Aesa lived in a Zabrak colony in the outer rim for the formative years of her life. On the cold and desolate planet, not many Zabraks lived in luxury, or even in comfort. Most of the population lives ration to ration, waiting for adventurers to dock in their ports. As Aesa grew up, she quickly realized she had to be able to hold her own. Walking around the bazaar, she used to get picked on, bullied, and even robbed by the other children. To help prevent others from suffering the same fate, Aesa became a patrol guard around the bazaar.
Early on, Aesa realized she noticed small things that others didn’t, almost like a second sense. Going forward, she learned it was something called the force. She needed to keep her force sensitivity under wraps as her colony had moved multiple times to escape the sith influence on the Iridonians. Being force-sensitive could be a death sentence if she wasn’t careful. On patrol, she had to keep a delicate balance between helping those in need and keeping her abilities secret.
The more she patrolled, the more injustice Aesa witnessed. She noticed that most of the time, it was those in power abusing their privilege to take advantage of those who were weaker than them. Being on the receiving end of this torment in the past, Aesa vowed to always stand up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. Unfortunately, this got her in trouble more often than not.
One day, after a particularly nasty fight with the wrong Zabrak, Aesa is exiled from the colony. Too many brawls with the higher-ups and their cronies put her in bad standing, but her reputation for helping those in need spread even further. With some aid from those she helped in the past, she managed to gain passage on a small ship. Originally intending to find safe transport to a nearby cantina, hoping for a freelance guard job. Along the way, the small ship accumulates a small group that gets along rather well. The group decides to start adventuring together, taking various jobs to fund their escapades.