Darth Revan by bobafett17

Sith Lord
Force and Destiny

Threshold 23
Current 0
Threshold 26
Current 0
Ranged 2
Melee 2

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 3
Athletics (Br) X 2
Charm (Pr) 1
Coercion (Will) X 4
Computers (Int) 1
Cool (Pr) X 4
Coordination (Ag) X 3
Deception (Cun) X 5
Discipline (Will) X 5
Leadership (Pr) X 5
Mechanics (Int) 1
Medicine (Int) 2
Negotiation (Pr) 1
Perception (Cun) X 4
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 2
Piloting: Space (Ag) 2
Resilience (Br) X 4
Skulduggery (Cun) 1
Stealth (Ag) X 2
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 2
Vigilance (Will) X 4
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Will) X 5
Melee (Br) X 3
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 3
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 4
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 4
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 1


Revan's Lightsaber
Breach 1, Sunder, Vicious 4, Superior, add 1 darkside point to force checks

Weapons & Armor

Armored robes (+3 soak, +1 defense)
-cortosis weave

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Adversary 4 Upgrade the difficulty of checks targeting this character 4 times
Lightsaber Mastery May use any characteristic when making Lightsaber checks
Sum Djem Niman Disciple, FaD CRB May spend 2 advantages or 1 triumph to disarm opponent after a successful Lightsaber check. Blade lands anywhere within short range of the engagement.
Draw Closer Niman Disciple, FaD CRB This character may take a draw closer action, making a Lightsaber (Willpower) melee combat check against 1 silhouette 1 or smaller target within medium range and adding a number of force die equal to his force rating to the check. The character must spend 1 force point before resolving the success or failure of the check to move the target 1 range band closer to the character. He may also spend 1 force point to add 1 success to the attack. If the character cannot move the target to engage him, the combat check automatically misses
Force Assault Niman Disciple, FaD CRB May spend 3 advantages or 1 triumph on a failed Lightsaber check to preform a force power as a maneuver
Command 3 Warleader Add 3 boosts to Leadership checks; affected targets add 1 boost to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours.
Resist Disarm Makashi Duelist If this character would be disarmed or his weapon damaged or destroyed, he may suffer 2 strain to ignore the effect
Shroud Shadow My spend 1 destiny point to make himself undetectable through the force
Sarlacc Sweep Shii-cho Knight The character may take the Sarlacc Sweep action, making a Lightsaber check with +1 difficulty against 1 engaged target. The character may spend 2 advantages to hit 1 additional engaged target. He may do this once per engaged target. He always must target the most difficult engaged target with this check.
Falling Avalanche Shien Expert Suffer 2 Strain to add damage equal to Brawn to next Lightsaber combat check made this turn.
Flickerstep 1 May spend 3 advantage or a triumph to teleport to a location within extreme range
Impossible Fall Sentry When this character is falling, he may perform the impossible fall incidental. He may perform a force power check and spend 1 force point to land somewhere safe. He may then spend additional force points to reduce the range bands fallen, 1 force point per range band.
Constant Vigilance Sentry May always use Vigilance when making Initiative checks
Reflect 6 Niman Disciple, FaD CRB May suffer 3 strain after being targeted by a successful ranged attack to reduce damage dealt by 8
Improved Reflect Shien Expert May spend 3 threats or a despair on a reflected ranged combat check to target an enemy within medium range, dealing the same amount of damage as the initial check
Parry 6 Niman Disciple, FaD CRB May suffer 3 strain after being targeted by a successful melee attack to reduce damage dealt by 8
Improved Parry Shii-cho Knight May spend 3 threats or a despair on a parried melee combat check to target an enemy within engaged range, dealing the same amount of damage as the initial check

Force Powers

Force Rating
When making an Athletics check, the force user may roll an enhance power check as part of the pool.

The user may spend 1 force point to gain a success or an advantage.
Upgrade Effect
Control E May use this power with piloting (space and planetary)
Control C May take a force leap maneuver and spend 2 force points to leap anywhere within medium range.
Control B May use this power for resilience as well.
Control A May use this power for coordination as well
Control D May use this power for Brawl
The force user may make a bind power check. He may spend 1 force point to immobilize 1 target with in short range. The target suffers 1 wound (ignoring soak) per force point spent
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude May spend 2 force points to increase the number of targets affected by 3.
Range May spend 1 force point to increase the range of the power by 3 range bands.
The force user may make an Unleash power check as a ranged combat check and roll an average difficulty check. The force user must spend 2 force points and succeed at the check for the attack to hit. It has a range of short, base damage equal to willpower and a critical rating of 1.
Upgrade Effect
Strength May spend 1 force point to increase damage by 3
Duration May spend 1 fp to give the attack burn 2.
Control May spend 1 fp to give the attack ensnare 2
Magnitude May spend 1 force point to increase targets affected by 2
Range User may spend 2 force points to increase the range by 2
May make a move check and spend 1 force point to move a silhouette 0 object anywhere within short range.
Upgrade Effect
Control B The user may also preform fine manipulation with this force power
Range May spend 1 force point to increase the range by 2 bands
Control A The force user my make a ranged combat check with these objects, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette
Strength May spend 1 force point to increase the silhouette affected by 2
Magnitude May spend 1 force point to increase the number of objects affected by 2.
The user may spend 1 force point to sense all living things within short range.

He may spend 1 force point to sense the current emotional state of 1 living target with whom he is engaged
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude May spend 1 force point to increase the number of affected targets by 2
Range May spend 1 force point to increase the range of this power by 2
Control The user may spend 1 force point to sense the current thoughts of 1 character he is engaged with.
Make a force power check; may spend 2 force points to move to a location within long range instantly, ignoring any obstacles, including walls and other impassible terrain.
Upgrade Effect
Control A May spend 2 force points to change this power to planetary scale
Magnitude May spend 1 force point to increase number of targets affected by Willpower
Range May spend 1 force point to increase the range of this power by 1


Was a Jedi, left the Republic after defeating Mandalore the Ultimate. In the Unknown Regions, he and his apprentice, Malak, fell to the dark side, found an ancient Ratakan superweapon, the Starforge. They used the Starforge to build a massive fleet, then returned to conquer the galaxy.


Ambition - Destroy the Jedi
Ambition - Rule the Galaxy



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