Nez'kileta'lize was born and raised on his mother, Nez'eileen'pifle's, smuggling ship. All he knows about his father is that he was an Imperial Intelligence worker who stayed a single night. He spent the first 5 and a half years of his life aboard her rigger, finding he had a knack for working on ships. He spent most of his time tinkering with various projects and researching whatever subject had currently captured his interest. He developed an aptitude for self education, something his mother encouraged.
He finally went his own way purely by chance. Eileen worked with a pirate captain by the name of Kovu, and when Zekileta saw the potential in the pirate's ship, he couldn't resist. He snuck aboard, and immediately went to work, tweaking the hyperdrive, before moving on to other improvements.
Naturally, he was caught swiftly, but rather than be sent back, his improvements amused, and impressed Kovu enough to earn a spot in his crew, provided his mother gave permission.
He spent the next 3 years working on Kovu's ship, settling into his role as engineer, medic and know it all. He developed a strong respect the Captain over these years.
It all came crashing down when Kovu was captured. Fixer 13 had spent so much time trying to keep the ship intact during that firefight, and refused to leave his station even as the damage reached catastrophic levels. Kovu found him with his face badly burned, still attempting to keep the ship together. The Captain was determined that Zeke would not go down with him.
The next thing Zeke remembers is crawling out of an escape pod just in time to watch his pride and joy be scuttled.
He assumed Kovu had died, and spent the next five months wandering from place to place, plying his abilities, but never touching another ship. His misery persisted until one day he received a call from Eileen. Apparently an old friend had been making waves in Lantilles.
The character loves to work with a specific type of machine, sometimes to the point of exculding all others, be it firearms, starhips, droids, or some other more esoteric branch of technology. The character seeks out new information and the latest news pertaining to this area of fascination and knows the intricacies of various models and minute differences between them. The character might have favourite models, but this singular obsession is not usually limited to one specific object or design.
Individually, the lone agents of the Alliance don't stand a chance against the combined might of the Galactic Empire. Only by working together can they hope to achieve a victory in this civil war. This PC is devoted to helping fellow Rebels fulfill their Duties by providing whatever assistance they need. Although he might not get the same amount of reward or recognition as the people he is helping, the PC has many more opportunities than his fellows to fulfill his Duty to the Rebellion