Xet Industries Model C "Fiver" Self-Defense Pistol Enc 2 HP 0 (1)
Filed Front Sight HP Req 1: Innate Quick Draw Talent. Increase difficulty to hit targets beyond short range by 1.
Heavy Robes Enc 0 (1)
Personal Gear
magnifying goggles. enc 0
BlasTech Model 58 Concealment Holster enc 0
* Add 1 setback dice to Perception checks to discover a light blaster or holdout pistol concealed by the holster
Tool Belt Enc 3
*Wearer counts as having a tool kit. Per encounter, may draw a tool from the belt as an incidental.
Utility Belt Enc + 1
Backpack Enc + 4
Extra Reload Enc 1
3 extra blaster pistols
Assets & Resources
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Mental Tools
Always cout as having the right tools for the job when making Mechanics checks.
Drall Special Ability
In addition to using his skill or characteristic rating, a Drall adds 1 boost die to the dice pool when providing skilled assistance.
Technical Aptitude
Reduce time needed to complete Computer-related tasks by 25% per rank in Technical Aptitude.
Force Powers
Force Rating
Spend 1 force pip to cause one vehicle or starship he is engaged with to recover one System Strain
When making a Mechanics skill check, the user may roll a Manipulate power check as part of the pool and may spend 1 force pip to gain success or advantage (user's choice) on the check
Commit 1 force die. One damaged weapon or item counts as being undamaged
commit 1 force die. Increase the System Strain Threshold of one vehicle or starship at Engaged range by 3 per force die committed.
The User may spend 1 force pip to heal a number of wounds equal to his intellect in an engaged droid
Spend 1 force pip to increase the power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Grew up orphaned on some backwash planet in the outer rim. It was years before he made it halfway across the planet to the nearest village. Has never been to any core planets or systems until recently, and is a little nervous around large crowds of people. For the longest time the only friends he had were the ones he created to not go insane. Which worked. To an extent.
Power: He craves it. He know what he has to do, but doesn't know if he has the strength to do it.
Expertise: He wants to make the best goods. Not just best in town, or best in the system. He wants to be the best in the galaxy.
Independence: He believes in relying on himself because he (and his creations) are the only ones he know he can trust.
Coldness: Self -reliance can slip into isolation if one is not careful. A cold character doesn't just desire to rely only on himself, but has nothing but disinterest for anyone else. If they can't help themselves why should he aid them.
Often bitter. Short, chocolaty brown, and a gravelly voice. You'll almost never see him without his magnifying goggles around his neck.