IG-2245 is a former Imperial assault droid that got destroyed during a war. Vol Vuuzlu salvaged and repaired the droid, freeing its enslaved consciousness during the process. Even though IG-2245 is free from the Imperial restrains, old habits die hard and it usually solves conflicts by blasting through them.
Mayhem: IG-2245 derives fulfillment through destruction. It seldom passes up a chance to cause conflict and confusion in its work, even to the possible detriment of its own well-being. Extreme examples of this may even be forms of corrupted programming.
Debt (20): After waking up to their new life, IG-2245 made a deal with some notorious arms dealers gaining a substantial debt that they never intended to pay back.
IG-2245 is a bulky droid that has a Heavy Blaster Rifle attached to its left arm. The droid lacks any sense of humor and its first instinct is blast first, ask questions never. Even though IG-2245 has violent tendencies, especially against Imperial forces, it listens to its crew members and cools down when asked.