Given to the Jedi at a young age, Alyssa excelled as a youngling and quickly found a master when it came time for her to advance to the rank of padawan. She found herself most called to the art of lightsaber combat, in particularly the agile and lethal form known as Ataru.
Then came the Mandalorian Wars. She yearned to go, and was ready to run away to the Revanities when her master, Li'so'kan, stopped her. They nearly came to blows, and Alyssa walked back into the temple ashamed. She saw the terrible carnage of the Jedi Civil War, fighting in a few limited battles (and was then assigned to the archive to recuperate), until Dantooine. There she lost her master, her home, and very nearly her life. She was taking a group of younglings through the archive when the first turbolaser blasts rained down. Saving what artefacts were nearby, she led the group of younglings through the archives, fighting through Sith landing parties, and hijacked one of their landing shuttles. Through some impressive flying, she was able to make it orbit and fly straight to Coruscant.
There, she found herself back in the good graces of the Jedi Council - and that the war was over. Soon enough, in recognition of her heroics, she was invited to participate in the Knighting ceremony about to happen on the planet Illum.
Cause - Restore the Jedi.
Alyssa weeps for what has happened to the Order that was all she called home for most of her life. She seeks answers to what is hunting her, and the other Jedi, and to restore what has been lost.
Left blank for duty/obligation, etc.
Compassion/Hatred 44
A woman of average height, with long blonde hair and pale skin. Her most noticeable feature is the band of cloth tied around her eyes, and below that the fact that she has none - she is a Miraluka. Beneath her green robes is a body suited to the acrobatics of Ataru, not the crush and press of Shi-Cho.
Her lightsaber is covered in carvings, and its blade a resplendent silver. She carries several relics taken from the Jedi Archives on Dantooine, which she takes pains to conceal. Beside her is a beat-up old pit droid, often attempting to whistle a jaunty tune through its limited vocabulator.