R-alpha by MagnaTolvan

Edge of the Empire

Threshold 13
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 2
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 1
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 4 Skilled Jockey Talent: -1 setback per rank of talent to Piloting: Planetary and Space checks.
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 4 Skilled Jockey Talent: -1 setback per rank of talent to Piloting: Planetary and Space checks.
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Weapons & Armor

Personal Gear


R-Alpha thought that this "Handy Helper" attachment would revolutionize his work and make him feel as valuable and versatile as an astromech. But as per usual, he was bamboozled, this time by a so-called droidsmith who installed a retractable limb whose tools either malfunction nor work quite as intended.

( Honeymooners clip "Handy Housewife Helper" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ9h8XkNog0 )

LUNCHBOX (for oil and other rations or things droid might "consume" / need)


Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Droid Special Abilities (1/3): Inorganic 1 https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Droid Inorganic: Does not gain benefits of recovering with a bacta tank, stimpack or Medicine skill checks (use Mechanics check instead). Enduring Talent +1. (The character gains +1 soak value per rank of Enduring.)
Droid Special Abilities (2/3): Immunities and Cybernetics 1 https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Droid Does not need to eat, sleep or breathe, and is unaffected by toxins and poisons. Cybernetic implant cap of 6 instead of Brawn rating.
Droid Special Abilities (3/3): Mechanical Being 1 https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Droid Droids cannot become force-sensitive or acquire Force Rating by any means. Cannot be affected by mind-altering Force powers.
Skilled Jockey 1 https://star-wars-rpg-ffg.fandom.com/wiki/Skilled_Jockey_talent The character removes setback dice per rank of Skilled Jockey from [their] Piloting (Planetary) and Piloting (Space) checks.


R-Alpha was a blustery boatman droid who ferried commuters across Coruscant’s crowded skies in a Magnaline airbus. But he was a sentimental dreamer too, who pulled his best friend—sewer maintenance droid N0R-2N—into many a crazy scheme in hope of rising above his class-two status.

R-Alpha is the “oil winner” for his household and is responsible for providing for his long-suffering, human romantic partner, the endlessly patient but sharp-tongued Alys — a droid tech whom R-Alpha (incorrectly) believes he is the boss of.

Fun Fact: R-Alpha is also an excellent rumble-pins player, one who has won local league championships on Coruscant's working class levels — though he is prone to damaging the hydraulics in his back after playing, despite his prowess.


"R-Alpha has a Bureau of Ferries inspection in the morning, and nothing can go wrong. Alys visits her mother and tells R-Alpha to stay safe in his docking station. Instead, he runs out to a Rumble-pins tournament with N0R-2N. Naturally, the boatman-droid damages his posterior servomotor. Somehow, N0R-2N has to fix him, or they will have to invent a convincing story for Alys. When he malfunctions, his vocoder starts repeating, like humhunna-humhunna-humhunna." — @zenkenobi on Discord

Credit for Alice being a human mechanic goes to @zenkenobi as well. After sharing this character with him, he was inspired to watch a Honeymooners episode and said: "I imagined Alice as his humanoid mechanic, whom he falsely believed he could control."



To provide for his partner Alys and best friend, N0R-2N.

To hatch a scheme to get rich or elevate the social status for himself and his droid “family”


Starting Obligation (10, 4 players):

(10) FAMILY - R-Alpha is the “oil winner” for his household and is responsible for providing for his romantic partner, human droid tech Alys.

Additional obligations (+10xp):

(5) SERVITUDE / POOR - As a droid, R-Alpha is looked down upon socially as a “second class citizen” and even as a free droid, he does not enjoy the same privileges as organics. Nor is he "paid" much, for many view him as simply disposable labor, despite his skills and experience.

(5) “GET RICH QUICK” SCHEMER - Moreover however, R-Alpha is bad with credits because he often foolishly devotes anything extra he does earn toward schemes to elevate his social status. Because he is already gullible, R-Alpha often hatches schemes that are doomed to fail.


R-Alpha is largely rotund, with a bell-shaped torso and large cylindrical forearms — though it's all otherwise connected my spindly steampipe limbs. His blue-gray color and utilitarian design mark him as a worker-bot through and through. R-Alpha is at times a blowhard — but charming, seemingly selfish — but also soft-hearted and sentimental, loyal to both his conjunx endura (wife) Alys and to his best friend N0R-2N.

Character portrait artwork by Me: https://x.com/Magna_Tolvan/status/1846559517787471891

Other Notes

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Starting Experience: 175 XP

Special Abilities: Do not need to eat, sleep or breathe, and are unaffected by toxins and poisons. Cybernetic implant cap of 6 instead of Brawn rating. Train 1 rank in each of 6 Career Skills (opposed to 4), and train 1 rank in each of 3 Specialization Skills (opposed to 2).

Inorganic: Do not gain benefits of recovering with a bacta tank, stimpack or Medicine skill checks (use Mechanics check instead). Enduring Talent +1.

Mechanical Being: Droids cannot become force-sensitive or acquire Force Rating by any means. Cannot be affected by mind-altering Force powers.

XP LOG: 175 starting XP
-90 Agil 4 (20, 30, 40)
-20 Pres 2
-20 Int 2
-30 Brawn 3
= 15 xp remaining
+10 addtl obligation
= 25 xp remaining
-20 Wil 2
= 5 xp remaining
-5 Skilled Jockey
= 0 remaining

XP RE-CALC: 175 starting + 10 Obligation = 185
-90 Agil 4 (20, 30, 40)
-20 Pres 2
-20 Int 2
-50 Brawn 3 (20, 30)
= 5 remaining
-5 Skilled Jockey
= 0 remaining

Free Skill Rank Allotment: 6 & 3

Astrogation x
Cool x
Mechanics x
Perception x
Piloting (Planetary) x
Piloting (Space) x
Ranged (Light)

Astrogation x
Piloting (Planetary) x
Piloting (Space) x

1/15/2025 = +35 XP "As you all pile into the bus, that (finally!) brings an end to our first chapter. You all gain 25XP (base chapter score), plus an additional 5 for KILLING the performance, and another 5 for making it out if there without getting shot (we'll forgive Roken's donk)"

-15 3rd rank Piloting (Planetary)
-15 3rd rank Piloting (Space)
= 5 XP left

3/8/25 = +45 XP "Base XP is 25. Add another 10 for destroying those TIEs. Add 5 style points to that for doing it without taking damage somehow. And another 5 for Vera thinking to grab first aid kits. So that's +45 XP!"

= 5 leftover XP + 45 = 50 available (220+50 = 270 total)

-20 4th rank Piloting (Planetary)
-20 4th rank Piloting (Space)
-10 2nd rank Perception

= 0 Available XP left!


Leftovers from R-alpha's bad ideas which can still be found on his bus:

1. There is a lothcat named "Fortune" aboard. The cat was left to him in the will of a now-deceased but secretly-wealthy elderly passenger. R-alpha was initially overjoyed because he thought he was inheriting her vast fortune of credits

2. All consumables for longer journeys are boxes from food companies which were running a contest, bought in bulk. Eg: boxes of cereal where you could win a vacation cruise/a new speeder, etc. Some of the food and most of the contests are already expired.

3. Scary-ass B-2 series battle droid costume. The rumble-pins alley in which R-alpha & N0R-2N are league members ran a costume competition, and R-alpha once fashioned a battle droid costume for himself, from junk he had lying around. This was unfortunately during the height of the Clone Wars. So convincing was the costume that a human who saw him in it, thought he was a real battle droid and called Coruscanti police—who then raided the rumble-pins alley. R-alpha is still proud of the costume, so he keeps it stashed on the bus. Unwitting passengers who stumble upon it get scared out of their wits. To make matters worse, rather than get rid of it, Ralph just moves it to a new hidden locale, so it continues to surprise people constantly

4. Faulty comm system. R-alpha installed a direct comm system so that his old commuters could reach his new business venture directly. However, he didn’t account for people moving, dying, etc, so messages from now-outdated frequencies come in at random times. And because R-alpha powers down for the night, he does not notice at all when calls come in during the middle of the night or when passengers already aboard are sleeping

5. Industrial strength refresher. R-alpha had his bff N0R-2N, a sewer maintenance droid, install the refresher. Because N0R-2N was used to working exclusively w Coruscant's industrial scale & strength systems, the refresher onboard is frightening powerful

6. Transponder always broadcasts a snippet of the song R-alpha and N0R-2N authored, thereby making it extra easy to ID the ship.

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