Born on the core world of Kuat to Republic, later Imperial, engineers Solus (unknown birth name) had a relatively ordinary upbringing with a particular influence from his parents on the construction and maintenance of vehicles. As a teen he became involved with "underground" gangs sanctioned by the Alliance to restore the Republic, which operated in secret to disrupt the Kuat Drive Yards day to day operations. At 17, he was involved in a sabotage operation which went wrong and captured by Imperial Security. He was returned to his parents pending trial, who knew the sentence would inevitably be death. They arranged for a ship to take them off-planet to the Outer Rim Territories, to which the shadow of the Empire did not extend. While fleeing via the spaceport, a struggle ensued with the authorities and Nox's mother was killed in the skirmish. His father was mortally wounded, later dying aboard the ship which would take them to Nal Hutta, the closest Outer Rim system. The money that his parents had planned to take with them was just enough to ensure that Nox found a new identity and employment with the Hutts, rather than servitude.
Overthrow the Empire - Solus despises the Empire and everything that it stands for. As he was previously affiliated with the Rebel Alliance, he supports its goals and gives aid and comfort to those against Imperial tyranny.
Follows the Bounty Hunter's Creed strictly.
As he suffered greatly in his youth at the hands of the Empire due to his affiliation with the Rebel Alliance, he feels an obligation to assist rebel operations and disrupt Imperial operations when and where he can whilst remaining independent.
1.85m in height