Kora Thane grew up as a refugee from the clone wars, planetless and driven into a life of crime and piracy by the desperate needs of survival. Joining a small pirate crew as a teenager, Kora survived and even prospered, picking up the skills, bravado and ambition necessary for a life amongst pirates and thieves.
Unfortunately, Kora's ambition outstripped her other abilities, and she attempted to install herself as a pirate captain by leading a mutiny against her own captain. Kora lost the resulting mutiny, and her enraged captain sold her to Whaffa the Hutt as fresh meat for a gladiatorial contest against a starving Nexu.
Miraculously, Kora managed to best the beast, and Whaffa rewarded her victory with a pardon. Kora staggered out of Waffas arena, and spent her winnings on having the creature's pelt fashioned into an intimidating set of trophy armour. Although technically a free woman, Kora has few friends and fewer credits, and now spends her time lurking around the fringes of Oogways' criminal underbelly, waiting for the opportunity to rise to prominence.
Pride and ambition mingle in Kora, who aims to make a name for herself and establish a legend.
Although she is a criminal by upbringing and inclination, she will stick by her comarades and allies, both out of genuine affection and becasue everyone has to draw a line somewhere.
Score to Settle/Betrayal (5) - Kora's attempted mutiny still blackens her reputation, and people might be wary of her as a result. More than that, her former pirate crew are still out there, and might have a score to settle if she encounters them or their allies.
Kora's has jet black hair and pantoran family markings on her face, which is weatherbeaten and glitters with ambition and cunning. She treats life with a brash arrogance and aims to overcome her problems through fair means or foul.
Her armour is intricate, sturdy plastisteel armour with fresh green paint, which constrasts with the white pelt of a nexu which she wears around her shoulders: a souvenier of her failed attempt to install herself as a pirate captain.