175 starting XP, +5 for extra 5 Obligation, 180 to spend.
90 for Brawn 4
20 for Agility 2
20 for Intellect 2
10 for Perception 2
5 for Gearhead
5 for Toughened
5 for Fine Tuning
10 for Solid Repairs
15 for Enduring
Species skill choices:
Career: Athletics Computers Mechanics Perception Vigilance Ranged Light
Spec: Mechanics Skullduggery Brawl
5 additional Obligation to gain 1000 extra credits.
700cr. Custom Tool Kit, integrated into hands (from Stay on Target, grant a boost Dice to the user for whom the tools where made on any maintenance checks for items, computers, weapons, vehicles and starships)
500cr. extra chassis plating aka Padded Armor
75cr. 3 EMG repair patches
50cr. Hardened steel hands aka Brass Knuckles x 2
50cr. Gyroscopic stabilisers aka Backpack
100cr. Personal Transponder (deactivated)
25cr. Comlink integrated.
Advancement objectives:
Mechanics 3, Vigilance 3, Ranged Light 3, 2 more Solid Repairs, 1 Fine Tuning, Hold Together, Dedication.
Long term goals:
Probably the Shipwright spec, otherwise the Droid Specialist but that depends on how many talents can be used on ones self.