Was a space luchador on nar shada.
Worthy Opponent: The character requires a worthy fore and wants to fight against a nemesis worthy of the name. This character seeks to test themself on the field of battle against multiple opponents or a seasoned force user. the challegne has to be worth the character's attention, and the may seek a specific opponent, such as a Sith or the Emporer himself.
Independence: The character believes in relying on himself. He does not count on others to perform tasks for him. Instead, he ensures he can handle any situation he encounters. He refuses to be a burden on others.
Coldness: Self-reliance can slip into isolation if one is not careful. A cold character doesn't just desire to rely only on himself, but has nothing but disinterest for anyone else. If they can't help themselves, why shiould he aid them?
6'6 300lbs