Being a male selonian, Run was never supposed to be a fighter. Due to some particular circumstances though, Run was raised off world. Soon after Run was born, his parents died of a plague that had swept through that killed everyone in his village within a matter of 24 hours. Fortunately for him, a human hermit travelling the galaxy found him cuddled in his dead parents arms and took him in. His mentor, one by the name of Darek, taught him how to make his body the weapon when it comes to self defense. It became part of his every day routine-- that is at least until Darek died. Although Darek never talked much about his past, he definitely had a full one and was glad to have his final resting place be in good company and on his deathbed, gave Run his crystal necklace. Since then Run has been wandering the galaxy taking bounties and hired security jobs to make a living.
Non-Human Rights: The character fights for the rights of non-humans in the very xenophobic rule of the Empire.
10 Magnitude Thrill Seeker:
Some people are addicted to alcohol or chems, others to gambling or other seedy vices. This character however, is a confirmed adrenaline junkie, and chooses bounties not by their challenge or by price, but by how exciting or dangerous they are. Avoiding this Obligation--perhaps by being a responsible business operator and considering every job's cost benefit analysis-- results in an almost immediate case of excitement withdrawal. When inactive, the character is edge, moody, easily distracted, and generally unpleasant to be around.
10 Magnitude Vigilante for 10 XP:
The character has seen the wheels of justice grind up the innocent and let the guilty walk free. The character has sworn to take the law--or a version of it, at any rate-- and bring justice to those who deserve it. When taking contracts, this character tends to pursue the most hardened criminals.
wears nothing but a biogel suit, a small pouch of credits, and a mysterious crystal necklace hanging across his neck.