Terrik Cen by silentstrike23

Starfighter Ace
Force and Destiny

Threshold 13
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 2
Ranged 3
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 1
Athletics (Br) X 1 -1 Setback (Custom Fit)
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 1 +1 Boost (Combat Tested)
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 1 +1 Boost on simpler checks
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1 +1 Boost (Sensory Tendrils)
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 3
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 2
Resilience (Br) 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 1 -1 Setback (Custom Fit)
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 1
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 2
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


M8 Combat Knife
Accurate 1, Pierce 1, Viscious 1
S5 Security Blaster
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting, 3 HP
Czerka Arms Model 38 Sharpshooter
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 3, Pierce 3, reduce difficulty by 1 for Long+Extreme range
9 +1 adv +3 blue +1 adv -1 black
Czerka Model 38 (explosive rounds)
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 3, Blast 5, Knockdown
9 +1 adv +3 blue +1 adv -1 black


Weapons & Armor

- Armored Clothing (2/3HP, 2 enc) with integrated holsters and custom fit
- Koromondian Half Vest (3 enc)
- M8 Combat Knife (0/1HP, 1 Enc) with Serrated Edge
- S5 Security Blaster (3/3HP, 3 Enc)
- Czerka Arms Model 38 Sharpshooter (0/4HP, 5 Enc) with Tele. Opt. Sight, Weap. Sling, Superior Weap. Customiz., Custom Grip, and Combat Tested

Personal Gear

- Integrated Holsters (kinda +4(6) enc) (can hold two 3 enc things, instead holding pistol(3) and combat knife(1))
- Backpack (+4 enc)
- Load bearing Gear (+3 enc)
- Utility Belt (+1 enc)
- Belt Pouch (+1 enc)
- Handheld Comlink (0 Enc)
- Stimpack x1 (0 enc)
- Custom Stimpack bullet x1 (1 Enc)
- Explosive rounds (1 Enc)
- Synthe rope-40m (2 Enc) + some in ascension gun
- Tool Kit (4 Enc)
- Fabritech CX-2000 Holographic Ghillie Suit (1 Enc) (increase difficulty to find user as long as they are immobile)

Assets & Resources

1895€ is personal

Crimson Dawn Honored Veteran Token

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Sensory Tendrils 1 Add 1 boost die to all Perception checks
Rapid Reactions 1 101 Suffer a number of strain to add an equal number of success to initiate combat checks. Cannot exceed ranks
Grit 1 101 Gain +1 strain threshold
Confidence 1 101 May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank
Solid Repairs 1 101 When repairing hull trauma on a starship or vehicle, repair 1 additional per rank
Skilled Jockey 1 101 Remove setback die per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Piloting checks you attempt
Intuitive Evasion (nope) 1 101 Take 1 strain, commit a force die up to ranks in Intuitive Evasion. Upgrade difficulty of attacks targeting vehicle by equal amount. Suffer 1 strain each round the force die stays committed
Touch of Fate (nope) 1 101 Once per session, add 2 boost die to any 1 check
Innate Quick Draw Talent (from sling) (Czerka) 1 Once per round, may draw/holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, also reduces time to draw weapon by one maneuver
Intuitive Strike (nope) 1 101 When making a combat check with a planetary scale weapon, add force die no greater than Force rating to the check. Spend 2 pips to add success or advantage.
Force Rating (nope) 1 101 Gain +1 Force Rating
Full Throttle 1 101 Take the Full Throttle action. Make a HardPiloting check to increase the vehicle's top speed by 1 for a number of rounds equal to Cunning.
Galaxy Mapper 1 101 Remove a setback die per rank of Galaxy Mapper from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take half normal time.


He was conscripted into the Imperial Army at a young age. He had shown talent in piloting early into his training, so his superiors put him in an accelerated course with older starfighter pilots. When he was 18, he and his best friend (no he hasn't met the other Terrik yet) who was a mechanic were working on restoring a older clone wars era ARC-170 as a side hobby (with permission from their flight commander). While Terrik's mechanic friend was fixing the underside wing rotator, the wing he was under collapsed and was crushing said mechanic friend. Terrik was overcome with fear, but he suppressed it and tried with all his might to lift the wing. At first it wouldn't budge, but somehow, as if some other force was helping, he lifted the wing just enough for his friend to slide out and save himself. The 8th Brother of the Inquistorius was in the hanger at the same time and saw it happen. Having felt a change in the force, he recruited Terrik to be an Inquisitorius agent. He met Terrik Durron here and they became close friends. He also did a bit of training with Aquan Requiana and Terrik came to have great respect for Agent Aquan. Along with some other Inquistorius and ISB Agents, they were sent by the Emporer himself to hunt down a Force Talisman that would act as a compass right to Darth Maul's location. Their hunt led them to Dathomir, where Maul reached the talisman right before them and destroyed it. Maul said that with their mission failed, Darth Vader would surely kill them when he arrived. Darth Maul offered to have the group join forces to create a new Sith Order together. The entire group quickly joined Maul with only a little convincing, except for Terrik Cen and Terrik Durron. Maul told Agent Cen he could fly a Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter and become an even better pilot if he joined and that was the breaking point. Agent Cen agreed. After Agent Cen wished Agent Durron good luck and they exchanged parting goodbyes, the group left Agent Durron to his fate with Vader. The group trained with Maul for a time until they were sent on their new mission: Prevent a civil war on Bo-Sera and take control of the Eye of Gorga Rion. After helping Mr. Picket clean up the mess from their earlier visit to Bo-Sera, they met with Tsvosis, a leader in the Nomad Tribe of the desert. Narrowly escaping a violent sandstorm, the group traveled into the capital city Gorga Rion. They found the streets empty and not even Tsvosis could explain it. Upon reaching the center of the city, they entered the Temple of the Aroitna, in which was an unnatural, almost ethereal dark. They entered a large room with a deep pit beneath it. Waking a serpent, they engaged in a difficult battle before one of the lightsaber members finally killed it. However, upon exiting the temple, they were greeted by the 7th sister and a batallion of Wraith Guard (advanced Storm Troopers). Leth Ayern, a fairly new addition to the party, turned out to be Terrik Durron posing as an agent of Maul. He shed the previous form and showed himself to be Terrik Durron: The 13th Brother. An intense battle ensued outside the temple and when it seemed that Durron would be overcome, he tore off his Veil of Darkness, letting out the force beast of unbridled rage and power. The Beast decimated the group, taking heavy wounds but incapacitating every member of the group except Agent Aquan and Agent Cen. In the end, Agent Aquan overcharged his blaster and dove into the mouth of the Force Beast, putting an end to the destruction and chaos. The remaining Imperial Officer and Squad were evacuated along with the incapacitated 7th sister and the entirety of the other Imperial Forces in Gorga Rion. Tsvosis arrived in troop transports with Maul and Agent Cen and his incapacitated comrades were evacuated from the area as well.
Upon reaching an agreement with Maul, Agent Cen was released from duty and was free to pursue whatever he desired. Terrik Cen flew under the radar long enough for his bounty by the Empire to be forgotten. He started work as a starfighter escort for hire and kept improving his piloting skills. He became one of the better starfighter pilots in the outer rim. He ended up settling down as a mechanic, regularly enjoying flying speeders just a little too fast and occasionally helping give a lift to those who needed it. He eventually made a trip to Jedha, where he reconciled himself with the force and made the final steps to eliminating the Dark Side of the Force within himself.


Ambition: Expertise in star fighter battle and mechanics

Obligation: Bounty(Empire): 5


Emotional Strength: Discipline

Emotional Weakness: Obstinance


Morality: 47


Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 1.75m (5’9”)
Weight: 78kg(172ish lbs)
Build: Somewhat slim
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Deep Grey
Notable Features: many head tendrils, blue skin, star chart tattoo of Core Worlds and the Slice on inside of right forearm, often a quiet, pensive attitude that is seen as cool and unfeeling at times

Other Notes

XP- added free skill rank in anything from GM to get 3rd rank in Planetary Piloting

At the campaign's end, Terrik was exposed to a Force Rift which made character a have an "aura" that negates the Force within a limited distance. He lost all ability to use the Force as well. Force Rating was previously 2 and it is now 0 because of this experience.

Character is retired.

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