Noell Ciro is an aggressive fighter pilot and
the younger brother of Captain Ciro. Noell,
like his brother, began his career in the
Dolomar resistance, which succeeded in
evicting the planet's Imperial occupation
forces shortly after the Battle of Endor.
While Keleman joined the New Republic to
further the fight against the Empire, Noell
saw New Republic military service as a way
off the frozen ball of rock he and his family
called home.
Noell had some experience racing swoops
at the local tracks and scored well in initial
simulator testing. He was accepted into the
New Republic's pilot fighter training program
at the Sluis Van Outer Starfighter Base.
Noell cruised through the training program,
but he· also came to understand the serious-
ness of his duty. Noell has fought in several
campaigns against Imperial forces and was
pleased to learn that he had been assigned
to the New Republic task force sent to defeat
Moff Sarne.
Noell is far more serious than he was when
he began his fighter training nearly four
years ago: he has seen a lot of good friends
die and has grown from being a wisecracking
kid to a thoughtful and serious young man.
He spends a lot of his time cautioning
overly enthusiastic youngsters in the hopes
that he can help them learn a little maturity
before they get themselves killed. Noell is
extremely excited about serving under his
brother, but sees his biggest task as being
bridging the gap between his brother and Lt.