Tobin F. Stryder by LordBritish

Bounty Hunter
Gadgeteer, Assassin, Force Emergent, Artisan, Ataru Striker, Teacher, Sage.
Force and Destiny

Threshold 22
Current 0
Threshold 20
Current 0
Ranged 4
Melee 3




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 3
Athletics (Br) 3
Charm (Pr) 4
Coercion (Will) 5
Computers (Int) 5
Cool (Pr) 3
Coordination (Ag) 2
Deception (Cun) 5
Discipline (Will) 5
Leadership (Pr) 5
Mechanics (Int) 5
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 4 +Boost
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 2
Piloting: Space (Ag) 1
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 5
Stealth (Ag) 5
Streetwise (Cun) 2
Survival (Cun) 1
Vigilance (Will) 3
Brawl (Br) 2
Gunnery (Ag) 2
Lightsaber (Ag) 5
Melee (Br) 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 3
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 2
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 3
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 3
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


"Dragon Slayer" Lightstaff with Kryat Crystam.
+2 Adv, Superior, Linked 1, Vicious 3
Custom Shatter Pistol
Ranged: Light
Autofire, +1 Boost dice, -1 setback dice.
Knockout Grenade
Ranged: Light
Non-Lethal, Blast 10, doesn't work on vac seals
Ritual Dagger (Sith Dagger)
Drain Life: On A T, it reduces the force rating of the target by 1.


Weapons & Armor

Personal Gear

Black Synthetic Nanosilk Caplet

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Crippled X2 Brawn.

Tobin has several cybernetics.

Voice modulator


2 cybernetics that cope with brawn loss.
Cybernetic Arm (Brawn)


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Toughened 4 +8 Wounds
Grit 7 +7 strain
Parry 3 Spend 3 strain to take 6 damage off melee hit.
Reflect 3 Spend 3 strain to take 6 damage off ranged hit.
Dodge 4 Assassin and Striker Can spend up to 4 strain in response to an attack to increase the difficulty to hit.
Quick Draw 1 Can draw an item/stowe an item as a incidental
Jump Up 1 Can stand up once per round as a indicental
Stalker 2 Assassin +2 boost dice to stealth and coodination checks
Slight of Mind 1 + 1 Boost to Stealth except when immune to force sensitrivity.
Master of Shadows 1 Spend 2 strain to decrease difficulty of next stealth/skullduggery check
Indisnguishable 4 Force Emergant + Cybernetic Disguise Upgrade any attempt to identify character by 4 .
Quick Strike 3 Assassin and Striker +3 Boost dice against any target that have yet to act this encounter.
Conditioned 1 remove 1 setback from athlethic/coodination, reduce fall by 1.
Uncanny Senses 1 + 1 Boost to perception checks
Deadly Accuracy (Pistols, Rifles.) 2 Increase damage by ranged Light/heavy Respectively
Point Blank 1 Add 1 damage
Anatomy Lessons 1 Spend destiny point to add Int (6) to a hit.
Hawkbat swoop 1 Take the Hawk Bat Swoop action: Roll combat check force dice against a target within short range, add force dice, can spend pip to add adv and/or get engaged to the target.
Saber Swarm 1 Preform saber swarm menvour, next (agility) Lightsaber check gains linked equal to avalible force rating.
Saber Throw 1 Make Lightsaber combat check as a ranged attack within medium, spend 1 pip to hit, another to recover Lightsaber.
Improved Parry 1
Lethal Blows 1 +30 To crits
Touch of Fate 1 Once per session, add 2 boost dice to any check.
Dense Danger 1 Once per session, remove 2 setback dice from any check.
Natural Tinkerer 1 Once per session, reroll 1 machanics check.
Now the Master 1 Once Per session, choose one talent or force power that any character in the current encounter possesses, gain that talent or force power until the end of the encounter
Once a Learner 1 As an action, suffer 4 strain and let one ally within short range, increase the ally’s Force rating by an amount equal to the character’s Force rating until the end of the encounter
Skilled Teacher 2 If an ally at short range has lower ranks in a skill then the character, the character might preform a skilled teacher incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater then 2 ranks of skilled teacher then add an equal number of success to ally’s next check.
Encouraging Words 1 After an engaged ally faiils an check, may suffer one strain to assist that ally’s next check this encounter as an out of turn incidental.
Nobody’s fool 1 May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercison or Deception checks once per rank of Nobody’s fool
Wise Warrior (Improved) 1 When making a combat check, may preform the wise warrior incidental; spend 1 Destiny point and use any characteristic for the check, one ally within short range may use the same characteristic for their combat check before the end of the character’s next turn.
Well Travelled 1 Knowledge (Core Worlds, outer rim) become career skills.
Researcher 2 Remove setback per rank of Researcher from all Knowledge checks. Reaching a subject takes half the time.
Kill with kindness 1 Remove Setback per rank from all charm and leadership checks
Smooth Talker (Deception) 1 When rolling a T, may spend T to gain additional success equal to ranks in Smooth Talker
The force is my crutch 1 Once per session, may suffer 2 strain to preform force power action as manoeuvre.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Sense (Fully Mastered)
Upgrade Effect
Upgrade Effect
Add force dice to Athletics, piloting, Resistance, Brawl, commit Brawn and/Or agility, spend 2 pips to move medium range.
Four seperate effects.
Can spend pips to heal system strain.
Damage Control: Commit Pip: One damaged weapon or item counts as in damaged.
Control Machanics: When making a machanics check, may spend pips to add success or advantage to check. As per the mastery upgrade; may spend 2 pips *once* to gain a Thriumph.
May commit force dice; for each dice may add 3 hull turma.
Upgrade Effect
1 range. Item Damage, Control (Machanics) Control: Increase Hull Turma. Mastery. Can roll force dice in with machanics check; can spend 2 pips to generate a T *once*
Upgrade Effect
1 strength, 2 range. Rip Objects
Misdirect (Intermediate)
Upgrade Effect
2 control, 1 duration, 2 strength, 2 range, 2 magnitude 1 pip to activate within short range to hide or alter the appearance of an object, or generate one; spend 2 to have them be up to sil 3, 1 pip for 2 range bands, 1 pip to affect two additional targets. Can commit 2 dice to maintain misdirection
Heal/Harm (Novice)
Upgrade Effect
Strength Roll force dice, heal/inflict 6 HP, +1 additional wound per pip rolled.
Influence (Novice)
Upgrade Effect
Basic, Control, range 1 Roll force dice, may spend pips to add success/adv to check.
Ebb/Flow (Journeyman)
May roll force dice accompanying any check. You may spend 3 pips once per encounter to ask the GM Yes or No question. Inflict strain to *all engaged characters* or heal strain to you. If you recover/inflict 5 strain to a particular target, once per session you can add a Thriumph to your, or a despair to one advesary’s check. Alternatively you can commit force dice until the end of the encounter; you can add force pips to *ALL* skill checks, each light side and darkside pip *must* add either success or advantage to the check, Each darkside pip automatically inflicts 1 conflict and strain.
Upgrade Effect
2 strength, 3 control, 1 range upgrade Can spend pips to recover strain, 1 strain for inital pip, 2 pip per strain per subquent spend, when recovered/inflicted 5 strain respectively, make your/their next check have a Thrumph/Despair respectfully.
Seek (Basic)
Upgrade Effect
1 Strength Upgrade
Farsight (Mastered)
Can also use it when making a vigilance or perception to gain success or adv.
Upgrade Effect
All control, all duration, all range, Mastery. Spend 1 pip to ignore the effects of darkness/blindness for one minute/remainder of round. Can also spend 1 pip to (See microscopic details) and/or (see through object at medium range) or (make out fine details on a single object) or (spend 1 to increase duration by 2 rounds/minutes) or (spend 2 pips to see from a spot within close range (planetary) of users body, or in every direction.)
Foresee. (Expert)
can use during inutive check to affect allies in short range (with 1 pip) by spending pips to add success. Also may spend pip to allow all affected targets to one free menuver before first round of combat begins.
Upgrade Effect
2 Strength, 1 range 2 Duration, 3 control, 2 magnitude Can activate a force check to see 1 hint in one day, can spend 1 pip to add 2 hints or 2 days. Can add force dice to init checks
Suppress (Journeyman)
Upgrade Effect
Strength 2 Spend 1 pip to add additional failure equal to Strength upgrades purchased to hostile force power checks.
Control Commit one or more force dice: When an opponent targets the user with a Force power, after the opponents generates pips, reduce the total force generated by 1 per pip commited, to a minimum of 0.
Control Spend 1 destiny point to use Suppress as an out of turn incidental once per session.
Duration On going effect: Commit force pips, to substained ongoing effects of the power on each affected target while within range.


Tobin Stryder is a character created from the result of a 6 year campaign "The Adventures of Predator Squadron.", the tale of an alliance squadron formed from a band of disparate mercenaries and brigands. Tobin started off as an angry young man with a burning iron at his hip and the need to politely deliver vengeance upon his father's killer, and ended his life as a master of the force in the crystalline streets of Kristophis, fighting alone against an army of stormtroopers in a berserker rage as his comrades fled and his adoptive daughter lay benefit the ruins of a bar. Needless to say, actually writing out his life story in it's entirety would be a monumental task in itself to detail the many twists and turns that took him from a hateful anti-hero to probably one of the most unsung heroes of the New Republic. I only hope I find the way and motivation to string it all together.




Tobin is a particularly strange individual as a character of many contrasts. On the one hand, he looks largely unremarkable on the surface. Of slight frame, only 1.6 meters tall and of a paled blue complextion, Tobin is a Rodian with very few remarkable features and fewer redeeming qualities, combined with his reputation as a masterful deceiver results in a character whom ozoosed trustworthiness.

As a utterly indistinguishable character he had used this many a times as an effective republic operative to get deep behind enemy lines as a utterly unremarkable character that would draw little attention, something he has further modified via adaptable skin modification so that he could easily approach his target under the guise of a fresh faced young child or a wizened old man or woman. Toward the end of the year though Tobin had mellowed out considerably and let go of his survivor complex in order to teach others how to live a better life.

On the other, following a particularly unfortunate incident involving the infinity chair, he is permanently blind aside from through the force. As a side effect his once dull golden gaze has taken on the texture of golden star's in the darkest night, sparkling and winking mysteriously in his inert eyes. In stark contrast to the rest of his appearance his eyes are particularly enchanting objects that either enchant or terrify the observer depending on the context.

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