When Streifen Lang was 8 he was kidnapped by Pirates to be sold into slavery. The pirates encountered a ship in the outer rim where they were running ambushes and killed his parents. They Saw Streifen desperately fighting to save their lives, but there just isn't much an 8 year old can do when it comes to blaster wounds to the head. He tried to tap into the force to heal his parents in his moment of grief but found that in his current mental state and lack of training it was impossible. After being dragged onto the pirates ship Grief turned to anger, and anger led to hate. With the power of the dark side he crushed the pirates to death using the force. When he tapped into force a Jedi close by felt Streifen's pain and was able to locate the ship. The Jedi seeing a boy with nothing left, decided to take the orphaned child and bring him to be trained.
Streifen vowed from then on to never tap into that level of hatred again. While a scarring experience, Streifen was eventually able to heal through the help of the order. His innate predisposition to making friends shined through. By the age of 10 it seemed like he was completely back to normal.
Streifen Lang had an incredible childhood growing up with the jedi. Getting along with almost everyone he met was always easy for him. He was always willing to go that extra step to make someone like him. Some masters took notice and tried to warn him that going out of your way to make attachments wasn't always a good idea. Streifen was unfazed by this. He believed the order could be a bit Antiquated sometimes in how it deals with attachments.
By 14 Streifen had made fast friends with a Zabrak girl named Teefa Lee. They became inseparable. Streifen confronted her over the romantic feelings he developed for her, and she claimed to feel the same way. Teefa told Streifen to keep these feelings a secret. Streifen, elated, spent the rest of the day waiting to see her again. By the time he did he learned that she had gone to the council and requested a transfer to a different temple. The council was able to read between the lines and Streifen was scolded for this attempted relationship.
Streifen fell right back into the anger of a boy who lost his parents. "how could she betray me, it was her idea to keep it secret" he thought. "why wouldn't she just tell me the truth." Streifen was lucky this time, he took out all his frustration on force throwing rocks and intensive mandatory meditation sessions with a slew of masters. He didn't know it at the time but this was the closest he ever came to being thrown out of the order. After a couple of months of strife he eventually relented and found peace, though he couldn't tell if he hoped to never see Teefa again or for her to come back so they could try at their relationship in earnest.
Becoming a Padawan is incredibly exciting to him because that puts him one step closer to knighthood. Once he becomes a knight he can choose his own destiny and travel the galaxy at his own leisure making friends along the way. He believes that through his perseverance and his can do attitude of friendship diplomacy nothing stands in the way.
He's not insane though he doesn't think the Sith want to be friends with him, but just because someone has fallen to the darkside doesn't mean that cant be ripped back to the light side.
Streifen also really wants to get a blow job.
Goodness of People: The character believes in the inherent goodness of most people. He believes that together, the majority of different: beings in the galaxy can interact to create an all-encompassing civilization that is greater than the sum of its parts.
He also wants a blow job more though.
Emotional Strength:
The character is always ready to try something new, and he approaches all of his tasks, even mundane ones, with excitement. He’s not one to overthink a situation, lest he miss a great new opportunity.
Emotional Weakness:
Of course, a little thought can go a long way towards saving someone from a major mistake, which this character may find out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situations or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.
Emotional Strength:
The character cares about the tribulations others face, and wants to help those he comes across. His compassion may lead to self-sacrifice in order to aid those who need it.
Emotional Weakness:
The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred of the individuals or situations that cause others to suffer. When a character’s mind roils with simmering hatred, that hatred may be all too slow to fade.
Pack Instincts: When performing assist maneuver, grant 2 boost dice instead of 1.
Oath: The character has sworn some kind of oath that dictates their thoughts and actions. The oath could be one to a particular deity or a way of living (such as the Jedi Code.)