Sejanus Ren, known as “Dragoon” beneath the helmet, was once a Clone Trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic. He served in the 66th Exitus Legion along side Jedi General Dar’ius Ren, an incredibly skilled Miraluka who always put his troops first.
Unfortunately for Sejanus, he was in a gunship crash on a nameless planet that damaged the aggression part of his inhibitor chip, inducing him into a vicious frenzy, killing his few surviving brothers, and deserting. He spent days without food or water, wandering through the wilderness until he came across a small medical facility. Seeing he was in distress, the doctors pacified him and treated him, removing his chip in the process.
He eventually left, his old gear in tow, as he made his way to the Outer Rim in hopes of escaping his actions that would surely see him executed. He spent a couple years in Hutt Space as a Mercenary before hearing rumors of other rogue clones on a planet called Tanus...
Ever since Sejanus has been free from servitude in the GAR, he only wishes to maintain his freedom, and help any other free willed clones along the way. He does, however, hope to one day open a Dojo of sorts where other Clones can come and be free, and where he can teach those who wish to learn about combat and tradition.
Sejanus will forever live in regret of his uncontrolled actions. He will always go out of his way to support a fellow freed clone because of this.
12 y/o Male
6’4”, Bulky
Red mohawk, everything else is buzzed.
Brown eyes
Scar down the right side of face.
Tattoo on his right pectoral stating
“First in, Last standing”
Blue tattoo on the left side of his face.