Dubious Kibbles by DroidDreamer

Kowakian Monkey-Lizard
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 11
Current 0
Threshold 15
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 5 -1 Setback
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 4
Deception (Cun) 4 -1 Setback
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0 -1 Setback
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 3 -1 Setback
Stealth (Ag) 5 +1 Boost
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0

Weapons & Armor

Dubious Kibble's Blaster - Burn 3, Ion Quality, Custom Grip, Accurate 1. 6 DMG Crit 3, Enc 1

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


**Dubious Kibbles Biggest Fan (Charm) Check**
Biggest Fan: 1/Session, take the Biggest Fan Action to roll Difficulty 3 Charm Check to make an NPCs into the PC's biggest fan; Natural Charmer: 1/session, re-roll Charm check; Smooth Talker: May spend :Triumph: to add :Success: :Success: :Success:; Kill With Kindness: Remove :Setback: :Setback: :Setback:; Congenial: Suffer strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm checks by equal number of ranks (3).
!roll [ppppaddd]

**Dubious Kibbles Don't Shoot! Action**
1/ session, take the Don’t Shoot! Action to make a Hard Charm check. If successful, can't be the target combat checks until the end of encounter or until PC makes a combat check. Natural Charmer: 1/session, re-roll Charm check; Smooth Talker: May spend :Triumph: to add :Success: :Success: :Success:; Kill With Kindness: Kill With Kindness: Remove :Setback: :Setback: :Setback:; Congenial: Suffer strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm checks by equal number of ranks (3).
!roll [ppppaddd]

**Dubious Kibbles Disarming Smile Action**
Take Disarming Smile Action to make opposed Charm check to lower enemy defenses by number of ranks (2).

**Dubious Kibbles Just Kidding Incidental**
1/round, spend Destiny Point as incidental to ignore 1 :Despair: generated on social checks by PC or ally.


**Dubious Kibbles Distracting Behavior Maneuver**
Until the end of next turn, inflict :Threat: :Threat: on a number of enemies up to Cunning score (4) within Long range and take equal number of Strain.

**Dubious Kibbles Coordinated Dodge**
Spend 1 Destiny Point to add :Failure: :Failure: :Failure: :Failure: equal to ranks in Coordination (4) to 1 attack.

**Dubious Kibbles Dodge Incidental**
Dodge (2) When targeted by attack, spend Strain up ranks in Dodge to upgrade difficulty by that amount

**Dubious Kibbles Ranged Light Check**
!roll [aaaa]

**Dubious Kibbles "Big Fire! Hahahaha! Pew-Pew!" Blaster Pistol Attack**
Dubious Kibble's Blaster. Damage 6, Crit 3, Burn 3, Ion Quality, Custom Grip (Accurate 1).
!roll [aaaab]

**Dubious Kibbles Deceptive Taunt Action**
1/session, make Deceptive Taunt Action to roll opposed Deception vs 1 NPC within Medium range. Success: NPC must attack him during its next turn or spend all maneuvers to get into position to attack. Once it attacked, NPC no longer affected by Deceptive Taunt. Natural Charmer: 1/session, re-roll Deception check;
!roll [pppp]


**Dubious Kibbles Charm Check** Natural Charmer: 1/session, re-roll Charm check; Smooth Talker: May spend :Triumph: to add :Success: :Success: :Success:; Kill With Kindness: Remove :Setback: :Setback: :Setback:; Congenial: Suffer strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm checks by equal number of ranks (2).
!roll [ppppa]

**Dubious Kibbles Coordination Check** Natural Athlete: 1/Session, re-roll Coordination check.
!roll [pppp]

**Dubious Kibbles Deception Check** Natural Charmer: 1/session, re-roll Deception check; Convincing Demeanor: Remove :Setback:.
!roll [pppp]

**Dubious Kibbles Athletics Check**
Natural Athlete: 1/Session, re-roll Athletics check.
!roll [a]

**Dubious Kibbles Skulduggery Check** Natural Rogue: 1/session, re-roll Skullduggery check; Bypass Security: Remove :Setback: :Setback: from Skullduggery checks to disable security device or locked door
!roll [pppa]

**Dubious Kibbles Stealth Check**
Natural Rogue: 1/session, re-roll Stealth check
!roll [ppppab]


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Distracting Behavoir (3) 1 Make Distracting Behavoir manuever: Until the end of next turn, inflict 1 Threat on a number of enemies up to Cunning score within Medium range and take equal number of Strain.
Smooth Talker (3) 1 May spend Triumph to add 1 Success per rank (3) to Charm checks
Convincing Demeanor 1 Remove 1 Setback from Deception and Skullduggery checks
Kill With Kindness (3) 1 Remove 2 Setbacks from Charm and Leadership checks
Dodge 1 Perform Dodge Incidental to upgrade incoming attack 1/rank (1) and take equal number of strain
Congenial (3) 1 Suffer strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm/Negotiation checks by equal number of ranks (1)
Biggest Fan 1 1/Session, take the Biggest Fan Action to roll Difficulty 3 Charm Check to make an NPCs into the PC's biggest fan
Distracting Behavoir (Improved) 1 Add 2 Threats instead of one
Deceptive Taunt 1 Once per session, the character may make a Deceptive Taunt action. The character makes an opposed Deception check targeting one NPC within medium range. If he succeeds, the NPC must attack him during its next turn. If the NPC cannot do so, it must spend all subsequent turns maneuvering into position untl it can make a melee or ranged attack against the character. Once it has made a melee or ranged attack against the character, the NPC is no longer affected by Deceptive Taunt. If the character is incapacitated or leaves the encounter, the NPC is no longer affected by Deceptive Taunt. If used outside of combat, at the GM's discretion the NPC can choose to perform a non-lethal attack if the situation warrants it. if the encounter takes place at a party, for example, the NPC may choose to punch the character rather than using a knife or blaster.
Natural Athlete 1 1/Session, re-roll Athletics or Coordination check
Grit (2) 1 +1 Strain Threshold
Coordinated Dodge 1 Spend 1 Destiny Point to add Failure equal to ranks in Coordination (4) to 1 attack.
Toughened 1 +2 Wound Threshold
Disarming Smile (2) 1 Take Disarming Smile Action to make opposed Charm check to lower enemy defenses by number of ranks (1).
Just Kidding! 1 1/round, spend Destiny Point to ignore Despairs generated on social checks by PC or ally
Don't Shoot! 1 1/ session, take the Don’t Shoot! Action to make a Hard Charm check. If successful, can't be the target combat checks until the end of encounter or until PC makes a combat check.
Natural Charmer 1 1/session, re-roll Charm or Deception check
Bypass Security (2) 1 Remove one Setback from Skullduggery checks to disable security device or locked door
Natural Rogue 1 1/session, re-roll Skullduggery or Steath check
Dodge (2) 1 When targetted by attack, spend Strain up ranks in Dodge to upgrade difficulty by that amount


Earned XP 905 as of 11-29-2020 (including XP as of 11-28-2020 only)




Other Notes

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