Upgrade difficulty of checks to identify character once per rank of Indistinguishable.
Sleight of Mind
Add boost to all Stealth checks unless the opposition is immune to Force Powers.
Grit (rank 1)
Gain +1 strain threshold.
Touch of Fate
Once per session, add 2 boost to any 1 check.
Force Rating
Gain +1 Force Rating.
Kill with Kindness (rank 1)
Remove 1 setback from Charm or Leadership checks.
Researcher (rank 1)
Remove 1 setback per rank of researcher from all Knowledge checks. Researching time is halved.
Smooth Talker (Charm)
When making Charm checks, spend triumphs to add successes equal to ranks in Smooth Talker.
Gain +1 strain threshold.
Force Rating
Gain +1 Force Rating.
Kill with Kindness (rank 2)
Remove 1 setback from Charm or Leadership checks.
Inspiring Rhetoric
Make an Average Leadership check. Each success causes 1 ally in close range to recover 1 strain. Spend advantage to cause 1 affected ally to recover 1 additional strain.
When targetted in combat, preform Dodge incidental. Suffer strain equal to ranks in dodge to upgrade the difficulty by rank.
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric
Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains boost to all checks for a number of rounds equal to leadership.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Battle Meditation
The Force user directs allies in battle, making them more effective as a coordinated unit. The user may spend force pips to add one automatic success to all checks made by a number of engaged friendly targets up to his Presence (4) before the end of his next turn. If the user used dark pips to generate successes, reduce each target’s Willpower by 1 (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the encounte
Strength (Rank 1)
Spent 2 force pips to add one additional automatic success to affected character checks.
Range (Rank 1) [Short]
Spend force pips to increase power’s range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control (Rank 1)
When rolling for Battle Meditation, make an Easy Leadership check to send simple orders to those affected.
Commit 3 Force Dice to sustain the ongoing effects of the power on each affected target while it remains in range.
Magnitude (Rank 1)
Spend force pips to affect a number of additional targets equal to Presence (4) per rank of Magnitude purchased.
Range (Rank 2) [Medium]
Spend force pips to increase power’s range by a number of range bands equal to Range (2) upgrades purchased.
Other Notes
0 EXP for Universal Tree (75 spent)
5 EXP for Force Powers (70 spent)
0 (from my race) (100 spent)
0 EXP (which can be spent on characteristics) (50 spent)
0 EXP (which cannot be spent on characteristics)