Nogu always loved the stories of outcast heroes that his people told. As they were cast out of society and didn't have a place, they still managed to save the day and protect people. Nogu probably related, as he didn't quite fit in with those around him. Nogu always had a fondness for creatures, he wasn't opposed to killing them, but he was fascinated by them and would spend most of his time in the wilds. Eventually leaving his planet, he found he excelled as a trailblazing soldier, often working alone or in small groups, it wouldn't become apparent how much he didn't fit in, and he could scout out the wilds and be in nature. He always had skill as a hunter and was a good enough shot, but he is driven by more than just that, with his own ideals about self-improvement.
Nogu had found his place for a time, but as with all things, it came to an end when his unit was disbanded. He now works for hire, but still jumps at opportunities to explore the wilds and learn or test himself. He has seen some people who have managed to tame and control great beasts, and has decided to make that his goal, to tame a beast he connects with.
Obligation- Bounty (10): When he was a soldier, a mission went wrong, while he wasn't the one to blame, a fellow soldier who didn't like him framed him for the mistake and the family of those hurt put a bounty on him.
Personal Duty- Intelligence (0): Scouting out and gathering information was his specialty as a soldier and is what he seeks to excel at.
Faction- Bounty and Wetwork: Enjoying the hunt, especially against those who think hiding in the deep wilds or secluded areas will protect them.
Mark of the Survivor (15)
Morality- Curiosity/Obsession
His skin is green with bands of a lighter green going across it. His build is about average for a Kyuzo warrior. He is often seen dirty from being in the wilderness and his behavior can be hard to determine. Often a loner, he is incredibly loyal to those he befriends and will do what he can for them.