Vsus, while Mon Calamarian, was actually not born on the planet of Dac (Mon Calamari), but on the the Calamari colony planet of Ruisto. Growing up on a colony world meant that every day was less about enjoyment and more about seeing another day and finding new opportunities. As nearby Dac became more and more populated and increasingly scrutinized by the Imperials, his parents began to recruit Mon Calamarians (and a few Quarren) to develop a factory settlement. Eventually, though, the Imperials caught wind after the settlement was discovered funneling arms into the Rebel Alliance, and invaded with a small force. The settlement, including Vsus and his family, headed towards the hills (Ruisto is not an ocean planet). Guerilla warfare became a family venture, and Vsus quickly became respected for his creative thinking and quick learning. Vsus spent several years developing his tactical sense before being recruited to the resistance on Dac. Tragically, the Empire decided to make an example of the fledgling colony planet by utterly destroying all life via the Imperial Star Destroyer in orbit. Ruisto was left uninhabitable and very few survived. Vsus's entire family was presumed dead and subsequent searches have not produced any results. Vsus has moved from Dac to support the Rebel Alliance wherever they may need support.
Justice- After the death of his family and the destruction of Ruisto, Vsus seeks justice and the downfall of the Empire.
Sabotage- As a long term guerilla soldier, Vsus is dedicated to any manuever to remove assets from the Imperials. He knows that direct confrontation against the Empire will never work, but every victory, even small ones, will eventually cause the Empire to slowly crumble.
(Original +20, -10 for +10 XP, -5 for +5 XP, -5 for 1,000 creds)
Total: 0 (Starting). +10 (Mission Dragon's Breath ) + 5 (24 leave exchange) +15 (Operation Flashback) + 5 (Op. Flashback report) + 5 (24 hr exchange) = 40 Duty
Vsus is a young, green mottled Mon Calamari. While typically unassuming, Vsus has a quick eye and even at his young age he commands respect from his team. He is also known as a charming team player who is able to befriend and inspire those around him.
He is less awkward out of water then the typical Mon Calamari since he is from a different terrestrial planet (and he is more awkward in water though still amphibious). Other Mon Calamari/Quarren may notice his accent is different.