Weapons & Armor
MMD-18 Molecular Dagger: Ignores 2 points of armour. A check that generates 3 Threat or a Despair shatters the blade.
CS14 "Ghost" Light Blaster Pistol: Finding this pistol requires a Daunting Perception Check or a Daunting Computers Check. Can be set to Stun in order to deal Strain Damage instead of Wounds.
Ayelix/Krongbing Climbsuit: +1 to Soak, upgrades the ability of your checks to climb or rappel down a surface once.
Personal Gear
Agent's Bag: Contains secret compartments and can conceal items. This bag holds a Concealed Climbing Cord and a Dart Gun.
Cyanoxis D-570: One dose requires a target to make a Hard Resiliance check. If they fail, this inflicts 2 wounds and 1 strain immediately, plus 1 wound and 1 strain for 10 days or until the target dies. Each Threat generates 1 additional strain, and Despair increases the number of days the poison stays in effect by one.
SoroSuub MX Ultra Pocket Datapad: A combination of a communications device, holo messenger, handheld computer and personal database. Can be encrypted, and contains an emergency data destruct to wipe its memory if it is lost or stolen.
Handheld Commlink