Ares Neutrino never knew a time before the Empire. He was born on Alderaan in 23BBY, the second son to parents Reena and Gondar, just before the outbreak of the Clone Wars and grew up like any typical boy, going to school and playing with friends and his brother Harbon. But as he got older he caught the eye of an Imperial propaganda minister who thought his good looks, especially the unusual combination of dark blonde hair and gray eyes, would play well on a series of holovids that were set to begin filming, depicting a young ace TIE pilot crushing the early seeds of Rebellion.
The gregarious young man was a natural actor and was sent to Prefsbelt IV in 2 BBY to hone his piloting skills under Baron Soontir Fel. He took to flying and dogfighting even better than acting and quickly began to outshine the other cadets, to the point he knew he could be a great pilot in the Imperial Navy, destroying Rebel scum and keeping the New Order safe from agitators. While he found the Empire’s anti-alien bias personally distasteful there was no doubt in his mind that once the Rebellion was put down, that would subside too.
After completing the TIE training he was gravely disappointed to learn he would not be allowed to join the Navy proper as he was considered too important to the propaganda machine to risk losing in space combat, especially as TIE pilots’ lifespans were notoriously short. He instead starred in numerous holovids, tearing through squadrons of Z-95 Headhunters, Y-Wings and the newest toy of the Rebellion, the X-Wing. He also was called on to “protect” innocent Imperial citizens in videos displaying his double pistol-wielding acumen in running blaster fights and showing how indiscriminate the Rebels were in selecting their targets. While he gained fame throughout the Empire as a movie star, few truly believed he was actually an ace pilot or any good with a blaster. It was usually drunken pirates testing him; they didn’t live long enough to realize they were wrong.
Over the next year his fame grew, mostly among the younger generation and hard-line zealots, as holovid after holovid was cranked out to his adoring fans. With one laser blast, everything changed. His handlers tried to keep the truth from Ares, but he quickly discovered Grand Moff Tarkin used the Death Star to destroy Alderaan, rather than the official Imperial line that it was an act of terrorism by the Rebellion. Luckily his immediate family was offworld at the time but virtually everyone else he knew was incinerated.
Ares used the fortune he amassed to buy contacts that would help him get out from under the Empire’s thumb, keep his family safe and buy him his own personal Z-95 with which he patrolled what came to be known as The Graveyard, the remains of his home planet. Other Alderaanians often returned to launch items into The Graveyard as a way of commemorating their loved ones. Pirates and fringers often thought retrieving and selling these items would be a lucrative source of income until they found a heavily modified Headhunter on their tail, making The Graveyard their final resting place as well.
A few months of this kind of action was enough for Ares, as he realized he could never make up for the damage he did unless he joined the Rebellion. He reached out to fellow Alderaanian and former Fel student Tycho Celchu who helped him overcome concerns from Rebellion leadership that Ares was an Imperial double agent. While his superiors eventually believed in him – handing over his Z-95 to the cause went a long way toward gaining that trust – his fellow Rebels had a bit harder time accepting this man, who portrayed them as murderous, indiscriminate and borderline incompetent terrorists, into their ranks. He understood this completely and used his deep wells of charm, humor and humility to rehabilitate his image among his new comrades.
He is willing to do just about anything to help bring down the Empire, except star in Rebel propaganda vids, a suggestion early on by Rebel leaders Ares simply wouldn’t hear. However, that doesn’t mean he is above using his former fame or charming nature to sway as many people to join the Rebels as possible. In fact, he’s made it his personal goal to recruit two new Rebels for every Imp he kills, and he plans to kill a lot of Imps.
Revenge: The Empire destroyed his home world. He can never get back what was taken from him but he keeps a personal tally of his Imperial kills and the number of people he's recruited to join the Rebellion. He won't stop until the two numbers add up to 2 billion - Alderaan's population.
Recruiting (30): By bolstering the numbers of the Rebellion, they can overcome the empire.
Obligation: Oath (5): He has vowed to right his previous wrongs, setting himself a virtually unobtainable goal.
Ares is a bit shorter than average, as most pilots are, standing 5'8" and weighing 165 lbs. His hair is dark blonde and he has gray eyes. His good looks got him noticed by Imperial propaganda ministers, but the emotional toll from Alderaan's destruction and his time hunting pirates in The Graveyard have roughed him up a bit, despite being only 23.