TL;DR at the end.
Anton Vaol is the offspring of Pantoran immigrants who landed on Corellia. With their trading business severely hit by the onset of the Clone Wars, young Anton had an average standard of living but no luxuries. He managed to secure decent education via a CorSec scholarship for engineering, with the promise to join the corps once he concluded his studies.
Soon after joining, his initially stellar career stagnated rapidly and was passed over repeatedly for promotion due to his species in a CorSec dominated by Imperial xenophobic interests. When his hand was severely injured by an IED while on mission, he had a choice: get out with honourable discharge and severance pay or suffer in an increasingly xenophobic environment.
He chose the former, keeping his service pistol and jacket (catch vest) as mementos. Initially, he worked with his parents' trading business. Unfortunately, his father was caught up in allegations of being a Rebel sympathiser and their assets were seized. His father was shot on the scene by an over-eager CorSec recruit accompanying the stormtroopers onsite and his mother was detained and left to rot in an imperial prison, soon passing away. Anton managed to avoid being detained as he was on his family's vessel at the time, using all his available resources to get to the Outer Rim, get some supplies and lay low.
Disillusioned and bitter with the Empire's oppression thinly masqueraded as peace-keeping, he decided it was time to help the Rebel Alliance for real. But fate had other ideas. After some low-level missions with a resistance cell, about a year after the battle of Yavin while helping secure medical resources and intelligence, a botched hyperspace jump had him emerge in the Red Nebula rather than his intended rendezvous point with other Alliance elements.
The rough ride forced him to eject his cargo on his way down, crash-landing on an unknown world. Anton survived the crash -barely- with most of his kit and supplies lost in the process. His priorities now shifted radically, he managed to survive for the last 4 and a half years cut out from the rest of the galaxy...
TL;DR: Pantoran CorSec officer retires after accident, with his family soon perishing and its assets are seized by the Empire after allegations of working with the Rebels. Anton decides to actually do something about it and after fleeing to the Outer Rim, he helps the Rebels. A botched hyperspace jump circa 1 ABY has him arrive in the Red Nebula and crash-lands. Survives but barely and has no outside contact for the past 4.5 years
Ambition: Expertise
Anton's wits and being methodical have served him well in the past and has repeatedly earned respect due to his prowess with mechanics. His ego is stroked by knowing his usually the smartest person in the room and feels he earns the right to be heard by bringing mechanical expertise to the table.
As such, he seeks to further his knowledge of mechanics and cybernetics in particular and always favours smart and elegant solutions.
Addiction 10 (+5, 1000 credits) : Anton uses his cybernetics to occasionally stimulate his nerves with controlled jolts. Usually this works ok but sometimes the sense of euphoria and stimulation doesn't kick in, leaving him cranky.
The blue skinned and white haired Pantoran has the casually imposing presence of someone who knows they can face whatever the galaxy throws at them. Tall and lean in his early 30s, he's a bit dishevelled from his most recent circumstances.
Dressed in blue pants and, grey waist-length CorSec jacket (w/o any insignia) with silver details and black leather boots and holster, he never kicked the habit of dressing in what is essentially a uniform. He added a typical blue mechlab coat-robe with heavy fabric on top for practicality, but Anton is still very much the CorSec officer on the run he was all these years ago.