ST-RE by DroidDreamer

Fifth Degree Labor Droid
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 28
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 4
Melee 4

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 4
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 1
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) X 4
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 0
Survival (Cun) X 3
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 2
Gunnery (Ag) X 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 5
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 1
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield
Defensive 3, Deflection 3, Knockdown, Concussive, Disorient 2, Stun 5
Project Bulwark Shield (Only Equipped if Declared)
Defensive 3, Deflection 3
Fusion Cutter
Breach 1, Burn 3, Sunder, Vicious 3


Weapons & Armor

--ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor (Customizable Armor) 2 Soak, 0 Defense, +1 Melee Defense, 3 Enc., 6 Hard Points, Special Embellishment (Resilience) and Sealable.
├─+1 Hard Point from Tinkerer Talent.
├─Superior Armor Customization: +1 Soak & -1 Enc.
├─Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System Attachment: 2 HP, +5 Enc. Threshold w/ two +1 Enc. Threshhold Mods & +1 Athletics Skill Rank Mod
├─Strength Enhancing System: 2 HP, +1 Brawn w/ two Brace Talent Mods & +1 Athletics Skill Rank Mod
├─Vacuum Sealed: 1 HP, Protects against adverse atmospheric environments;
├─Radiation Shielding: 1 HP, +2 Boost to Resilience vs radiation w/ two +1 Soak vs Radiation Mods

--ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield (Integrated into Cybernetic Leg Appendage): 1 Enc., Damage +0, Crit 5, Deflection 3, Defensive 3, Knockdown.
├─+1 Hard Point from Tinkerer Talent.
├─Custom Grip: Remove 1 Setback with +1 Accuracy Mod
├─Shield Discharge Pack: When wielder suffers hit from Melee, Brawl, or Lightsaber combat check, may spend 2 Threats or 1 Despair to cause attacker to suffer 3 strain, ignoring soak, with 2 Disorient Mods and 1 Defensive Stance Talent Mod
├─Weighted Head Attachment: +1 Damage w/ one +1 Damage Mod and one Concussive 1 Mod
├─Stun Pulse: +2 Stun w/ three +1 Stun Mods.
--Vibrosaw: +4 Damage, Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 2
--Fusion Cutter Toolkit (Integrated into Cybernetic Arm Appendage): Enc. 1, Damage 5, Crit 3, Breach 1, Burn 3, Sunder, Vicious 3. Functions as Toolkit. Safety Features: Add 1 Advantage to Mechanics checks.
--Claw Attack (Unarmed): Damage 4, Crit 5, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting

--Laminate Armor (appears as mining armor plates): Soak 2; Enc. 3.
--Mechanics Utility Suit (not equipped): Soak 2; Enc. 2; counts as toolkit. Custom Fit Attachment: Remove 1 Setback from Athletics and Stealth checks.

--Riot Shield (Equipped as Durasteel Mining Shield): Enc. 5, Damage 4, Crit 6, Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Disorient 1;
--Project Bulwark Shield: Enc. 1, Damage 5, Crit 5, Defensive 3, Deflection 3 (Only equipped if declared)

Personal Gear

--Mk.3 Modular Pack w/ +6 pouches (installed as internal storage): +8 Enc. Threshhold
--Military Belt Pouch (2)
--Utility Belt (installed as internal storage): +1 Enc.
--Surveyor's Bag (installed as internal storage): +2 Enc.
--Spacer's Duffel (installed as internal storage): +2 Enc.
--Load-Bearing Gear (installed as external storage): +3 Enc.
--Recycling Bin (Wizard Pouch; installed as external storage): +1 Enc. w/ +10 Annoy The Shit Out of Weiss Mods [Prohibited by SFL GMs; but I can still imagine it!]
--Metallic Mini Keg (externally mounted; filled with Corellian whiskey): 1 Enc.

LOAD LIFT CAPACITY: 35 Enc. Threshold
12 Enc. Threshold, +7 Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System, +8 Mk.3 Modular Pack w/ +6 pouches, +8 Enc. Threshhold, +1 Utility Belt, +3 Load-Bearing Gear, +2 Surveyor's Bag and +2 Spacer's Duffel

--Foot Speeder (Re-skinned as Droid Repulsorlift Engines): Enc. 4, Sil. 1, Speed 1, Handling -1, System Strain Threshold 4

--Impant Armor: +1 Soak
--ST-RE's Utility Articulator Appendage with Magnetic Clamp and Blast Door Lockpick (Cybernetic Appendage Arm (Agility)) with Integrated Tools (Athletics & Skullduggery) and Inbuilt Weapon (ST-RE's Fusion Cutter Toolkit)
--ST-RE's Heavy Repulsorlift Engine with Energy Reclamation System and Space Impeller Thrusters (Cybernetic Appendage Leg (Brawn)) with Integrated Tools (Resilience & Survival) and Inbuilt Weapon (ST-RE's Mining Shield)
--Structural Reinforcement with Vital Systems Corrosive Sealing (Resilience), Memory Core Armor Plating (Resilience), Rear Aquatic Propeller (Survival), Repulsor Clamp Anchors (Survival), Short Burst Rocket Boosters (Athletics) and Synthrope Pulley System (Athletics) (Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) with Integrated Tool (Resilience) (2), Integrated Tool (Survival) (2), Integrated Tool (Athletics) (2))

--Cargo Scanner: Make an Average Computers check to increase Enc. Threshold on Sil. 3+ Vehicles . 1 Enc.
--Fusion Lantern (Externally Mounted on Chassis): Enc. 2
--Glow Rod (2) (Installed): Enc. 1 each
--Long Range Comlink (Installed) 2 Enc.
--Climbing Gear (2) (Synthrope Spool) (Installed) 1 Enc. each
--Climbing Gear (Liquid Cable Dispenser) (Installed) 1 Enc.
--DF-15 Fusion Generator (Externally Mounted on Chassis) 4 Enc.; Spend 1 maneuver to recharge weapon or item that has lost power.
--ST'RE's Mini-Fridge (Small Specimen Container) 1 Enc.
--ST-RE's Caf-Toaster-Grill (Survival): 1 Enc. +1 Compact; +1 to Survival checks to cook
--Synthrope: Enc. 1 (Carried)
--Emergency Distress Beacon (6): +2 Boosts to Locate; Planetary orbit range

Assets & Resources

--Safety Features Toolkit: 4 Enc. Add 1 Advantage to Mechanics checks.

--Field Repulsor Hoist: May lift up to silhouette 4 vehicle up to 2 meters off the ground. To move or rotate, make an Athletics check with a difficulty equal to the silhouette. Enc. 3
--Specimen Container (Large (10 Enc.)) (10)
--Specimen Container (Large (15 Enc.)) (10)
--Repulsor Clamp (2) 3 Enc. each
--Repulsor Assist Unit: Reduces difficulty to climb by 2, to minimum of 0. May attach to cargo to reduce encumbrance by 7. Enc. 1
--Military Pack (NOT installed as internal storage): +6 Enc., Cumbersome 2

--Corellian Whiskey (25) Bottle Case

Critical Injuries & Conditions

--Laminate Armor 2500cr
--Four Toolkits Crafting Attempts (Result: Fusion Cutter Toolkit and Safety Features Toolkit) 200cr
--DF-15 Fusion Generator
--Cargo Scanner 1 Enc. 300cr
--Specimen Container (Large (10 Enc.)) (10) 500cr
--Specimen Container (Large (15 Enc.)) (10) 1500cr
--Repulsor Clamp (2) 3 Enc. each 500cr
--Climbing Gear (Synthrope Spool) (Installed) 1 Enc. 50cr
--Long Rang Comlink (Installed) 2 Enc. 200cr
--Corellian Whiskey (25) Bottle Case 500cr
--Repulsor Assist Unit: Reduces difficulty to climb by 2, to minimum of 0. May attach to cargo to reduce encumbrance by 7.
--Emergency Distress Beacon (6): +2 Boosts to Locate; Planetary orbit range. 300cr total
--Military Belt Pouch 10cr
--ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield 40cr
--ST-RE's Customizable Armor (ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor) 1000cr
--Weighted Head Attachment for ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield: 250cr
--Weighted Head Attachment +1 Damage Mod 50cr
--Weighted Head Attachment Concussive Mod 50cr
--Stun Pulse Attachment for ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield: 250cr
--Stun Pulse Attachment +1 Stun Mod: 50cr
--Stun Pulse Attachment +1 Stun Mod: 50cr
---Stun Pulse Attachment +1 Stun Mod: 50cr
--Strength Enhancing System Brace Mod: 50cr
--Strength Enhancing System Brace Mod: 50cr
--Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System +1 Enc. Threshold Mod: 50cr
--Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System +1 Enc. Threshold Mod: 50cr
--Radiation Shielding Attachment: 500cr
--Radiation Shielding Increase Soak Vs Radiation Mod: 50cr
--Radiation Shielding Increase Soak Vs Radiation Mod: 50cr
--Structural Reinforcement (Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) 750cr
--SOLD: Laminate Armor for 3000cr
--Climbing Gear (Synthrope Spool) 50cr
--Climbing Gear (Liquid Cable Dispenser) 50cr
--2 Disorient Mods and 1 Defensive Stance Mod 150cr
--Strength Enhancing System Attachment +1 Athletics Mod 50cr
--Repulsor-Assisted Lifting Attachment +1 Athletics Mod 50cr
--Repulsor Field Hoist 550cr
--Custom Grip 500cr
--Accuracy Mod on Custom Grip 50cr
--Repulsor Clamp (2) 500cr
--Glow Rod 10cr
--Military Pouch 10cr
--Spacers Duffet 50cr
--Wizard Pouch 50cr
--Mk. Pack +6 pocches 165cr
--Vibrosaw 1500cr

--6 Hours for Four Toolkits Crafting Attempts
--13 hours for planet-side sale of 3 Customizable Armor sets and 2 Blaster Pistols. Droid's Night Out with R5, TC6 and ST.
--4 hours ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield 40 credits
--14 hours Cybernetic Appendage Leg (Brawn) (ST-RE's Heavy Repulsorlift Engine)
--16 hours Cybernetic Appendage Arm (Agility) (ST-RE's Utility Ariticulator Appendage)
--2 Hours for Customizable Armor (ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor)
--10 Hours for Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) crafted by R5-D6 for ST-RE
--7 Hours to sell ST-RE's Laminate Armor with TC-6.

--------TOTAL 72 Hours--------


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Physical Training (2) Add 1 Blue per rank of Physical Training to Athletics and Resilience checks
Toughened (7) Add +2 Wound Threshold per rank in Toughened
Grit Add +1 Strain Threshold per rank in Grit
Enduring (Droid Species Ability) +1 Soak
Durable (4) Reduce Critical Injury rolls by 10 per rank (40 Total)
Armor Master +1 Soak
Tinkerer (2) +1 Hard Point to ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor (Customizable Armor) and ST-RE's Heavy Mining Shield
Heroic Fortitude Spend Destiny Point to ignore the effects of Critical Injuries to Brawn and Agility checks
Armor Master (Improved) When wearing armor with Soak 2 or higher, Increase Defense by 1
Body Guard (2) Once per round, take 1 Strain up to ranks in Body Guard (2) perform Body Guard Maneuver to guard engaged ally, upgrading attack difficulty vs that ally by same number
Conditioned (2) Remove 2 Setback per ranks in Conditioned from Athletics and Coordination checks
Body Guard (Improved) Once per session, when an ally protected by Body Guard suffers a hit, suffer the hit instead
Body Guard (Supreme) Body Guard may protect # of engaged allies up to ranks in Resilience
Dedication (2) +1 Brawn, +1 Cunning
Brace (2) Strength Enhancing System Spend a maneuver to remove 1 Setback per rank of Brace (2 Total) from envirnomental conditions
Defensive Talent Shield Discharge Pack Spend maneuver and suffer 1 Strain to upgrade difficulty of all melee attacks until start of next turn.
Resolve Suffer 1 Strain less per rank of Resolve (2 total) when Strain loss is involuntary
Moving Target If character has already acted this round, add +1 Ranged Defense
Natural Outdoorsman Once per session, re-roll Resilience or Survival
Unstoppable If Critical is a 1 or reduced to 1, no Critical recieved
Unmatched Courage: Signature Ability (Base) 1/Session, spend 2 destiny points to ignore the effects of Criticals for 2 rounds
Unmatched Courage: Survior (2) While Unmatched Courage is active, +2 Boost to repair criticals
Unmatched Courage: Increased Effect While Unmatched Courage is active, can covert Wount Threshold to Strain Threshold damage
Unmatched Courage: See It Through While Unmatched Courage is active, does not become incapacitated when wounds exceed Wound Threshold
Unmatched Courage: Too Tough To Die When Unmatched Courage ends, make Hard Resilience check to repair one crit, plus 1 crit per Triump
Unmatched Courage: Duration (2) +4 rounds to Unmatched Courage duration (6 rounds total)
Contraption Once per session, take a Contraption Action to make a hard Mechanics check to solve current problem using just the tools at hand.


ST-RE ("Ess Tee") was a custom-made repulsorlift-driven Fifth Degree labor droid originally manufactured to assist in combat troop operations by carrying heavy loads into war zones, bulkhead breach support using a Fusion Cutter to cut through the most stubborn defenses, and to provide vehicle, mechanical and droid repairs and maintenance in the field of battle. He was designed, built and pushed into service with components made to be simple to maintain, upgrade and configure, providing onboard storage capacity available for easy access by troops, support personnel and other droids relying on ST-RE for support.

After the Clone Wars, ST-RE was purchased as military salvage, reprogrammed and upgraded by a group known as Slammer Squad, a team of human and humanoid resistance fighters that took on the Empire long before the creation of the Rebel Alliance. Slammer Squad was an effective jack-of-all-trades outfit that fomented rebellion behind enemy lines, ambushed Imperial forces and made off with Imperial hardware. Fighting along side Slammer Squad in the early years of the resistance, ST-RE worked as a mobile-assist support platform, participating in smash and grab operations, sabotage of Imperial facilities and providing heavy lift support in combat, dry docks and cargo shipping operations.

Eventually, Slammer Squad became such a nuisance to the Empire that overwhelming Imperial resources were dedicated to smashing Slammer Squad into oblivion. Imperial Intelligence tracked Slammer Squad to the Cophrigin System, an uninhabited star system comprised of five planets, in the Ash World Sector of the Outer Rim. When the Empire finally located Slammer Squad on Cophrigin V, the resistance fighters ordered ST-RE to flee into the forested mountains away from the Imperial onslaught and report mission status to other resistance cells.

The Empire destroyed Slammer Squad and ST-RE was left marooned on Cophrigin V for five years. ST-RE learned self-sufficiency on that uninhabited planet as he kept himself repaired and scavenged for parts among the ruins of Slammer Squad's space transport.

He was attempting to rebuild the emergency beacon on Slammer Squad's destroyed space transport, when he he was found by a Sector Force Lantiles scout and survey team. Though at times cagey and rude, the droid resolved to keep his biological squad mates safe from harm, firing up his Fusion Cutter at the mere thought of those who would do them harm.



**ST-RE Motivation: Relationship: Droid Sidekick:** The droid character is extremely loyalty to the team he serves alongside, putting the care, safety or happiness of the droid’s allies above the droid’s own regardless of the droid’s make, model or design. The droid is motivated to be a droid sidekick to the ally heroes of the mission, playing a secondary, supporting role to the heroes.

**ST-RE Duty: Support:** ST-RE was built for supporting the Rebel Alliance with heavy labor, load-lifting, logistics, mining and other support capabilities such as Mechanics and Computers.


**ST-RE Athletics Check:** Conditioned Talent: Remove 2 Setback; Physical Training Talent: +2 Boost; Strength Enhancement System & Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System: +2 Skill Ranks; Structural Reinforcement with Short Burst Rocket Boosters and Synthrope Pulley System (Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) with Integrated Tool (Athletics) (2)); ST-RE's Utility Articulator Appendage with Magnetic Clamp (Agility Arm Appendage with Integrated Tool (Athletics)). !roll [ppppppabb]

**ST-RE Resilience Check:** Natural Outdoorsman: Once per session, re-roll Resilience; Physical Training Talent: +2 Boost; ST-RE's Heavy Repulsorlift Engine with Energy Reclamation System (Brawn Leg Appendage with Integrated Tool (Resilience); ST-RE Structural Reinforcement with Vital Systems Corrosive Sealing and Memory Core Armor Plating (Cybernetic Implant (Resilience) with Integrated Tools (Resilience) (2)): +1 Skill Rank; ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor (Vacuum Sealed, Radiation Shielding & Armor Embellishment): immune to adverse atmospheric environments, +2 Boosts and +2 Soak vs Radiation and +1 Advantage; !roll [pppppaabb][a]

**ST-RE Heavy Mining Shield Bash:** Damage 9, Crit 5, Knockdown, Concussive 1, Disorient 2, Stun 5 (bypasses Soak); Custom Grip Accuracy Mod: +1 Boost !roll [pppppaabdd]

**ST-RE Vibrosaw Attack:** : +11 Damage, Cumbersome 5, Pierce 2, Sunder, Vicious 2. !roll [pppppaabdd]

**ST-RE Project Bulwark Shield:** Damage 7, Crit 5, Defensive 3, Deflection 3 !roll [pppppaadd]

**ST-RE Claw Attack (Unarmed):** Damage 7, Crit 5, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting !roll [ppaaaaadd]

**ST-RE Utility Articulator Appendage Fusion Cutter Toolkit Attack:** Damage 5, Crit 3, Breach 1: Ignore one point of Armor; Burn 3: If successful, the target takes 5 Damage for 3 rounds; Sunder: Damages opposing weapon one step; Vicious 3: +30 to critical rolls !roll [pppppaadd]

**ST-RE Warfare Knowledge Check:** !roll [paaa]

**ST-RE Survival Check:** Natural Outdoorsman: Once per session, re-roll Survival. ST-RE's Heavy Repulsorlift Engine with Space Impeller Thrusters (Brawn Leg Appendage with Integrated Tool (Survival); Structural Reinforcement with Rear Aquatic Propeller and Repulsor Clamp Anchors (Cybernetics Implant (Resilience) with Integrated Tools (Survival) (2)). !roll [ppa]

**ST-RE Stealth Check:** !roll [aa]

**ST-RE Coordination Check:** Conditioned Talent: Remove 2 Setback !roll [aa]

**ST-RE Mechanics Check:** Fusion Cutter Toolkit: Safety Features: Add 1 Advantage to Mechanics checks. !roll [paaa][a]

**ST-RE Contraption Check:** Once per session, take a Contraption Action to make a hard Mechanics check to solve current problem using just the tools at hand. Fusion Cutter Toolkit: Safety Features: Add 1 Advantage to Mechanics checks. !roll [paaa][a]

**ST-RE Repair Criticals Check w/ Unmatched Courage:** Survivor Upgrade: +2 Boosts. Fusion Cutter Toolkit: Safety Features: Add 1 Advantage to Mechanics checks. !roll [paaabb][a]

**ST-RE Computer Check:** !roll [aaaa]

**ST-RE Cargo Scanner Computer Check:** Cargo Scanner: Make an Average Computers check to increase Enc. Threshold +10% on Sil. 3+ Vehicles !roll [aaaadd]

**ST-RE Cool Check:** !roll [a]

**ST-RE Knowledge Education Check:** !roll [aaaa]

**ST-RE Perception Check:** !roll [a]

**ST-RE Vigilance Check:** !roll [a]

**ST-RE Discipline Check:** !roll [a]

**ST-RE Crit Check:** !Crit

**ST-RE Destiny Roll:** !d r

**ST-RE Initiative Roll:** !init pc [a]

**ST-RE Strain Check:** !roll [a]

--Ranged/Melee Defense: +4
--Durable: Reduce Crit rolls by -40
--Unstoppable: If Critical is a 1 or reduced to 1, no Critical received
--Resolve: Suffer 1 Strain less per rank of Resolve (2 total) when Strain loss is involuntary
--Unmatched Courage: 1/Session, spend 2 destiny points to ignore the effects of Criticals for 2 rounds
--Unmatched Courage (Survivor) (2): While Unmatched Courage is active, +2 Boost to repair criticals
--Unmatched Courage: See It Through: While Unmatched Courage is active, does not become incapacitated when wounds exceed Wound Threshold
--Unmatched Courage: Too Tough To Die: When Unmatched Courage ends, make Hard Mechanics check to repair one crit, plus 1 crit per Triump
--Soak 12: +6 Brawn, +1 Enduring (Droid Species Ability), +1 Implant Armor, +1 Armor Master Talent, +3 ST-RE's Heavy Mining Droid Armor
--Heroic Fortitude: Spend Destiny Point to ignore the effects of Critical Injuries to Brawn and Agility checks
--Radiation Shielding: +2 Boost on Resilience and +2 Soak vs radiation
--Vacuum Sealed: Protects against adverse atmospheric environments
--Shield Discharge Pack: When wielder suffers hit from Melee, Brawl, or Lightsaber combat check, may spend 2 Threats or 1 Dispair to cause attacker to suffer 3 strain, ignoring soak
--Defensive Stance Talent: Spend maneuver and suffer 1 Strain to upgrade difficulty of all melee attacks until start of next turn.

**ST-RE Boost Shields Check:** If successful, vehicle suffers 1 Strain, 1 zone increases by 1 until beginning of next turn. Increase duration by 1 round per 1 success. !roll [aaaaddd]

**ST-RE Damage Control Check:** If successful, recover 1 point of System Strain or Hull Trauma per 1 Success with +1 Hull Trauma for Solid Repairs Talent. Repair Hull Trauma only 1 time per encounter. !roll [aaaadd]


ST-RE ("Ess Tee") is a repulsorlift-driven Fifth Degree Labor Droid that appears as a squarish floating chassis bristling with appendages and tools. Essentially a floating forklift with a droid brain, Ess Tee has a massive load-lifting capacity (21 Enc. Threshold: Military Pack, Utility Belt, Load-Bearing Gear and Surveyor's Bag) and specialized programming (Physical Training talent). He supports his crew with Toolkit, Fusion Cutter and Fusion Lantern which he uses tp recharge weapons and devices. The droid has a highly utilitarian feel with with internal components protected by roll-bars and locked access and a row of floodlights (Glow Rod) mounted on his chassis .

In terms of personality, ST-RE is truly a droid's droid. He communicates with a very low, rumbling form of binary but also uses the noises of servos from his many appendages to communicate emotion -- mostly anger and menace when the droid encounters enemies of his squad. Ess Tee has trouble picking up on social cues and doesn't seem to care that much about social rules and contrivances. His squad mates know him as cagey and rude and have more than once been relieved that not every in the galaxy speaks binary. He has been known to charge at anyone who he even merely perceives as a danger to his squad, Fusion Cutter blazing angrily, appendages flying, servos screeching and a spewing stream of binary-spoken invectives that would make a veteran soldier blush. Ess Tee seems happiest at work, from heavy lifting to routine maintenance, in the company of his squad and away from strangers.

Other Notes

175XP droid starting XP
+10XP from starting Duty
+20XP Age of Rebellion Sector Force starting XP (did not take Recruit)
+20XP, +10 Duty, 300cr, +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Unstabled 2-11-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty, 300cr, +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Freedom’s Beginning 2-25-2018
+20XP, +15 Duty, 300cr, +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Buried Treasure 3-11-2018
+20XP, +20 Duty, 300cr, +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Port in a Storm 3-11-2018
+30XP, +30 Duty Base, 400cr, +24 Hours Build Time from Operation ISB-napping 4-9-2018
+35XP, +15 Duty Base, 300cr (+1500cr loot), +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Hand Delivery 4-26-2018

---CR 1 (Duty 110; 355XP; 144 Hours) Bonuses: Repulsor-Assisted Lifting System and Strength Enhancing System
+25XP, +10 Duty Base, 400cr, +20 Motivation Comrades (345XP: 150%) 45 XP Total and +10 Duty: Support (110 Duty: 150%) 20 Duty Total from Operation Housebreak 5-6-2018
+30XP, +20, 400cr, from Operation Sight Inspection 5-11-2018
+5XP from Blackwright for Reschedule of Operation Two Mynocks 6-1-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty, 400cr plus 2750cr in loot from Operation Sidestep 6-1-2018
+25XP, +10 Duty Base, 400cr (+500cr loot), +24 Hours Build Time from Operation Pea Soup 6-29-2018
+5XP, +5 Duty Base, 400cr +24 Hours Build Time from Aborted Shard Operation 7-1-2018
+20XP, +20 Duty, 500cr Hours Build Time from Operation No Tag Backs 7-7-2018

---CR 2 (Duty 205; 510XP; 288 Hours) Cybernetic Appendage Arm (Agility) and Cybernetic Appendage Leg (Brawn)
+20XP, +15 Duty, NO Hours from Operation MSE-6 Mouse Droid (GM XP) 7-8-2018
+20XP, +15 Duty, NO Hours from Operation Dark Star Geyser (GM XP) 9-15-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty, 500cr, and 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Aerial Deployment 9-16-2018
+20XP, +15 Duty, NO Hours from Operation Aggressive Engineering (GM XP) 9-22-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty, +500cr, +500cr loot, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Temple 9-23-2018
+15XP, +15 Duty, +500cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Missing Persons 9-29-2018

---CR 3 (Duty 305; 635xp; 360 Hours) Implant Armor Cybernetic and Superior Armor Customization
+25XP, +15 Duty, +600cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Sandbar 10-6-2018
+25XP, +15 Duty, +600cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Juniper Boots 10-26-2018
+25XP, +15 Duty, +600cr + 1200cr loot, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Stormy Night 10-28-2018
+25XP, +15 Duty, +600cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Sacramento Nights 11-11-2018
+30XP (w/+5XP GM bonus), +25 Duty, +600cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Puppet Master 11-21-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty, +700cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Baelfire Throne 12-15-2018

---CR 4 (Duty 410; 790XP; 504 Hours) ??? and ???
+25XP, +25 Duty (20 base +5 Positive Spin), +700cr and +625cr loot, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Graverobbing 12-16-2018
+25XP, +15 Duty (15 base +5 Positive Spin), +700cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Miasmata Sicken 12-22-2018
+25XP, +20 Duty w/ Positive Spin, +700cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Broken Shackles 1-19-2019
+25XP, +10 Duty, +700cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Package Dispute 2-11-2019 <-- total bullshit mission in which my PC never got to roll a single skill check and, due to a single Despair, we turned the corner and there were 40 non-minion mobs plus a tank so we got captured.
+20XP, +20 Duty, +700cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Hamstring 3-1-2019

---CR 5 (Duty 500; 910XP; 624 Hours) (Audit Complete: 4-14-2019) ??? and ???
+25XP, +15 Duty, +800cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Nightsweats 3-30-2019.
+20XP, NO Duty, NO credits, NO Build Time from Operation KTB 4-5-2019.
+20XP, +15 Duty, +800cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Quantao 9-22-2019
+25XP, +20 Duty, +800cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Quantwo 9-29-2019
+20XP, +10 Duty, +800cr, 24 Hours Build Time from Operation Antique Shop 10-12-2019

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