Perseverance |
1 |
Ancestry |
Whenever you fail a roll with your Background, you can spend 1 Advantage to reroll and take the better result. |
Ever Vigilant |
1 |
Ancestry |
Once per encounter you can freely Steal Initiative as though you had spent Advantage. Additionally, you always get a turn in a Surprise round. |
Cooperative By Nature |
1 |
Ancestry |
Whenever you generate at least 1 Advantage, you generate 1 Advantage for an ally of your choice. |
Tactical Training |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
You automatically generate one Success and one Advantage on all combat checks you make per rank of this talent. |
Combat Training |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Add Boost per rank of Combat Training to all combat checks. |
Second Wind |
3 |
SGO Member Tree |
Once per encounter may use Second Wind incidental to recover Strain equal to ranks in Second Wind. |
Outdoorsman |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Remove setback per rank of Outdoorsman from checks to move through terrain or manage environmental effects. Decrease overland travel times by half |
Toughened |
3 |
SGO Member Tree |
Gain +6 Wound Threshold. |
Grit |
3 |
SGO Member Tree/Analyst |
Gain +3 strain threshold. |
Enduring |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Gain +1 soak value. |
Well-Traveled |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
You automatically generate one Success and one Advantage on all checks you make to recall information or to know something |
Quick Draw |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental. |
Spare Mag |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
You can ignore the first Out of Ammo result generated in an encounter per rank of this talent. |
Creative Killer |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Reduce the Crit rating of improvised weapons by 2 (to a minimum of 1) |
Jump Up |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
Once per round may stand from seated or prone as an incidental. |
Dynamic Fire |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
When making a ranged attack while engaged with an opponent, may suffer 2 strain to reduce the ranged penalty by 1. |
Dedication (Intellect) |
1 |
SGO Member Tree |
+1 Intellect |
Knowledge Specialization (Computers) |
2 |
Anaylst |
When making a skill check involving computers, may spend triumphs to gain additional successes eqeual to ranks in Knowledge Specialization. |
Researcher |
1 |
Analyst |
Remove setback per rank of Researcher from Knowledge checks. Researching a subject takes half the time. |
Improved Researcher |
1 |
Analyst |
On a successful Knowledge check, characters and allies gain automatic advantage per rank of Researcher on checks to act on those facts until the end of their next turns. |
Dedication (Cunning) |
1 |
Analyst |
+1 Cunning |
Codebreaker |
1 |
Anaylst |
Remove setback per rank of codebreaker from checks to break codes or decrypt communications. Decrease difficulty of checks to break codes or decrypt communications by 1. |
Technical Aptitude |
1 |
Anaylst |
Reduce time needed to complete computer-related tasks by 25% per rank of Technical Aptitude. |