Clasheel by Fingall

Ataru Striker, Executioner: Jedi, Padawan, Knight: Mystic, Seer
Force and Destiny

Threshold 15
Current 0
Threshold 16
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 3




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) X 2
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) X 1
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 3
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) X 2
Negotiation (Pr) X 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 3
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Ag) X 3
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Purified Shoto Lightsaber, Soft Pink off white
Defensive 3, Deflection 1, Breach 1, Sunder; Add 1 strain to increase reflect or Parry by 1
Purified Lightsaber, Dark Purple
Breach 1, Sunder, Viscous 1


Weapons & Armor

Modified Inquisitor armor, 1 soak 2 defense

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Saber Swarm 1 suffer 1 strain as a maneuver to add linked quality equal to force rating to attack.
Essential Kill 1 When making a Non-gunnery combat check may add force dice, no greater than force rating. Each point generated equals an advantage, 3 points can be used as a Triumph. They cannot be used to recover strain.
Improved Parry 1 When Parrying an attack that generates a despair or 3 strain, make an attack against the attacker dealing base weapon damage.
Parry 3 3 strain to reduce Ranged damage by 2 + ranks in parry
Improved Reflect 1 When reflecting an attack that generates a despair or 3 strain, may hit another target within medium range with initial weapons damage.
Reflect 2 3 strain to reduce Ranged damage by 2 + ranks in Reflect
Force Rating 4 increases in force rating
Toughened 2 +2 wound threshold per rank
Grit 3 +1 strain threshold per rank
Dedication 1 +1 Willpower
Precise Aim 1 once per round may performed Precise Aim Maneuver. Suffer strain in ranks of Precise Aim to ignore Ranks in targets melee or ranged Defense.
Adaptable 1 When resolving a skill in which their character has no ranks, spend a destiny point to remove a despair or setbacks equal to ranks in cool
Lethal Blows 1 Add +10 per rank to Critical injury rolls inflicted on opponents.
Conditioned 1 Remove a setback dice from Athletics and Coordination checks per rank. Reduce the damage and strain from falling by 1 per rank.
Sence Danger 1 once per session, remove 2 setback die from one check.
Jump up 1 Once per round may stand up from prone as incidental
Quick Draw 1 Can draw weapon as an incidental.
Ataru Striker 1 Use Agility for lightsaber
Quick Strike 1 Add a Boost Dice to combat checks against a target equal to ranks of Quick Strike.
Deathblow 1 After making a successful attack with a non-vehicle/starship weapon, spend a destiny point to add damage equal to willpower to the hit of one successful attack
Marked for Death 1 Perform this Maneuver, Commit a Force die to add 2 advantage to combat checks against the target. Cannot use again until original target is incapacitated.
Well Rounded 1 Charm, Medicine
Uncanny Reaction 1 Add a boost die to vigilance checks per rank
Keen Eyed 1 Remove a setback from vigilance checks and perception.
Sense Advantage 1 once per session add 2 black to opponents skill check.
The Force is My ally 1 Once per session may suffer 2 strain to use a force power as a maneuver.
Natural Mystic 1 once per session, reroll a force power

Force Powers

Force Rating
Heal: Light side force user - spend one light side point to heal yourself or target by an amount equal to Intellect score.

Harm: spend a force point to deal Intellect score amount of wounds to target within engagement range. This ignores soak. gain 1 conflict.
Upgrade Effect
Strength, 2 Heal: spend a force bip to increase wounds healed by 1 per rank of strength.

Harm: Spend a force bip to increase wounds inflicted by 1 per rank of strength.
Mastery Heal: spend 4 force points, once per session to restore life to a target that died after your last round.

Harm: when this power kills someone, may bring back some who died this encounter, both players gain 7 conflict.
Range, 2 range increases by 1 range band per upgrade.
Control Heal Additional wounds equal to you ranks in medicine.

Harm additional wounds equal to ranks in medicine.
Magnitude, 3 Effects one additional target per rank
Control Heal: Perforce a 3 purple medicine check along with the Heal power check. the target heals wounds granted by the base ability but also may heal one critical injury.

Harm: Opposed Medicine vs Resilience Check with the harm power. If successful one target who suffers wounds also suffers a critical injury.
Control Light points: Target Heals strain equal to wounds Healed
Dark Point: Heal Strain Equal to wounds inflicted.
Control Light point: Heal one status effect from target.

Dark Point: Heal user equal amount as damage dealt.
When making an athletics check, add a success or advantage per force point rolled.
Upgrade Effect
Control Can be used with Piloting Space
Control Can be used with Resilience checks
Control Force leap can now be used as a maneuver.
Control Can be use with Coordination checks
Control Gain force leap force power. May use 1 light or dark side point to leap forward horizontally Short range.
Control Commit force dice to increase Brawn Skill by 1 per force die committed.
Control Force Leap Vertically
Control Can be used with Brawl Checks
Range range increases by 1 range band per upgrade.
Control Can be used with Piloting Planetary.
User expends 1 force point to Sense all living things (Sentient or not) within short range or the emotional state of someone they are engaged with.
Upgrade Effect
Control Spend Light or Dark side to sense the thoughts of a living creature (or my sword) within engagement range.
Control Ongoing Effect: Commit a force dice. once per round, when an attack targets the force user, she upgrades the difficulty of the pool once (May not be activated multiple times.)
Strength upgrade the pool twice instead of once.
Range Use an extra force bip to increase the range to medium for sense emotion, short for sense thoughts.
Duration Effects trigger twice
spend one force point to move an object of silhouette 0 within short range. (May not be activated multiple times.)
Upgrade Effect
Control May hurl objects, make a ranged light attack with your force power added to the roll.
Range Spend 1 bip to increase range by one band per rank of this upgrade
Strength May lift an object size 1 requiring 1 extra force bip.
Ignore darkness or blindness up to medium range.
Upgrade Effect
Retrain Target within short range.
If light side is used my immobilize target for one round
If dark side is used, target suffers wounds ignoring soak equal to Dark side used. (Ignoring Soak) (May not be activated multiple times.)
Upgrade Effect
Spend a force Bip to recover 1 system strain
Upgrade Effect
Control ongoing effect: Commit a Force Dice. Count one weapon as being undamaged.
Control When making a mechanics check the user may use manipulate and add either success or advantages players choice for each force bip used.


Survived order 66 while on her last Jedi knight trial escorting a Duwatan General to get supports from more neutral systems.

She escaped and joined a bounty hunting crew, lead by her Ex a mandalorian named Jate Kara, A Duwatan Merc, a Mirialan Sharpshooter and a Pandoran gunslinger. They were good at hunting down jedi for the inquisition.

She left the group when she sensed Yoda's presence and sout him out to complete her training. meeting her current brothers, Juba a quirky ewok Jedi rescued by yoda, Mulgrim a Mandalorian raised dathomerian Jedi and Niku there big brother and guide.

After assisting the start of the rebellion she healed and recruited Jenra an Inquisitor to join them. They are currently in a relationship.

They have strained relations with Grakus the Hutt.


Love/Pride: Love – The character has an open heart. His love for others can make him charming and affable, and exceedingly tolerant.
Pride – Pride can be a powerful emotion, and can push a character to impressive feats of personal accomplishment.

Hatred/Anger: Anger – Hot blood, however, can easily lead to hot tempers.
Hatred – The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred of the individuals or situations that cause others to suffer.


After surviving order 66 and having to hide from the empire She became less strict to the old ways.

Current morality: 62


Slender, Like a cheerleader 125 lbs

Other Notes

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