Precognition (Racial ability) |
1 |
Keeping the Peace, 18 |
At GM's discretion, an Iktotchi may spend one truimph on a check to determine Initiative to perform a free maneuvar before the encounter begins or to allow an ally to have a free maneuvar before the encoutner begins. |
Swift |
1 |
F&D, 89 |
The character does not suffer the penalties for moving through difficult terrain (he moves through it at normal speed, without spending additional maneuvers). |
Grit |
3 |
F&D, 89 |
Each rank of Grit increases a character's strain threshold by one. |
Keen Eyed |
2 |
F&D, 89 |
Remove (Challenge dice) per rank of Keen Eyed from Perception and Vigilance checks, Decrease the time to search area by half. |
Animal Empathy |
1 |
F&D, 89 |
When making checks to handle or tame animals, add (Force dice) no greater than Force rating to the check. Spend (Force point) to add Success or Advantage to check. |
Outdoorsman |
1 |
F&D, 89 |
The character removes (Challenge dice) per rank of Outdoorsman from checks to move through terrain or manage ter-rain or environmental effects. Decrease overland trav-el times by 50% (this does not decrease with multiple ranks of Outdoorsman). |
Animal Bond |
1 |
F&D, 89 |
Develop long-term bond with single animal of silhouette no greater than half Force rating roudned down. |
Quick Draw |
1 |
F&D, 87 |
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or item as an incidental. |
Jump Up |
1 |
F&D, 87 |
Once per round, may stand from seated or prone as an incidental. |
Ataru Technique |
1 |
F&D, 87 |
When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Agility instead of Brawn. |
Force Rating |
1 |
F&D 89 |
Gain +1 Force Rating |
Parry |
1 |
F&D, 87 |
When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry. |
Conditioned |
1 |
F&D 87 |
Remove CHallenge Die per rank of Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned. |
Dodge |
1 |
F&D 87 |
When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number. |
Quick Strike |
2 |
F&D 87 |
Add Boost Die per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter. |
Forager |
1 |
F&D 89 |
Remove up to two setback die from skill checks to find food, water, or shelter. Survival checks to forage take half the time. |
Toughened |
1 |
f&d, 89 |
Gain +2 wound threshold |
Soothing Tone |
1 |
hermit |
Once per encounter when riding a beast, peform Soothing Tone action (2p Xeno Check). Beast recovers strain equal to number of successes on check (if beast has no strain threshold, recovers wounds instead). |
Mental Bond |
1 |
f&d, 89 |
May perform the Mental Bond action. Commit a Force Die. While commited, may communicate with bonded animal at long range and see and hear through it's sense. |