Kaz lives a lonely life, in his people's eyes he has gone rogue. His pack was enlisted by a Hutt to deal with a rogue mining operation, unfortunately it had gone rogue because the Empire had gotten involved. 4 entire regiments of Stormtroopers died on that asteroid before imperial command gave up, unfortunately that wasn't the last Kaz and his pack would suffer at the hands of those Imperials. The pack retreated to a nearby planet, to one of the major cities. Imperials got word and under the guise of stopping terrorism the Imperials bombarded the city from orbit. The majority of the population was killed, including the Imperials intended target of Ganks, Kaz was the only Gank survivor. He swore an oath to eliminate every single Imperial there that day and the best people to do that with are the Rebels themselves.
Works as muscle, and a sneak, digging up dirt for others, often finding out too much.
Found a small Marksman-H Combat Remote Droid, it was hiding in an abandoned shop, had been for years, was once owned by a Jedi. It recognised Kaz had an affinity for Sabers and has begun teaching Kaz how to use a Lightsaber. That little Droid and all its quirks where oblivious to the destruction it could be setting in motion. Without the proper teachings of a Jedi, Kaz was completely unaware discipline and emotional control was needed. His use of anger and hate, focused intently on the empire, was pushing him to ever more questionable tactics.
During his time with the Rebellion Kaz has formed a close friendship with Chiss with remarkable Saber skill. Together they spar regularly, a constant game and competition to win. Kaz has a great respect for Sevrahan, her skill with technology is impressive but it's her experience using a shield with Saber that really opened the Ganks eyes to other techniques. He has since acquired a shield of his own and is practicing to utilise it amongst his forms... TwoJay disapproves.
Thrills, Credits, Cybernetics, Kaz wants them all and the Rebellion provides. Killing Imperials is nice too, particularly the officers.
His bond with his group is important, Kaz didn't have a lot growing up so finding people that respect his talents was a big thing for the Gank. He focuses on efficiency, getting the job done fast and messy.
Justice: Kaz has a strong belief in justice being served to those who need it. He has a strong moral code that people should not be exploited or enslaved, people deserve to work fairly for a fair life.
Cruelty: Unfortunately Kaz has a solid belief that people should suffer what they have forced others to suffer. He regularly humiliates those that where once in power, mocking them and causing their suffering. He will also kill without hesitation, if he believes his target to be judged guilty he will bring retribution to bear.
Conflict: 2
Duty: Elimination. Kaz excels at stalking a high value target and eliminating them, it's his contribution to the alliance to restore the republic
Dark gray fur, with a vicious toothy grin. Kaz has a mask he almost never removes, black and shaped to his face it maintains the mysticism so associated to the Gank species. Most often he is wearing his dark tight fitting heavy clothing which includes a series of layers of protective armour. His arms and legs have similar segments of Armour along them. He also wears a large dark cape. On his back he carries his shield, when drawn it's used to deflect Blaster fire and put Melee opponents off balance.
His Lightsaber is a bulky hand made device of black durasteel and plastic. The focussing array, power pack and crystal are all housed within a tube that was originally the barrel of a Blaster Rifle belonging to his father. The stock of the Rifle has been carved and reshaped into a moulded handle ideal for taking a reverse grip of the hilt. The rest of the parts where scavenged, some even coming from the original hilt Kaz found with TwoJay the marksman-H Droid. This is usually stored on his belt in a long leather case designed to conceal its contents.