Backstory Primer:
1) How did you discover your force sensitivity?
"I'm glad I'm not, honestly. Being a Jedi is a big responsibility, I'm happy to leave to heroic self sacrifice to them."
2) Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
"My family was quite insistent that I follow the tradition and join the military. They weren't thrilled my intentions of sticking to journalism. So I ran. Haven't spoken to them since. I stole a ship and was gone the next morning I ended up being raided by pirates less than a week into my new freedom. If Kormik's Crusaders hadn't been passing through, I'd be dead."
3) How did you come to work for the NJO?
"My parents told me stories about the Jedi growing up. Rhys used to talk about his people's version of the Mandalorian wars. It seems like the Jedi have all the best stories. Can you blame me for wanting to be the one to tell them? And if get a little fame of off boosting their rep, it's win-win."
4) Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
"Rhys Kormik, leader of the merc crew that saved my hide. He took a liking to me during my... internship with him. Showed me a few tricks. We still keep in touch. He even let me take the crew's old ship when I left. After they stole a better one, obviously."
5) Describe a pivotal moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral
strength despite adversity.
"One of the jobs I worked with the Crusaders, we were recovering stolen medical supplies, before people starting dying. The crew was taking it slow after a less than successful first assault, and my sniping partner had taken a nasty wound. I spent the next three days in their territory, using Spotlight to track targets. By the time the rest of the team was ready for a second push, I'd taken out most of the chain of command. Managed to score an interview with the cute medic who employed us, made for a wonderful article."
Belief - The Jedi
"If more people acted like the Jedi, there wouldn't be a need for people like me."
Morality: 36
Strength: Righteousness
"The best revenge is utterly crushing their ambitions. Usually with a scathing hit piece, but sometimes with a good fight."
Weakness: Defiance
"I don't need your orders or rules to tell me what's right. I have a functioning moral compass and I'm not an idiot. It's amazing how rare that combination is. "
Duty(5): Political Support
"The Jedi are a force for good, and the more of the galaxy that realizes that, the better."