Scar is a solo in this world, and does whatever jobs he needs to do to survive. As a kid he begged on the streets of coruscant for bread. after a few years people cared about him less and less and he was soon lying on the ground in an alley keeping one eye open for any living thing scampering across the floor he could eat. Starving on the cold hard floor with nobody in sight. He learned that day he couldn't depend on anybody. From there he did what he had to do to survive. He stole food from local venders, and applied for jobs. Unsurprisingly he couldn't land any jobs and lived as a street urchin doing what he needed to do. That is until he walked down a darker alley. He now does what he can to get in on spice deals with local gangs and criminal organizations.
Scar strives to fill a sort of emptiness in him with feelings of power, as that's what he feels he's never had. For this smuggler, success means having the skills, knowledge, credits, prestige, or contacts to wield some real power in the galaxy. Power comes in many forms. He might want to head his own smuggling ring one day, or maybe he hopes to work his way up the ranks of a larger organization like the Black Sun. For any smuggler with this motivation, the thrill of being important, or having power over others as well as his own life, is what drives him.
5 Magnitude Bad Reputation:
Scar has found himself with a bad reputation for always being late. Whether that's true or not.... only time will tell.
10 Magnitude Betrayal for 1000 Credits:
He had to make a choice. After getting into some trouble with a crime syndicate, only one of them were going to make it out of there alive and he did just that.
looks as if he was ruggedly handsome at some point, before someone took a knife to his left eye. Blue skin, white markings across face. He has a diagonal slash across one of his once shimmering hazel eyes.