic, Artisan
Force and Destiny

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 1
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 0
Cool (Pr) 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 2 +□-■
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 1
Perception (Cun) X 1 -■■ +□+□
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 1
Resilience (Br) 0 +□□
Skulduggery (Cun) X 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Int) X 1
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Lightsaber (Yellow Ilum Crystal)
Breach 1, Sunder

08 / 14 (Base 7)

Weapons & Armor

--- Worn ---

Katarn-class Commando Armor :
Def 1, Soak 2, [R]6,500cr, E1/4, HP2/3, R7
Oxygen Unit (+12hrs) Total 18hrs Oxygen
req'd Utility Arm : 2000cr, 2HP, R3

Lightsaber (Yellow Ilum Crystal)
[R]9300cr*, E1, HP2/5, R10

--- Not Worn ---

Conceiling Robe
Def 0, Soak 1, 150cr, E 1, HP 0, R 2
Add ■ to notice or recognize someone wearing these robes.

Personal Gear

PX-7 Heat Sensor : 250cr, E3, R7
Verpine Bond Gauntlets : 250cr, E1, R6

Jedi Utility Belt : [R]1000cr*, R8, (E+1)
3-day supply of food capsules
emergency medpac
Jedi multi-tool
slim glow rod
aquata breather

--- Requisitions ---
3x Stimpacks
Utility Arm : 2000cr, 2HP, R3

Assets & Resources

Hours : 72 / 72

**Lightsaber (Yellow Ilum Crystal)**
Dmg 6, Crit 2, Engaged, Breach 1, Sunder
!roll aa

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Healed (2020-04-18) - (♦ ♦ ♦) Crippled : Right arm crippled.


Name Rank Book & Page Description
--- Mechanic ---
Gearhead (Y) 1 EotE 136 Remove ■ per rank of Gearhead from all Mechanics checks. In addition, the credit cost to add mods to attachments decreases by 50%. This does not increase with multiple ranks of Gearhead.
Toughened (Y) 1 EotE 145 The character increases his wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened.
Fine Tuning (Y) 1 EotE 135 Whenever a character reduces the amount of strain a starship or vehicle suffers, he reduces one additional strain per rank of Fine Tuning.
Solid Repairs (Y) 2 EotE 143 The character repairs + 1 hull trauma per rank of Solid Repairs whenever he repairs a vehicle or starship.
Redundant Systems (N) Action 0 EotE 141 With an Easy (♦) Mechanics check, the character may harvest components from a functioning device to repair a broken one, without breaking the functioning device. This allows the character to repair a broken device without having required spare parts, raw materials, or repair kits (the initial check does not suffer penalties for lacking repair kits, either). This only works, however, if the functioning device is at least the same size and technological level as the device being repaired (it is impossible to repair a starship with a blaster pistol, or a lightsaber with parts from a water wheel).
Enduring (Y) 1 EotE 135 Character gains + 1 soak value per rank of Enduring.
Bad Motivator (N) Action 0 EotE 132 Once per game session, the character may take a Bad Motivator action to make a Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Mechanics check. If successful, one device (subject to the GM’s approval) spontaneously fails due to the character's involvement, or because it was about to fail anyway and the character noticed it (this is the character’s decision).
Contraption (N) Action 0 EotE 133 Once per game session, the character can take a Contraption action. With a successful Hard ( ♦ ♦ ♦ ) Mechanics check, the character can fashion a device to solve a current problem using the tools and parts on hand. This device must be approved by the GM and functions for the duration of the current encounter only. Those tools are destroyed in the process. (Triumph) may be spent to allow the tools to be recovered to be reused later.
Natural Tinkerer (N) Incidental 0 EotE 139 Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Mechanics check.
Hold Together (N) Incidental, Out of Turn 0 EotE 137 The character may spend one Destiny Point to make a Hold Together incidental immediately after a vehicle or starship he has repaired this encounter takes damage. The character explains why the apparently serious damage was in fact superficial, and the damage from the attack becomes system strain instead.
Dedication (Y) 1 EotE 134 1 : Intellect, 2 :
Unmatched Calibration (N) Incidental 0
--- Force Sensitive Emergent ---
Uncanny Senses (Y) 1 AoR 158 "Force Talent" - The character adds □ per rank of Uncanny Senses to his Perception checks.
--- Artisan ---
Mental Tools (N) 1 FaD 147 "Force talent" - The character always counts as having the right tools for the job (see page 181) when performing Mechanics checks.
--- Soresu Defender ---
Parry (Y) Incidental, Out of Turn 1 FaD 149 When the character suffers a hit from a Brawl, Melee, or Lightsaber combat check, after damage is calculated (but before soak is applied, so immediately after step 3 of Perform a Combat Check, page 210), the character may take a Parry incidental. He suffers 3 strain and reduces the damage dealt by that hit by a number equal to 2 plus his ranks in Parry. This talent may only be used once per hit and when the character is wielding a Lightsaber or Melee weapon.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Upgrade Effect


**Background : Born Engineer**
```Gregor was born to mechanic parents, raised in a repair shop, until he reached 5 years old. Around that time, he showed sign of emerging Force sensitivity, and so, he was admitted into the Jedi Academy. Over the year, he showed great Force sensitivity promises, and with his mechanic background, he trained intensively to become an artisan. When the Clone War broke out, he was deployed to the conflict as an onboard mechanic.```


•Angle Deflector Shields - AoR 246
Maneuver, Sil Any, Speed Any.
Using this maneuver, a crewmember with access to the shield controls can reassign up to one point of defense from one defense zone to another. [...]

•Assist - AoR 214
Pass a blue!

•Increase Power - SoT 72
Maneuver, Sil 0-3, Speed Any.
Ship takes 2 system strain, and increases the ship's top speed by 1 for a number of turns equal the astromech's Intellect, but reduces the craft's handling by 2, and the astromech may not perform a Boost Shields action in the same turn.

•Astro-Socket Actions - AoR 246

•Damage Control - Hull Threshold - !roll [aapppbbbd]
•Damage Control - System Strain - !roll [aapppbbd]
<50% = (♦) --- >50% = (♦ ♦) --- >100% = (♦ ♦ ♦)
•Repair Critical - !roll [aapppbbbbd]

•Plot Course - !roll [aaaapdd]
Each (S) reduce ■ suffered for difficult terrain.
(♦ ♦) Astrogation or (♦ ♦ ♦) Perception check

•Copilot -
Each (S) downgrade difficulty of next piloting check.
(♦ ♦) Piloting check

•Boost Shield - !roll [aapppbbddd]
AoR 248
(♦ ♦ ♦) Mechanics check

•Jamming - !roll [aaaapdd]
Enemy must make (♦ ♦) computer check to use comms. Each additional (SS) increase difficulty by 1. Each (A) affect 1 additional target.
(♦ ♦) Computer check

•Scan the Enemy - !roll [aapddd]
If successful, he learns what weapons the ship has. its modifications, and its system strain and hull trauma thresholds. If he spends (AA) he can also learn its current system strain and hull trauma levels.
(♦ ♦ ♦) Perception check

•Spoof Missiles - !roll [aaaapdd]
If successful, any attacks against the crewmember's ship or vehicle using weapons with the Guided quality upgrade their difficulty by one (plus an additional upgrade for every additional (AA)) until the start of the crewmember's next turn.
(♦ ♦) Computers or (♦ ♦ ♦) Vigilance check


Morality : 79 (!poly 1d10-X)
Duty : 45

**Motivation : Thrill**
```There are few actions more dangerous than taking on the forces of the CIS in a head-on battle. It requires incredible speed, intelligence, and courage to climb into the cockpit of an ARC-170 Starfighter or infiltrate a CIS base. Gregor seeks thrills and danger wherever he can find them, and he has joined the Republic to get a shot at taking on the most dangerous and well-trained fighting force in the galaxy.```
**Duty : Support**
```Individually, the lone agents of the Republic don't stand a chance against the combined might of the CIS. Only by working together can they hope to achieve a victory in this war. Gregor is devoted to helping fellow Republic's defenders fulfill their Duties by providing whatever assistance they need. Although he might not get the same amount of reward or recognition as the people he is helping, Gregor has many more opportunities than his fellows to fulfill his Duty to the Republic.```
**Morality : **
```Emotional Strength : Bravery
The character's bravery is quite remarkable. Whether facing down a charging rancor or racing into a burning building to save innocents, he is always willing to take risks to help others.

Emotional Weakness : Recklessness
The character's zeal for protecting others often comes at the cost of protecting himself. The character sometimes neglects to consider
his own well-being as a priority, and suffers the consequences.```


Other Notes

Technician - Mechanic (Base Spec) - (Talents : 100/220xp)
■ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Gearhead - Toughened - Fine Tuning - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Redundant Systems - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Solid Repairs - Enduring - Bad Motivator
□ ■ ■ □ - (xp) - Contraption - Solid Repairs - Fine Tuning
□ □ ■ □ - (xp) - Natural Tinkerer - Hold Together - Dedication

Force Sensitive Emergent (20xp) - (Talents : 5/185xp)
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny Senses
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny reactions - Toughened
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny Senses - Uncanny reactions
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Toughened - Sense Danger - Touch of Fate - Balance
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Force Rating - Dedication

Sentinel - Artisan (40xp) - (Talents : 5/150xp) - Astrogation, Computers, Mechanics, Knowledge (Education)
□ □ ■ □ - (xp) - Solid repairs - Fine Tuning - Mental Tools
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Grit - Solid Repairs - Fine Tuning
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Inventor
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Solid Repairs - Force Rating
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Master artisan - Intuitive Improvements

Guardian - Soresu Defender (50xp) - (Talents : 15/100xp) - Discipline, Vigilance, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber
■ □ □ □ - (xp) - Parry - Parry
■ □ □ □ - (xp) - Soresu Technique
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Confidence
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Parry
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Supreme Parry - Dedication

Operation A Bridge Too Near (2020-04-19) : 20xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs, +6 Morality.
-20xp : 5xp Gearhead, 5xp Parry, 10xp Soresu Technique.

Operation Deaf as a Post (2020-04-19) : 20xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs.
-55xp : 50xp Guardian Soresu Defender, 5xp Lightsaber.

Operation Long Shadows (2020-04-18) : 35xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs, +3 Morality.

#Starting XP
+265xp : Race (110xp), Duty (5xp), Knight (150xp).
#Characteristics :
-70xp : -70xp Intellect.
#Starting Skills :
Career : Technician
+1 Astrogation , +0 Computers, +0 Coordination, +0 Discipline, +1 Mechanics, +1 Perception, +1 Piloting (Planetary), +0 Knowledge: Outer Rim.
Spec.: Mechanic
+1 Mechanics, +1 Piloting (Space), +0 Skulduggery, +0 Brawl.
Race : +1 Cool, +1 Negotiation.
#Extra Specialization :
-20xp Force Sensitive Emergent
-40xp Sentinel - Artisan : Astrogation, Computers, Mechanics, Knowledge (Education)
#Path to Power :
#Talents :
-105xp : 5xp Toughened, 10+20xp Solid Repairs, 15xp Enduring, 20xp Fine Tuning, 25xp Dedication, 5xp Uncanny Senses, 5xp Mental Tools.
#Total xp Spent :

#Gear :
Starting Credits : 500cr Base, 9000cr Knight, 1000cr Duty(5)
-10500cr :
(3500cr) - Jedi Kit : Concealing Robe, One Lightsaber Hilt, Jedi Utility Belt

(6500cr) - Katarn-class Commando Armor :
Defense 1 | Soak 2 | Price [R] 6,500 | Enc 1/4 | HP 3 | Rarity 7
• Insulated Bodysuit: Add □□ to Resilience checks to resist environmental effects. Removes up to ■■ added to checks due to environmental effects.
• Vacuum Sealed: Allows user to ignore the effects of vacuum, toxic or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 6 hours.
• Integrated Scanners: The user benefits from a General-Purpose Scanner and an Enhanced Optics Suite. Removes up to ■■ added to Perception, Vigilance and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision and adds □ to perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies.
• Communications Suite: The user benefits from a 3-MAL Secure Comlink. This comlink transmits up to medium range on the planetary scale. Encryption adds ■ to any check made to intercept and unscramble the signal. Monitoring a standard clear frequency on civilized worlds can add □□ to Knowledge checks related to current events or conditions at the GM's discretion
• Modular Backpack: Increases the users encumbrance threshold by 6. The user benefits from a Modular Backpack Frame with one unit of the user’s choice. Can hold one additional unit beyond the first.

Verpine Bond Gauntlets : 250cr, E1, R6
PX-7 Heat Sensor : 250cr E3 R7

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