One With Nature |
SS 27 |
When in the wilderness, the character may make a (-) Survival check (Instead of Discipline or Cool) to recover Strain at the end of an encounter. |
Animal Bond |
SS 27 |
Develop a long-term bond with a single animal of a silhouette no greater than half force rating, rounded down. |
Grit (2) |
SS 27 |
+1 Strain |
Survival of the Fittest |
SS 27 |
Once per session, when making a single check, may treat Force rating as being equal to ranks in survival |
Conditioned (1) |
SS 27 |
Remove 1 Setback per rank of Conditioned from all Athletics and Coordination checks. Reduce the damage and strain suffered from falling by 1 per rank of Conditioned. |
Enduring |
SS 27 |
+1 Soak |
Improved Animal Bond |
SS 27 |
When performing a maneuver to direct a bonded animal, may suffer 1 strain to add 1 boost to the animal's next check. |
Natural Outdoors man |
SS 27 |
Once per session, may re-roll any one resilience or survival check |
Force Rating +1 (2) |
SS 27 |
Gain +1 Force Rating |
Shroud |
SS 27 |
May spend a Destiny Point to become undetectable via Force powers and make own powers go unnoticed for the remainder of the encounter |
Indistinguishable (1) |
Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify character once per rank of indistinguishable. |
Sleight of Mind (1) |
Add 1 Boost per rank of Sleight of Mind to all stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to Force Powers |
Grit (2) |
+1 Strain |
Touch of Fate |
Once per session, add 2 boosts to any one check |
Force Rating +1 (1) |
Gain +1 Force Rating |
Balance |
When the character heals strain at the end of an encounter, he may add 1 force dice per force rating. He recovers additional strain equal to pips generated. |
Dedication (1) |
Gain +1 to single Characteristic (Brawn) |
Uncanny Senses (1) |
Add 1 Boost per rank of uncanny senses to all perception checks |
Toughened |
+2 Wounds |
Jump Up |
FAD 87 |
Once per round, may stand from seated or prone as an incidental. |
Ataru Technique |
FAD 87 |
When making a check using the Lightsaber skill, the character may use Agility instead of Brawn. |
Saber Swarm |
FAD 87 |
Perform the Saber Swarm maneuver; suffer 1 strain, to make next Lightsaber (Agility) combat check this turn gain the Linked item quality equal to Force rating during check. |
Saber Throw |
FAD 87 |
Perform Saber Throw action, make Lightsaber combat check as ranged attack at target within medium range, adding Force dice no greater than Force rating. Must spend 1 Force pip and succeed to hit target; spend 1 force pip to have weapon return to hand. |
Dedication (1) |
FAD 87 |
Gain +1 to a single characteristic (Cunning) |
Parry |
FAD 87 |
When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry. |
Hawk Bat Swoop |
FAD 87 |
As an action make a Lightsaber (Agility) attack against a target within short range, adding Force dice up to Force Rating. Spend 1 Force pip to engage target and 1 Force pip to add advantages to check. |