Technician - Mechanic (Base Spec) - (Talents : 100/220xp)
■ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Gearhead - Toughened - Fine Tuning - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Redundant Systems - Solid Repairs
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Solid Repairs - Enduring - Bad Motivator
□ ■ ■ □ - (xp) - Contraption - Solid Repairs - Fine Tuning
□ □ ■ □ - (xp) - Natural Tinkerer - Hold Together - Dedication
Force Sensitive Emergent (20xp) - (Talents : 5/185xp)
□ ■ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny Senses
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny reactions - Toughened
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Uncanny Senses - Uncanny reactions
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Toughened - Sense Danger - Touch of Fate - Balance
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Force Rating - Dedication
Sentinel - Artisan (40xp) - (Talents : 5/150xp) - Astrogation, Computers, Mechanics, Knowledge (Education)
□ □ ■ □ - (xp) - Solid repairs - Fine Tuning - Mental Tools
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Grit - Solid Repairs - Fine Tuning
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Inventor
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Solid Repairs - Force Rating
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Master artisan - Intuitive Improvements
Guardian - Soresu Defender (50xp) - (Talents : 15/100xp) - Discipline, Vigilance, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber
■ □ □ □ - (xp) - Parry - Parry
■ □ □ □ - (xp) - Soresu Technique
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Confidence
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Parry
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Supreme Parry - Dedication
Operation A Bridge Too Near (2020-04-19) : 20xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs, +6 Morality.
-20xp : 5xp Gearhead, 5xp Parry, 10xp Soresu Technique.
Operation Deaf as a Post (2020-04-19) : 20xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs.
-55xp : 50xp Guardian Soresu Defender, 5xp Lightsaber.
Operation Long Shadows (2020-04-18) : 35xp, 15 Duty, 1000cr, 24 hrs, +3 Morality.
#Starting XP
+265xp : Race (110xp), Duty (5xp), Knight (150xp).
#Characteristics :
-70xp : -70xp Intellect.
#Starting Skills :
Career : Technician
+1 Astrogation , +0 Computers, +0 Coordination, +0 Discipline, +1 Mechanics, +1 Perception, +1 Piloting (Planetary), +0 Knowledge: Outer Rim.
Spec.: Mechanic
+1 Mechanics, +1 Piloting (Space), +0 Skulduggery, +0 Brawl.
Race : +1 Cool, +1 Negotiation.
#Extra Specialization :
-20xp Force Sensitive Emergent
-40xp Sentinel - Artisan : Astrogation, Computers, Mechanics, Knowledge (Education)
#Path to Power :
#Talents :
-105xp : 5xp Toughened, 10+20xp Solid Repairs, 15xp Enduring, 20xp Fine Tuning, 25xp Dedication, 5xp Uncanny Senses, 5xp Mental Tools.
#Total xp Spent :
#Gear :
Starting Credits : 500cr Base, 9000cr Knight, 1000cr Duty(5)
-10500cr :
(3500cr) - Jedi Kit : Concealing Robe, One Lightsaber Hilt, Jedi Utility Belt
(6500cr) - Katarn-class Commando Armor :
Defense 1 | Soak 2 | Price [R] 6,500 | Enc 1/4 | HP 3 | Rarity 7
• Insulated Bodysuit: Add □□ to Resilience checks to resist environmental effects. Removes up to ■■ added to checks due to environmental effects.
• Vacuum Sealed: Allows user to ignore the effects of vacuum, toxic or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 6 hours.
• Integrated Scanners: The user benefits from a General-Purpose Scanner and an Enhanced Optics Suite. Removes up to ■■ added to Perception, Vigilance and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision and adds □ to perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies.
• Communications Suite: The user benefits from a 3-MAL Secure Comlink. This comlink transmits up to medium range on the planetary scale. Encryption adds ■ to any check made to intercept and unscramble the signal. Monitoring a standard clear frequency on civilized worlds can add □□ to Knowledge checks related to current events or conditions at the GM's discretion
• Modular Backpack: Increases the users encumbrance threshold by 6. The user benefits from a Modular Backpack Frame with one unit of the user’s choice. Can hold one additional unit beyond the first.
Verpine Bond Gauntlets : 250cr, E1, R6
PX-7 Heat Sensor : 250cr E3 R7