How did you discover your force sensitivity?
Xim did not know until he reached the Praxeum. One night he had an overwhelming urge to leave home and wandered the galaxy for a bit following nothing more than a hunch and intuition. Eventually he landed at the Praxeum and was told he was Force sensitive.
Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
A local land baron had a tendency of evicting people for any sort of non-payment, and taking whatever he wanted to recoup his "losses". Occasionally he would go so far as to take their children to sell into slavery. Illegal, but who is going to care in the slums. One evening after closing shop, Xim went to talk to him about it. Tried to convince him that he could make more money with a bit of leeway. When the guy wouldn't agree, Xim decided the families under the baron would be much better off if their exorbitant houses costs suddenly went away, and threw the man off a balcony. He took the land deeds and gave them to the families and absorbed the whole neighborhood into his families district.
How did you come to join the NJO?
----------How: an accident. I was brought to Yavin by the Force and had the ability and temperament to join. When he saw what the Jedi were he realized this was an opportunity to be more than he ever could have at home. These people change the fate of the whole galaxy, and the least among them has probably changed the fate of at least one planet. He also had nowhere to go now that his family was dead, and was probably safe from whoever did it. ---------------
Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
My sister Khala is one of the only other surviving members of my family. She was primed from birth to take over the family business. She is strong and strict, she won't suffer fools or failure.
Describe a moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral strength despite adversity.
Xim spent the last year in the underbelly of Coruscant. He lived among people so poor the even the land barons don't bother. These people have so little you can't take anything away, even slavery would be preferable. Xim lived with them and shared their sorrow, and he taught them to make things better. No sun, but he showed them some ways to grow edible plants that could survive, and did odd jobs above to earn money to get something things set up. And he showed them (feng shui) and how simple changes to their living space could help.
Xim is the son of a relatively small crime boss on Coruscant. They live on a level low enough to not be noticed by the elite, but high enough to smell their exhaust. His family would never be mistaken for nice, but they have a great respect for the responsibilities they have. They care for the people in their zone, will "take care" of problems outside of it, and try to expand in a dignified manner. They are big enough to be safe from upstarts, but small enough to not be a threat to the big guys, for whom they often do jobs.
Xim was not bred to lead the next generation, that fell to his sister, Khala. His position when he left was running an electronics store that was used as a front for the family. He never had a head for negotiations or customer relations, but honestly it wasn't needed. ------------ His position never sat well with Xim, he felt he could do more than be a store keeper, but that was the position his father gave him and the man was very strict when it came to the business. If the old man felt he could be more use somewhere else he would move him, and not a moment before. He knew he wouldn't be able to take over like his sister, it's hard to beat a woman groomed from birth for a task, but there had to be something more important he could do.---------------
About three years ago he woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Bad dream, but it felt wrong. Something was telling him to leave everything, take a ship, and leave the planet. To this day he doesn't know why he did it, but it was fortunate. After hopping a couple planets he found out that his families mansion had been destroyed; everyone dead. Everything his family had built would fall apart. Part of him wanted to return and rebuild from the ashes, but a stonger part called him forward. That part was the Force, and it led him to Yavin.
His time on Yavin was spent in training, and always he felt this nagging need to not hold onto the past. He stopped wearing his war shield, he kept nothing. A spartan room and the clothes he needed. A single blade that he carried when away from the temple.
A year ago he recieved a mysterious package containing an armored jacket and a note that said, "tweet tweet tweet." As children, Khala and Xim would use a bird call to let the other know the coast was clear when they snuck out. She was alive, and knew that he was. She was calling him home. He asked to use his old ship to go home and check on her, and was granted permission.
He arrived on Coruscant, feeling uneasy as he approached. *********Something told him it wasn't the time. The past needs to remain their until he is prepared. Instead he set down deep in the lower reaches, past where the sun shines.******* Why was she contacting him so openly, and asking to meet on the planet everything was taken from them? He decided to do a bit of sneaking around, but needed to hide first. Go somewhere he wasn't known. He set down on one of the lower levels, past where the sun shines. ------------Some people lived down there than he could ever have imagined possible, but they were like half people, emaciated and near feral. They must have sensed no danger from him, for they didn't attack. Instead they offered him shelter and food. In return he stayed and shared their sorrow. Eventually he taught them some tricks to survive and maybe even thrive, though the meaning is different than normal. --------------He never forgot his goal, but it didn't seem as important.----------------
During this time he felt a pull to a spot nearby, a place where things seemed to flow better. People in the area seemed happier and more 'well'. He spent a month trying to figure out the draw of the place, and he did. Somehow, who knows how long ago, an Ilum crystal was left, or dropped. It felt old, and like it had shared a kinship with someone else. But it also felt drawn to him as much as he was drawn to it. It felt wrong to disturb the place, but just as wrong to leave it. He took it with him and built a lightsaber with it. But the oasis didn't diminish, if anything it felt more vibrant, like an oath fulfilled. Xim decided then that it was time to return to the praxeum and leave the past at rest for a little longer.
Obligation: 5 Nemesis. Somebody tried to wipe out my family and almost succeeded. Big note: Khala is his nemesis and being the family murders but Xim doesn't know.
Strength: Compassion. Xim cares about the people of his community. The lower echelons of society are often overlooked, but not by him.
Weakness: Vengeance. Caring for others, especially victims, can lead the character to desire revenge against those who made them suffer. Only when such targets are tracked down and brought low can balance be restored.
--------Is against large government, think they create too many inefficiencies.
Wants to prove that he has more value than just a cog in his family's business.------------
Brownish-green skin. 6'3''. Wears a beautiful red and black form fitted jacket that was sent to him by his sister. Has set aside his war shield as a relic of his past but adopted a conical hat of straw because a bare head felt too weird.