The Down and Out:
The player may decide that the character comes from humble or hardscrabble beginnings. Characters from this type of background strive to better themselves and do their utmost to escape their plight. The character either trains incessantly, picking up knowledge any way that they can, or simply is tough and resourceful enough to go out on their own.
The character wants to excel in their chosen profession and constantly practices to achieve perfection. Alternatively, this character picks a skill or two in which to excel.
This Obligation can work in one of two ways: either the character is the target of a deep and personal betrayal, or the character is the one who betrayed others. Whether it's as simple as a betrayed confidence or broken promise or as serious as treason or mutiny, the betrayal eats away at the character and affects their everyday life. The target of the betrayal may seek answers, compensation, or simply revenge.
Kannon used to be the driver for a small gang of successful thieves. This gang had performed successful heists in most major cities in Tatooine... until they tried Mos Shuuta. The thieves managed to steal thousands of credits from Teemo's palace, but they knew they were going to get caught, so they dumped all the credits in the getaway car (where Kannon was waiting as the getaway driver) and left, leaving all the blame on Kannon. Kannon was then caught and jailed by Teemo where he awaited his death. But somehow, Kannon convinced Teemo that he was betrayed by those who actually stole the credits. So then, Teemo allowed Kannon to be his driver as a repayment of his debt.