Birthplace: Kinyen or Malastare, nobody is quite sure
Inquisitive and very talkative, Gibi has been involved in numerous business ventures, from zany start-ups on budding planet communities in the mid-rim and expansion regions, to legitimate big business activities on core worlds, all the way to illicit and often illegal underworld schemes... all in the name of making a few credits. Gibi's skillful negotiation and charming nature have served him well throughout the years, making many contacts and establishing relationships both professionally and personally across the galaxy.
Unfortunately, not every attempt to make money or turn a profit has proven successful. In certain circles, Gibi wears some disgrace and runs from ill-feelings against him from long-harbored grudges that his business failures have produced.
Opportunist, in it for the credits but room for some socializing and friendship in the process. Underneath the greed, somewhat born out of necessity to simply survive in the galaxy... because money is king... Gibi enjoys the friendships and connections he has made across the galaxy.
Disgraced (10 obligation) - failed business ventures have caused some disgrace between Gibi and certain business acquaintances. While never intentional or outright malicious, Gibi's entrepreneurial efforts haven't always been fruitful for his investors.
Debt (+2,500 credits & 10 Obligation) - a jaded group of prior acquaintances is looking for a return on a failed investment and hold Gibi responsible for that failure.
Gibi is an aging and slightly portly Gran with a deep love for opportunities to make credits and a mouth that will tell you all about his ideas. Wrinkly brown skin and often tired looking eyes belie an energetic soul with a mouth that never slows down.
His drab and simple clothing are more functional that flashy, a trench coat with pockets more practical than stylish, Gibi has a disarming nature about him that usually puts others at ease and opens the door for conversation.